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472 bytes added, 01:10, 9 January 2019
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'''Roman History'''
{{#dpl:category=* [[How did Julius Caesar rise to power?]]* [[How did Rome benefit from the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC?]]* [[How did the Emperor Trajan change the Roman History|ordermethod=firstedit|order=descending|count=8}}Empire?]]* [[How Did Cleopatra Die?]]* [[Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?]]* [[What was the impact of Spartacus' uprising on Rome?]]* [[What Role Did Inflation Play in the Collapse of the Roman Empire]]* [[How did the Etruscans shape Roman history and society?]]* [[How did Caesar's conquest of Gaul change both Rome and Gaul?]]* [[How Was Alaric Able to Sack Rome in AD 410?]] 

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