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[[File:LastKingdom.jpg|thumbnail|220px|left|<i>The Last Kingdom</i>]]__NOTOC__<i>This article contains spoilers.!!!!!</i>
The Check out our summaries for [[How Historically Accurate is Season 2 of Last Kingdom is a popular television series recently released by the BBC. It depicts the life of Uhtred, son of Uhtred?|Season 2]], who [[How Historically Accurate is a fictional character based on an amalgamation of several historical characters, during the Dane invasions season 3 of England during the 9th century. The events depicted in <i>The Last Kingdom</i> were critical early steps in forging what became England. <i>?|Season 3]] and [[How Historically Accurate is Season 4 of The Last Kingdom</i> is a reference to the Kingdom of Wessex, which was the last Anglo-Saxon kingdom to stand in the way of Dane conquest of England. Uhtred is from Bebbanburgh (modern Bamburgh), a part of Northumbria. The season begins with Uhtred's father being killed in a battle at York, where Uhtred was taken as a slave by the Danes. Uhtred's uncle then usurps the control of Bebbanburgh, where Uhtred was the rightful heir?| Season 4]].
==Anglo-Saxon and Danish History and Culture==The season begins at Last Kingdom is a battle where the invading Danes are victorious against popular television series recently released by the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Northumbria at York. This did occur BBC and the Danes were, in fact, able show has strived to win this battle by slaughtering portray an accurate depiction of the garrison in 866 time and then beating a counterattack in 867, which is the opening battle in the series. York was reign of Alfred the chief city of this region and taking control over it was criticalGreat. The depiction of the Danes It is relatively accurate, as they would have formed a shieldwall and likely attempted to entrap their enemy or outmaneuver them.<ref>For a history based on the invasion on Northumbria, see: Hunter Blair, P. H., & Keynes, S. (2006). <i>An introduction to Anglo-Saxon England<[https://i> (3www. edamazon., repr). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, pg. 103.<com/gp/product/B00LEYI47C/ref> [[File:Winchester 13.jpeg|thumbnail|left|300px|Figure 1. Modern day Winchester, which served as the main capital of Wessex in the Anglo=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00LEYI47C&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=5896bb38392fa928ad7836385dccf0d Saxon period.]Tales]The Danes at this time were mostly polytheists, where the wars against the Anglo-Saxon were depicted as wars between the Christian God and the Danish gods. The Danes are generally known to us as Vikings; however, the show makes clear they were more than just Vikings because the Danes were settling to live in England. Viking, on the other hand, is a term used to describe the behavior of raiding.<ref>For background on the Danes, see: Jones, G. (2001). <i>A history of the Vikings</i> (2nd ed)series written by Bernard Cornwell. London ; New York: Oxford University Press.</ref> Some of The first season is drawn from the events of conquest are not accurate or not explained, such as the Danish army coming from East Anglia after having landed there first, but the general events are true. The Danes did fear loosing warriors, as shown two books in the series, despite their fierce reputation, as they could not spare loosing too many men. On The show focuses the other handlife of Uhtred, the Anglo-Saxons were often shown as weak warriors too dependent on their priests, something son of Uhtred criticizes, to save them. There who is some truth to this, as much of the Anglo-Saxon army lacked professional warriors. However, they were probably able to form a shieldwall, a form fictional character based on an amalgamation of defense and attack used by Medieval armiesseveral historical characters, whereas they were depicted as not having that capability and confounded by it when they encountered it in during the battlefield.<ref>For more on Anglo-Saxon fighting methods, see: Lavelle, R. (2010). <i>Alfred’s wars: sources and interpretations Dane invasions of Anglo-Saxon warfare in England during the Viking age</i> Woodbridge: The Boydell Press9th century.</ref>
The Danes are shown as more fun-loving, while the Anglo-Saxons are events depicted as more solemn and, at times, piousin <i>The Last Kingdom</i> were critical early steps in forging what became England. This attracts Uhtred, an Anglo-Saxon, <i>The Last Kingdom</i> is a reference to prefer company with the Danes, although he later makes an oath to Alfred, king Kingdom of Wessex and , which was the last remaining Anglo-Saxon king. There is truth kingdom to this, as stand in the Danish beliefs did not involve a strict moral codeway of Dane conquest of England. One scene shows the Danes killing the East Anglian kingUhtred is from Bebbanburgh (modern Bamburgh), Edmund, with a volley part of arrows after he was captured.<ref>For more on Edmund, see: Pinner, RNorthumbria. (2015). <i>The Cult of St Edmond season begins with Uhtred's father being killed in Medieval East Anglia</i>. Woodbridgea battle at York, UK: The Boydell Press.</ref> This did occur and Edmund where Uhtred was canonized for it. Other Anglo-Saxon leaders are shown taken as tortured and murdered when captured and this would have likely occurred when a slave by the Danes captured major leaders. Uhtred's uncle then usurps the control of Bebbanburgh, although some would be spared to act as puppet leaderswhere Uhtred was the rightful heir.
