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===Ray Allen Billington Prize===
[[File:The_Texas_Slave.jpg|thumbnail|left|200px|<i>The Strange Career of William Ellis</i> by Karl Jacoby]]
The Billington Prize is awarded for the best book on the history of native and/or settler peoples in frontier, border, and borderland zones of intercultural contact in any century to the present and to include works that address the legacies of those zones.
Karl Jacoby, <i>[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/039323925X/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=039323925X&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=7849b607eb91bd54fd66a7d079ed924e The Strange Career of William Ellis: The Texas Slave Who Became a Mexican Millionaire]</i> (W. W. Norton & Company)