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Were Members of the Underground Railroad Criminals

5 bytes added, 05:37, 28 September 2021
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==== Harriet Tubman ====
[[File:Harriet_Tubman_by_Squyer,_NPG,_c1885.jpg|thumbnail|300px250px|left|Harriet Tubman, 1885.]]
Harriet Tubman worked tirelessly to emancipate as many chattel slaves as possible. Born as a slave in Maryland circa 1820, she escaped bondage via her own physical strength and her wits. After securing her own freedom in New York State, she made 19 further trips to the upper South to liberate her family and as many other slaves as possible. She lived as a slave, as a fugitive, and as a free woman. She was the ablest of judges. It was she who had the ability to decide which was more pleasurable as a way of life; slavery or liberty.

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