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[[File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R69173,_Münchener_Abkommen,_StaatschefsAdolf_Hitler_Portraet.jpg|leftthumbnail|thumbnail250px|300pxleft|Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier, Portrait of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Graff Galeazzo Ciano before Munich Agreement Sept. 9, 1938in 1933]]The second world war (1939-1945) was the most destructive war in human history. It is believed that between 35 and 50 million people died in the conflict.<ref> Bell, P. M. H. (1986). ''The Origins of the Second World War in Europe''. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 326.</ref> There are many causes of this conflict, including nationalism and the failure of the League of Nations, but ultimately the primary cause of the greatest conflict in human history was Nazi National Socialist Party's ideology and Germany's aggressive policies. ====Background==== The Treaty of Versailles, that ended the first world war, is perhaps the most controversial peace treaty in history; ‘many have judged it to be too harsh and others have judged it to be not harsh enough.’<ref>Bell, p.77.</ref> Germany and the other defeated Central powers lost territory, had their military forces limited and were obliged to pay reparations. Germany was especially treated harshly. The German public was outraged when the Treaty’s terms were publicized because they believed that Germany had neither started the war nor been decisively defeated on the battlefield. The Treaty was treated Germany as if had been conquered and they felt that was both their country unfairly and inaccurate. Germany lost about one-fifth of its territory as a result of the Treaty. Overnight millions of Germans became citizens of other countries, such as Poland. The Treaty legally limited the size and scope of the German armed forces which was intended to prevent that the country from starting another war. The National Socialists benefitted from the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles helped the rise of the Party . It allowed them to not only justify their aggressive policiesbut portray Germany as the true victim of the Great War.<ref>Bell, p. 144.</ref>  In the 1930s, Europe was a divided continent. There were still bitter disputes over borders. The Treaty of Versailles had redrawn the border of Europe but it seemed to have satisfied no one.<ref> Finney, Patrick. ''The Origins of the Second World War''. Penguin Books: Hamondsworth, p. 48.</ref> These ongoing disputes meant that the political class still regularly used nationalism to retain power. There were almost no functioning democracies in Europe at this time and there were many military dictatorships. The continent was also divided between the left and the right. Almost every society was internally divided between communists and socialists and those who opposed them.<ref>Finney, p. 57.</ref> Then in many countries fascism had made great strides often because of a fear of communism. Europe was unstable and it seemed likely that the continent would descend into another conflict. This was to occur in 1939 and it was caused by the ambitions of the National Socialist government in Germany and its extreme ideology.
==Background== The Treaty of Versailles, that ended the first world war is perhaps the most controversial peace treaty in history; ‘many have judged it to be too harsh and others have judged it to be not harsh enough.’<ref>Bell, p.77.</ref> Germany and the other defeated Central powers lost territory, had their military forces limited and were obliged to pay reparations. Germany was especially treated harshly. The German public was outraged when the Treaty’s terms were publicized because they believed that Germany had neither started the war nor been decisively defeated on the battlefield. The Treaty was treated Germany as if had been conquered and they felt that was both their country unfairly and inaccurate. Germany lost about one-fifth of its territory as a result of the Treaty. Overnight millions of Germans became citizens of other countries, such as Poland. The Treaty legally limited the size and scope of the German armed forces which was intended to prevent that the country from starting another war. The Nazis benefitted from the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles helped the rise of the Nazis and it allowed them to not only justify their aggressive policies but portray Germany as the true victim of the Great War.<ref>Bell, p. 144.</ref> National Socialist Ideology====
In The National Socialist ideology was premised on the idea that the 1930s, German people were ‘the master race’ and they were biologically superior to other people. It was genuinely believed that Germans were physically mentally and morally superior to races such as the Slavs in Eastern Europe was a divided continent. There were still bitter disputes over bordersThis led to the belief that the German people should dominate the other races in Europe. The Treaty of Versailles had redrawn party’s leader preached that other races such as the border of Europe but it seemed Jews were determined to have satisfied no oneprevent the German people from achieving their destiny.<ref> FinneyPaxton, PatrickRobert (2005). ''The Origins Anatomy of the Second World WarFascism''. London: Penguin Books: Hamondsworth, p. 48.</ref> These ongoing disputes meant that the political class still regularly used nationalism to retain power. There were almost no functioning democracies in Europe at this time and there were many military dictatorshipsLtd. The continent was also divided between the left and the right. Almost every society was internally divided between communists and socialists and those who opposed them.<ref>Finney, p. 57.123</ref> Then in many countries fascism had made great strides often because of a fear of communism. Europe was unstable and it seemed likely that the continent would descend into another conflict. This was to occur in 1939 and it was caused by the ambitions of the Nazi government in Germany and its extreme ideology.