Many of the urban places are historical ====Anglo-Saxon and Danish History and Culture==== The first episode focuses on the names used in Danish characters, while they do act cruel to the series reflects their Anglo-Saxon namesSaxons they are also fun-loving and one of them, Earl Ragner, shows much affection to Uhtred. For instanceDuring the first episode, London Uhtred's father and Reading his army are two cities mentionedslaughtered by the Danes soon after they arrive by sea. Wessex's main city of power was Winchester (Figure 1), where most of The first episode portrays the Wessex kings did hold court, Anglo-Saxons as depicted in unprepared for war with the seriesDanes and too dependent on their priests.<ref>For more on Winchester in There is some truth to this, the Anglo-Saxon period, see: Legg, Parmy lacked professional warriors and the show states that the Danes believed the English were primarily farmers. (2011). <i>Winchester: history you can see</i>. Stroud: History.</ref> WinchesterIn the first battle of the show, in fact, was rival to London for a period as the capital Anglo-Saxons lost the battle because they were incapable of all of Englanddefeating a Danish shield wall.
Some However, the Anglo-Saxon armies most likely were capable of properly forming a shield wall and they would not have been completely confounded by it. At this point, the terms used Anglo-Saxons would have been well aware of Danish war tactics, even if they were not well prepared for them. The show ignored this reality because it allowed the lead character, Uhtred, to teach the Anglo-Saxons later in the series were words prevalent at the timeseason to both form and defeat a shield wall. This includes terms such as plowing In this case, historical accuracy was sacrificed to create a field having sexual connotationsmore compelling story.<ref>For more on Anglo-Saxon fighting methods, see: Lavelle, R. (2010). Another term is <i>arseling[ Alfred’s wars: sources and interpretations of Anglo-Saxon warfare in the Viking age]</i>, used as Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.</ref>The Last Kingdom has done a playful or sometimes mocking term of Uhtred by his friend Leofric, which also would very credible job depicting Danes and Anglo-Saxons. While the Danes have often been a term used at called as Vikings, the show makes it clear that they were more than just Vikings. The Danes willingness to settle in England demonstrated that unlike actual Vikings, they did not want to survive simply by raiding. The Danish characters make it clear that they left Denmark because it was inhospitable to farming and there is truth to the fact that climatic events may have also contributed to increased Danish raids and invasions during this time meaning "from the ass."<ref>For more background on Anglo-Saxon termsthe Danes, see: BakerJones, P. SG. (20122001). Introduction to Old English <i>[ A history of the Vikings]</i> (3rd 2nd ed). Chichester, West Sussex London ; Hoboken, N.JNew York: WileyOxford University Press.</ref> Such terms were, in fact, contemporary to the period.
The Danes were not just savage in battle but showed more creativeness and ability to adapt to their new environment. The Anglo-Saxons could best be described as solemn, pious and fairly dreary. This difference results from the conflicting faiths of the Danes and Anglo-Saxons. The Danes at this time were polytheists and Anglo-Saxons were Christian. The series often depicts these cultural differences between the Danes and Anglo-Saxon and the resulting war between these societies as a broader conflict between the Christian faith and the Danish gods. This is certainly how Alfred described the struggle and there is historical accuracy, as also described by the <i> Anglo-Saxon Chronicle</i>, which is the primary historical source. The character of Uhtred is used to demonstrate this dichotomy. Uhtred, an Anglo-Saxon, prefers a company with the Danes, but he later swears an oath to Alfred, king of Wessex the last remaining Anglo-Saxon king.  The Danish beliefs did not involve a strict moral code like Christianity. At times, this loose moral code allowed the Danes to be more playful than the Anglo-Saxons, but this lack of moral code also has a dark side. In one scene, the Danes killed the East Anglian king, Edmund, with a volley of arrows after he was captured. The Danes were testing whether Edmund's god was as powerful as he claimed. <ref>For more on Edmund, see: Pinner, R. (2015). <i>The Cult of St Edmond in Medieval East Anglia</i>. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press.</ref> Not only did this event occur, but Edmund was canonized for it. Other Anglo-Saxon leaders are shown as tortured and murdered when captured. The Danes were fairly ruthless when they captured Anglo leaders, but the accurately depicts that some would be spared if they cooperated with the Danes and provided them with food, silver and land.  