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Ten Essential Books Pertaining to the Holocaust

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'''6)''' Richard Plant, ''[ The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals]'' (New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1986).
Although three decades old, ''The Pink Triangle'' is an important work in that it deals with a non-Jewish group that was targeted for genocide. Plant adequately covers the homosexual community in Berlin prior to the Nazi rise to power. He then takes the reader chronologically through the effects of the eugenics programs on homosexuals, the sterilization of gay men, and eventual confinement in work and death camps. Interestingly, this book illustrates Hitler’s seemingly indifferent attitude towards homosexuality. Rather, Himmler was primarily responsible for enforcing Germany’s anti-homosexual laws. At the crux of Plant’s argument is that specifically male homosexuality was a deterrent to propagating a pure Aryan race. Two million German men were lost during the Great War and the Second World War was taking even more. Additionally, it was estimated that two million more of German men were homosexual, thereby causing a tremendous delay in the propagation of a pure race. This pronatalism thesis coupled with a detailed look at what the life of a homosexual was like under Hitler's rule, makes this an important study of the Holocaust.
'''7)''' Laurence Rees, ''[ Auschwitz: A New History]'' (New York: Public Affairs, 2006).

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