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What is the history of creation mythologies

1 byte added, 16:57, 5 March 2020
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Conflict was a common theme in creation myths in the Near East, including great battles between gods. In Zoroastrian traditions, Gayomard was a mythical being that was killed by Jeh, a devil-like being, but from the killing of Gayomard all living life was able to spring forth, including a tree which enabled life to emerge.
====What are the some of the creation myths in Asia and Europe?====
In ancient Chinese cultures, similar to the Near East, conflict is common. Pangu was seen as a creation being that created the world out of a chaotic form (Figure 2). Initially, everything was in an egg-shaped universe that became separated by Pangu and he created the Earth, separating the balance of the cosmos and life, commonly known as Ying and Yang. Creation from chaos is perhaps the most common form of creation in other cultures.

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