Many of the urban places are historical and the names used in the series reflects their Anglo-Saxon names. For instance, London and Reading are two cities mentioned. Wessex's primary town was Winchester (Figure 1), where most of the Wessex kings held court which is depicted in the series.<ref>For more on Winchester in the Anglo-Saxon period, see: Legg, P. (2011). <i>[ Winchester: history you can see]</i>. Stroud: History.</ref> Winchester, in fact, was rival to London for a period as the capital of all of England.  Some of the terms used in the series were words prevalent at the time. This includes terms such as plowing a field having sexual connotations. Another term is <i>arseling</i>, used as a playful or sometimes mocking term of Uhtred by his friend Leofric, which also would have been a term used at the time meaning "from the ass."<ref>For more on Anglo-Saxon terms, see: Baker, P. S. (2012). <i>[ Introduction to Old English]</i> (3rd ed). Chichester, West Sussex ; Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.</ref> Such terms and expressions were, in fact, contemporary to the period.{{Mediawiki:TabletAd1}}====Key Battles====
[[File:Battle of Ethandun memorial - - 367815.jpeg|left|thumbnail|Figure 2. Memorial to the Battle of Edington in Bratton Castle.]]
After the battle at York, several other key battles occur during the series. The first is the battle where Alfred's brother (Æthelred), who was the king of Wessex, dies, although the Anglo-Saxons are successful in temporarily halting the Danish advance. There is truth to Alfred's brother perhaps being injured and killed in battle as depicted in the series. Rather than the son of Æthelred taking power, it was Alfred that was chosen, something unexpected and discussed in the series, as he was seen as more fit to rule. HoweverThis was done through the <i>witan</i>, the which was a council that represented an early democratic selection process where they would choose who would rule as well as pass judgment on various affairs. The battle where Æthelred is fatally injured might be fictionalized or is could be based on several battles where the Anglo-Saxons did have some success in limiting the Danish advances. Still, Wessex failed to stop the Danes completely and had to pay off the Danes for temporary peace. The show depicts the peace conference between King Alfred and Ubba. The character Ubba was a historical figure who did cause much trouble to the Anglo-Saxons.<ref>For more on Alfred, see: Smyth, A. P. (1995). <i>[ King Alfred the Great]</i>. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.</ref>
The next major encounter in the show was the Battle of Cynwit, which occurred in 878. The battle in the series depicts the Danes besieging the Wessex 's forces led by Odda the Elder. The Danish leader was Ubba, who was killed in the battle. The Danes had surrounded the Anglo-Saxon army on a hill and likely expected them to surrender, as they had little water, but the Wessex army attacked and were was able to defeat the Danish army. The Raven banner was taken by the Anglo-Saxon army and it was a major battle in which the Wessex king Alfred did not lead. In the series, the year of the battle is different and the credit for killing Ubba went to Uhtred. However, as shown in the series, it was an important battle for the Wessex kingdom and Odda was the likely leader of Wessex during the battle, where the Anglo-Saxons did, in fact, pull off a surprising victory. In effect, it is likely that the Anglo-Saxons being up were encamped on a the hill during the real battle and were still able to made a surprise attack on the Danes. This was a turning point as it now showed the Anglo-Saxons could fight major battles against the Danes and win the battle is accuratebe victorious.<ref>For more on the Battle of Cynwit, see: Jones, G. (2001). <i>[ A history of the Vikings ]</i> (2nd ed). London ; New York: Oxford University Press, pg. 238.</ref>
The Danes attacked in January 878 the town of Chippenham, which is where Alfred held his court at the time. The series depicts Winchester, the more common capital of Wessex, as being attacked. However, the attack did not occur there. The events, though, are generally accurate in that the Danes did attack in a surprising fashion at the height of winter, a period during when armies rested and did not launch invasions. Alfred was depicted as fleeing to the marshes of Somerset, barley escaping with his life, which was true and he did flee after the battle to hide from the Danes and reorganize his forces.<ref>For more on Alfred's flight to the marshes of Somerset, see: Swanton, M. (Ed.). (2003). The Anglodh-Saxon chronicles (New ed., paperback rev. ed., 5. impr). London: Phoenix Press.<ad/ref>