==Nazi Ideology==[[File:Adolf_Hitler_Portraet.jpg|thumbnail|250px|left|Portrait of Adolf Hitler in 1933]]The Nazi ideology was premised on the idea that the German people were ‘the master race’ and they were biologically superior to other people. It was genuinely believed that Germans were physically mentally and morally superior to races such as the Slavs in Eastern Europe. This led to the belief that the German people should dominate the other races in Europe. The party’s leader preached that other races such as the Jews were determined to prevent the German people from achieving their destiny.<ref> Paxton, Robert (2005). ''The Anatomy of Fascism''. London: Penguin Books Ltd., p 123</ref> Their ideology also demanded that all Germans live in a German state and they wanted all non-Germans expelled from Germany. The Nazi National Socialists believed that the German people had the right to ‘living space’ in order to create a great nation. The Nazi’s saw international relations as a struggle for power and that only the strongest nations would survive. As a result, they rejected all forms of international law and ignored the League of Nations, the precursor of the United Nations. Their ideology, under reflecting a perverse and distorted version of the influence of beliefs advanced by the German philosopher Nietzsche, developed a moral code where strength was admirable and that might was always right. Because the Nazi’s National Socialist Party leaders’ worshiped power and strength they admired war and they even believed that war is was a positive good and necessary for the good of the nation.<ref>Paxton, p. 117.</ref> The Nazis Hitler firmly believed that a his nation’s greatness was would be determined by its military strength. ====Rearmament and Expansionism==== Hitler had achieved power by constitutional means in 1933. He soon established an authoritarian state with himself as the all-powerful leader or Führer. The German government was determined to end the Treaty of Versailles. Their ideology encouraged government to embark on two policies that greatly destabilized Europe and led directly to war. These were military rearmament and territorial expansion.<ref>Hillgruber, Andreas (1995). ''Germany and the Two World Wars'', translated by William C. Kirby, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, p. 67.</ref> <dh-ad/>
==Under the Treaty of Versailles, the German army was limited to 100,000 men. After 1933, the Germany ignored these limitations and expanded the military. The Nazi Party and Rearmament country also began an ambitious rearmament program. This at first did not alarm other nations but as the German army and Expansionism== The Nazi’s had achieved power by constitutional means navy grew in 1933numbers they became extremely worried. They had soon established an authoritarian state with Hitler as This was especially the case after the German army occupied the allRhineland, which was technically, under a de-powerful leader or Führermilitarized zone. The Nazi government Hitler was determined to end technically breaking international law but the Treaty of Versailles. Their ideology encouraged them when in government western allies were reluctant to embark on two policies that greatly destabilized Europe and led directly to war. These were military challenge Germany over their rearmament and territorial expansionprogram.<ref>Hillgruber, Andreas (1995) Rearmament was a key component of the National Socialist's policy. '' The growing might of Germany alarmed its neighbors and the Two World Wars'', translated by William C. Kirby, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, p. 671939 there was a full blown arms race throughout Europe and various nations were readying for war.</ref>
Under Immediately Germany began aggressive efforts to seize land that it felt entitled to. It also required that all Germans be united in the Third Reich. This led the Treaty government to embark on a policy of Versaillesexpansion and this included recovering lands lost to the French, Czechs and Poles. Beginning in 1936 the German army was limited to 100had reoccupied the Rhineland in defiance of international law and the Versailles Treaty.<ref>Young,000 men Robert (1996). ''France and Hitler ignored these limitations and expanded the militaryOrigins of the Second World War'', New York : St. Martin's Press, p. He also began an ambitious rearmament program78. This at first did not alarm other nations but </ref> Germany then engineered a unification between it and Austria, in what was known as the Anschluss. Germany then turned their attention to Czechoslovakia. There was a large ethnic German army and navy grew population in numbers they became extremely worried. This was especially the case after Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia and the German army occupied the Rhinelandgovernment wanted them to re-join Germany. <ref>Young, which was technicallyp. 111.</ref> Germany then threatened war in Czechoslovakia. Britain and France, under who had adopted a policy of appeasement to prevent a de-militarized zonewar, encouraged the Czech’s to give up the Sudetenland. After occupying the Sudetenland, Hitler was technically breaking international law but then occupied the rest of the country, despite the western allies were reluctant to challenge Germany over their rearmament programMunich agreement. Rearmament was a key Nazi policy based upon its ideology This became known as the ‘Rape of power and militarismCzechoslovakia’. <ref>Hillgruber, Andreas The growing might of (1995). ''Germany alarmed its neighbors and the Two World Wars'', translated by 1939 there William C. Kirby, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, p. 67.</ref> Territorial expansion and disregard for international treaties was a full blown arms race throughout Europe and various nations were readying for key part of government policy. These aggressive actions made warinevitable.
