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To conclude, tradition states that Constantine converted to Christianity before the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 AD. Eusebius alone states that Constantine was converted and he was a Christian bishop <ref> Eusebius, Vita Constantini. Vi </ref>. Constantine was already sympathetic to Christianity before the Battle in 312 AD. and very gradually converted to Christianity. He did not receive baptism until just before his death. A prolonged conversion process was typical of the period and it was only with the onset of death that the emperor could convert. It would have been very difficult for him to rule a largely pagan population if he had become a full member of the Church. Constantine did not convert in 312 AD, but the vision of Constantine, before the Battle of the Milivian Bridge was an important stage in his eventual conversion to Christianity. It can be said with some confidence that Constantine the Great was a life-long supporter of Christianity but did not actually become a full fully committed Christian until his baptism shortly before he died.  

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