The next major encounter was Danes also attacked in January 878 the Battle town of Edington (Figure 2)Chippenham, which pitted Guthrum of is where Alfred held his court at the Danes against Alfredtime. The series diverges from reality and has the Danes had likely assumed Alfred to be significantly weakened after being forced to fleeattacking Winchester instead. The battle was characterized by Alfred summoning his fyrds, or show had already established Winchester as the popular army from different parts capital of his kingdom, that gathered Wessex and most likely sought to fight simplify the Danes. This allowed Alfred to create narrative instead of adding a greater force and demonstrated he retained the loyalty of his ealdormen despite his earlier losses. Egbert's stone was used as the meeting point new location for the fyrds in the series as well as in the chronicles describing the eventsthis battle. In effectHowever, much of these events are true historicallythe attack did not occur there. The battleevents, unlike the seriesthough, involved an encounter of the armies where are generally accurate in that the Danes were driven into did attack in a fort and were besieged afterwards. In surprising fashion at the seriesheight of winter, the main battle is only depicted a period during when armies rested and did not the siegelaunch invasions. In both cases, after Dane leader Guthrum Alfred was defeated he was baptized, depicted as a condition fleeing to the marshes of the peaceSomerset, and led where he was lucky to escape with his remaining army awaylife. Eventually, This was true and he did flee after the Danes formed another kingdom called Danelaw that represented areas where battle to hide from the Danes ruled for nearly another 100 years. For now, there was peace between Wessex and he reorganized his forces in the Danes. The result was also swamps during the Danes were finally and decisively defeated, never to threaten Wessex seriously againspring of that year.<ref>For more on Alfred's flight to the Battle marshes of EdingtonSomerset, see: Hunter BlairSwanton, PM. H(Ed., & Keynes, S). (20062003). An introduction to <i>[ The Anglo-Saxon England Chronicles]</i> (3New ed., paperback rev. ed., repr5. impr). CambridgeLondon: Cambridge Univ. Phoenix Press, pg. 111</ref> Arguably, this was the battle that may have prevented all of England falling to Danish hands in the 9th century.
==Historical Figures==There are a number The next major encounter was the Battle of Edington (Figure 2), which pitted Guthrum of historical figures shown in the series on both the Danish and Anglo-Saxon sidesDanes against Alfred. These include Ubba and Guthrum, who were fearsome Danish warlords, and The Danes had likely assumed Alfred (later known as to be significantly weakened after being forced to flee. The battle was characterized by Alfred summoning his fyrds, or the Great)popular army from different parts of his kingdom, Asser that gathered to fight the Monk, Danes. This allowed Alfred to create a greater force and demonstrated he retained the loyalty of his ealdormen of Wessexdespite his earlier losses. Once again, including Odda, who are royal officials the ability for the Saxons to muster a large force and regional leaders launch an attack likely surprised the Danes. Egbert's stone was used as the meeting point for the fyrds in Wessex who supported Alfred the series as well as in warthe chronicles describing the events. Other figures such as EalhswithIn effect, Alfred's wifemuch of these events are true historically. The battle, and Edwardunlike the series, involved an encounter of the son of Alfred, armies where the Danes were driven into a fort and were also historical figuresbesieged afterward.<ref>For more on In the key historical characters from this periodseries, see: Savage, Anne (1988). Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. Papermacthe main battle is only depicted as a pitched encounter and the siege was not shown.</ref>
Many In both cases, after Dane leader Guthrum was defeated and baptized, as a condition of the personalities peace, the Danes led their remaining army away. Eventually, the Danes formed another kingdom called Danelaw that represented areas where the Danes ruled for nearly another 100 years. This was based on a treaty with Alfred, where areas north of Wessex and depictions of the known historical figures are accurately presented in the seriesEast Anglia represented Danelaw. For instancesome years, there was peace between Wessex and the Danes. Alfred's piety, digestive problemsafter this time, builds the boroughs, which were fortifications that helped protect Wessex. While relatively simple, these fortifications helped strengthen Wessex and his penchant made it more difficult for women are likely to be true based later Danish invasions. Although the invasions against Wessex continued, no serious threat ever occurred by Danish forces against Wessex.<ref>For more on known accountsthe Battle of Edington, see: Hunter Blair, P. H. Ubba, a Danish warlord& Keynes, was known S. (2006). <i>[ An introduction to be fearsome in battleAnglo-Saxon England]</i> (3. ed. However, for the Danesrepr). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, as historical accounts from their point of view are far fewerpg. 111</ref> Arguably, we generally know less about them, whereas Wessex this was known the battle that may have prevented all of England falling to keep detailed historical records, as shown Danish hands in the series9th century.