Nazi ideology demanded that Germany seize the land it needed ====Road to become a powerful nation. It also required that all Germans be united in War====In 1939 the Third Reichrest of Europe were preparing for war. This led the Nazi government to embark on a policy of expansion The British and this included recovering lands lost to the French, Czechs had been betrayed and Poles. Beginning in 1936 humiliated by the German army had reoccupied the Rhineland in defiance ‘Rape of international law and the Versailles TreatyCzechoslovakia’.<ref>YoungHilgruber, Robert Andreas (19961995). ''France Germany and the Origins of the Second Two World WarWars'', New York translated by William C. Kirby, Cambridge, Mass. : St. Martin's Harvard University Press, p. 7867.</ref> Nazi Hitler had won territory without war and had largely dismantled the Treaty of Versailles. Germany then engineered a unification between it and Austria, in what again was known as the Anschlussleading country in Europe. However, the National Socialist ideology and its extreme views meant that Hitler had to seek even more land and the Nazi’s then turned their attention engage in confrontations with other nations. Germany sought war in order to Czechoslovakiafurther its objectives. There was a large ethnic German population In 1939, despite the tensions in Europe, Germany demanded the Sudetenland region return from Poland of Czechoslovakia and the Nazi’s wanted them territory that was inhabited by ethnic Germans. If Warsaw had agreed to re-join Germany. <ref>Youngthis, pit would have lost its only port. 111.</ref> Hitler threatened war The German government was warned not to invade Poland by France and Britain . London and France, who had adopted Paris both signed a policy treaty with Poland and they guaranteed her security and sovereignty. Despite knowing that any invasion of appeasement to prevent a Poland would plunge Europe into war, encouraged Germany invaded. Furthermore, the Czech’s to give up ideology of the Sudetenland. After occupying German government was one that stressed the Sudetenland, Hitler then occupied value of war and stated that the rest of Germans as the country‘master race’ would win this conflict. In September 1939, despite the Munich agreement. This became known as German army invaded Poland and the ‘Rape of Czechoslovakia’Second World War had started in Europe.<ref>HillgruberBell, Andreas P. M. H. (19951986). ''Germany and The Origins of the Two Second World WarsWar in Europe'', translated by William C. Kirby, Cambridge, Mass. Oxford: Harvard Oxford University Press, . p. 67346.</ref> The Nazi ideology meant that territorial expansion and disregard for international treaties was part of government policy. As a result, Hitler adopted an aggressive foreign policy that made war inevitable.
==Road to War==Conclusion====In 1939 the rest of 1930s Europe were preparing for warwas very unstable. The British and French had been betrayed and humiliated by the ‘Rape rise of Czechoslovakia’.<ref> Hilgruber, Andreas (1995). ''Germany fascism and the Two World Wars'', translated by William C. Kirby, Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, p. 67.</ref> Hitler had won territory without war and had largely dismantled the Treaty ascent of Versailles. Nazis in Germany again was the leading country in destabilized Europe. However, Nazi Their racist and nationalistic ideology and its extreme views meant that Hitler had to seek ever more land and engage in confrontations with they believed other nations. The Nazi’s sought war in order to further and people were their objectivesenemies. In 1939More importantly, despite the tensions in Europe, Hitler demanded the return from Poland of territory that was inhabited by ethnic Germans. If Warsaw had agreed to this, it would have lost its only port. The Nazi government was warned not to invade Poland by France and Britain. London and Paris both signed Nazis promoted a treaty with Poland and they guaranteed her security and sovereignty. Despite knowing toxic belief that any invasion of Poland would plunge Europe into war, Hitler ordered an invasion. Nazi ideology demanded that Germany have ever more territory and that this could only be secured through war. Furthermore, the ideology of the German government was one that stressed the value of war and stated that the Germans as were the ‘master race’ would win this conflict. In September 1939, the German army invaded Poland and the Second World War had started in Europeabove any international laws or moral standards.<ref>Bell, P. M. H. (1986). ''The Origins of the Second World War in These beliefs pushed them towards war with Europe''. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 346.</ref>
In the 1930s Europe was very unstable. The Nazi seizure of power in Europe was to destabilize Europe. Their racist and nationalistic ideology meant that they believed other nations and people were their enemies and that that the Germans as the ‘master race’ were above international law and any moral standards. Their beliefs led them to build up the German armed forces and to seize other countries territories and this directly led to war in Europe, that spread around the world.
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