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[[File:Portrait Bust of Emperor Nero by Thomas della PortaFile:Portrait_Bust_of_the_Emperor_Nero_by_Thomas_della_Porta, the Elder_the_Elder, 1520_1520-1567, gilded bronze and marble with glass stones _gilded_bronze_and_marble_with_glass_stones_- Museum of Fine Arts_Museum_of_Fine_Arts, Springfield_Springfield, MA _MA_- DSC04144_DSC04144.JPG |200px|thumb|left|portrait bust Bust of Nero]]
Roman history was noted for having very many ‘bad’ emperors. One of the most notorious was Nero. He was the last of the Julian-Claudian dynasty and became infamous for his artistic pretensions, hedonism, and great cruelty. There are many myths about Nero, and this often obscured the reality of his reign.

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