While ====Historical Figures====<div class="portal" style='float:right; width:35%'>====Related Articles====* [[How Historically Accurate is the movie Gangs of New York?]]* [[How Historically Accurate is the main character Uhtred Outlaw King?]]* [[How Historically Accurate is season 3 of The Last Kingdom?]]* [[How historically accurate is not historicalthe Medici Masters of Florence Series?]]* [[Is the movie Dunkirk historically accurate?]]* [[How historically accurate is the movie 'The Battle of the Bulge'?]]* [[How historically accurate is the movie 'Tora, Tora, he Tora'?]]* [[How historically accurate is the movie 'A Bridge Too Far'?]]* [[How Historically Accurate is Season 2 of Versailles?]]* [[How accurate is based on Uhtred the Bold who lived after movie Patton?]]* [[How accurate is Stanley Kubrick's 'Spartacus'?]]* [[How Historically Accurate is Season 2 of Last Kingdom?]]* [[How Historically Accurate is Alexander?]]* [[How historically accurate is the events Gladiator?]]</div>There are a number of historical figures shown in the series in on both the 10th Danish and 11th centuriesAnglo-Saxon sides. As These include Ubba and Guthrum, who were fearsome Danish warlords, and Alfred (later known as Alfred the name suggestsGreat), Uhtred was known to have been a brave warrior. In Asser the seriesMonk, there is a feud between him and his unclethe ealdormen of Wessex, including Odda, while his adoptive Danish father is treacherously killedwho are royal officials and regional leaders in Wessex who supported Alfred in war. This reflects some of the blood feud stories that did occur during Other figures such as Ealhswith, Alfred's wife, and after Edward, the life son of UhtredAlfred, even though the events in the series did not outright occurwere also historical figures.<ref>For more on Uhtred the Boldkey historical characters from this period, see: JamesSavage, J. Anne (20131988). An onslaught of spears<i>[https: the Danish conquest of England// The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles]</i> Papermac.</ref>
==Summary==Like many Many of the personalities and depictions of the known historical figures are accurately presented in the series . For instance, Alfred's piety, digestive problems, and movieshis penchant for women are likely to be true based on known accounts. Alfred, there for instance, was rumored to have one illegitimate son, but the sources are a lot of untrue events and stories incorporated into the historical period depictednot completely clear on this. HoweverUbba, the Last Kingdom does a very good job at incorporating many cultural elements that would have been contemporary at the timeDanish warlord, including those involving the behavior of the characters and types of equipment they had during campaignswas known to be fearsome in battle. Unlike many earlier historical dramasHowever, this one looks more closely at for the Danes, as historical background accounts from their point of the charactersview are far fewer, trying to imbue we generally know less about them in a cultural and historical context that would have been familiar sources tend to be biased against them but still entertaining to 21st century viewers. The series informs us Wessex, on how England arose as a nationthe other hand, where its origin emerges at a time when Anglo-Saxon England was threatened known to keep detailed historical records, as shown in the last English throne and series. In fact, Alfred was close known to being taken by the Danes. The use of a lot of historical facts mixed with fictional events make the series informative as well as entertaininghave encouraged literacy throughout his kingdom.
While the main character Uhtred is not historical, he is based on Uhtred the Bold who lived after the events in the series in the 10th and 11th centuries. As the name suggests, Uhtred was known to have been a brave warrior. In the series, there is a feud between him and his uncle, who usurped the castle and territory of Bebbenburg (Bamburgh). After his adoptive Danish father is treacherously killed, Uhtred was forced to look to Alfred for assistance. This reflects some of the blood feud stories that did occur during and after the life of Uhtred, even though the events in the series did not outright occur. In effect, later stories were mixed with the period of the Anglo-Saxon wars with the Danes.<ref>For more on Uhtred the Bold, see: James, J. (2013). <i>[ An onslaught of spears: the Danish conquest of England]</i>.</ref> ====Summary====Like many historical series and movies, there are a lot of untrue events and stories incorporated into the historical period depicted. However, the <i>Last Kingdom</i> does a very good job at incorporating many cultural elements that would have been contemporary at the time, including those involving the behavior of the characters and types of equipment they had during campaigns. Unlike many earlier historical dramas, this one looks more closely at the historical background of the characters, trying to imbue them in a cultural and historical context that would have been familiar to them but still entertaining to 21st-century viewers. The series informs us upon how England arose as a nation, where its origin emerges at a time when Anglo-Saxon England was threatened at its last English throne and was close to being taken by the Danes. The use of a lot of historical facts mixed with fictional events makes the series informative as well as entertaining. {{MediaWiki:AmNative}} ====References====
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