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===The Albert J. Beveridge Award on the history of the United States, Latin America, or Canada, from 1492 to the present===
Ann Twinam (Univ, <i>[https://www.amazon. of Texas at Austin) for com/gp/product/0804750939/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0804750939&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=92eb6a008af900bd4344c1a36a859dc9 Purchasing Whiteness: Pardos, Mulattos, and the Quest for Social Mobility in the Spanish Indies ]</i> (Stanford Univ. Press, 2015)
===The Paul Birdsall Prize in European military and strategic history since 1870===