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[[File:Paris_Commune_rue_de_Rivoli.jpg|thumbnail|350px250px|left|Rue de Rivoli in Paris a week after the fires abated]]
In 1871, in Paris, there was one of the first modern left-wing revolutions in the world. It came amidst a background of war and siege. The Paris Commune, as the revolution was known, sought to implement some of the most radical ideas of the French Revolution. The revolutionaries were much influenced by anarchism and were the precursors of the Soviet Communist in Russian in the early 20th century. The Paris Commune was ultimately defeated, but it served as a model for many revolutionaries at the time and to the present day.
====Influence on Marx and Lenin====
[[File:683px-Lenin.jpg|thumbnail|275px255px|left|Vladimir Lenin]]
Almost immediately after the defeat of the Communards, left-wing radicals analyzed why the revolution had failed. These critiques were very influential. None more so than that of Karl Marx, the founder of Communism. He studied the reasons for the revolt's failure and published his findings in his work the Civil War in France (1871).<ref> Karl Marx, ''The Civil War in France, English Edition of 1871'', p. 1.</ref> He believed that the Commune failed because it was not ruthless enough and that if some professional revolutionaries should have led it. Marx believed that the Commune was the first example of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat,’ a form of participatory government, where all power was in ordinary people's hands.<ref>Marx, 6.</ref>
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