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What is the myth of Sisyphus

88 bytes added, 18:05, 21 September 2021
[[File: Sisyphus One.jpg |200px|thumb|left|Sysphus pushing a rock on a Greek vase]]__NOTOC__
The Greek myths have so many remarkable and memorable characters, such as Hercules and Perseus. One of the most interesting of all is Sisyphus. He was a king, who was the embodiment of craftiness and guile. Sisyphus even attempted to outfox the Gods and even death.
Not only are the tales about this monarch entertaining, but they are also essential in that they help us to learn about the Ancient Greek worldview. The Sisyphus myth has influenced modern culture, and it has come to encapsulate some of the contradictions of the human condition and epitomizes its futility.
====The background to the myth==Is Sysyphus based on a historical figure? ==
Like so many Greek mythical heroes, the tale's origin probably belongs to the non-Greeks or Pelagasians who inhabited the area. It is also possible that the stories came from the Balkans or even Asia Minor. The etymology of the name means ''the son of Aeolus.''
The father of Sisyphus was the legendary King Aeolus, the founder of the Aeolian people and the mythical ruler of Magnesia in Thessaly and the son of all ancestor Greeks, Hellen, who was the grandson of Prometheus, the Titan. He had seven brothers, and he married the Pleaid, Merope.
His sons were Glaucus, Ornytion, Thersander, and Almus. Sisyphus was as intelligent as his grandfather Prometheus, but he was also cunning and dishonest. He emigrated with his brothers in many myths, and each of them sought to create their own kingdoms. It is possible that the figure of Sisyphus was a real historical figure. However, the real person , if there was one, upon whom the Sisyphean legends are based has been lost in the mists of time.
====The deeds of Who was Sisyphus==? ==
[[File:Sisyphus Two.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Thanthos Greek God of Death]]
Sisyphus founded, according to some sources, the city of Ephyra, which was the original name of Corinth. However, other sources credit the foundation of the town to another mythological character. Corinth became one of the most important cities in the Hellenic World and later founded many colonies. Sisyphus promoted navigation and trade. Later Corinth was famous for its merchants and ships. Later, some sources created Sisyphus with the growth and prosperity of Corinth.<ref>Graves, Robert. Greek Myths (London, Pelican, 1985), p. 113</ref>
However, the king of Ephyra was able to assuage Zeus, who spared his life. The king was so crafty that he could even get his way with the King of the Gods. Sisyphus began to covet the throne of his brother Salmoneus, who was king of Eilis. He even consulted the Oracle at Delphi on the best way to take his brother's crown. Sisyphus came up with a terrible plan. He first seduced Salmoneus' daughter Tyro (his niece) and had children with her. Then he encouraged her to join with him in deposing her father.
Tyro was so enraged that she killed all her children. Sisyphus witnessed Zeus carry off the daughter of Aulous, a river god. He told the god what had happened on condition that because he provided an eternal spring of water on Corinth's acropolis. Aeolus agreed, and the city ruled by Sisyphus had a perennial supply of water.
Then Zeus found out, and he was so enraged that he ordered the God of Death, Thanatos, to take Sisyphus down to Tartarus, the eternal abyss, a kind of Greek Hell. When Sisyphus saw Death approaching, he immediately developed a plan. Once he realized the chains meant to bind him, he pretended to be interested in them. He then grabbed the chains and suddenly bound Death.
The king returned to Corinth and resumed his life. He began to boast that he was even smarter than the king of the Gods and his arrogance knew no bounds. The king began to terrorize the populace of Corinth and killed anyone who opposed him. However, he had offended the Olympian gods one too many times. Zeus was no longer prepared to tolerate Sisyphus, and in one account, he ordered Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods, to haul him back to Tartarus.<ref>Pausanias, vi</ref>
====The fiendish punishment of Why was Sisyphus==punished by the Gods?==
[[File: Sisyphus three.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Albert Camus]]
The King of Corinth had shown hubris against the gods, and Zeus could not tolerate this. A human who refused to die was attempting to act and behave like a God. The King of the Olympians could not allow humans to cheat death. This would be against the cosmic order. Zeus decided to punish Sisyphus ingeniously. The Olympian ordered Hades to drag Sisyphus down to Tartarus and ordained that he never again saw the light. This was not enough for the repeated crimes and offenses of the Corinthian King.
Most stories told about the former King of Corinth relate that he remained in the underworld and is still rolling a huge rock up a sheer hill. However, other legends state that Zeus relented and allowed him to return to the world of men. In one story, it is told that Sisyphus is the father of Odysseus. Both men were renowned for their craftiness and cunning, and this may have led some poets or mythographers to suppose that they were father and son.
====The What was the meaning of the myth==of Sisyphus? ==
The story of Sisyphus is one that has fascinated people for millennia. This is evident in the many artworks on the legendary figure, and he even appears in the Odyssey of Homer.<ref>Homer, The Odyssey, vi</ref> There are many interpretations of Sisyphus's story. Some believe that the legends warn all kings who were tyrants and who did not obey the divine laws.
Camus wrote that Sisyphus could reflect on life during his task, and in this way, he comes to accept the futility of his task. In this way, he becomes reconciled to his life and even gave it some meaning. The French philosopher drew parallels between the Greek's's fate and that of modern men and women. Like Sisyphus, he argued that they could find meaning and satisfaction, even in the most absurd conditions and adverse circumstances.<ref>Camus, Albert. The myth of Sisyphus. Penguin UK, 2013 </ref>
====Conclusion====The myth of Sisyphus is little known, although many have heard of his punishment and are familiar with the image of him pushing a huge rock. This fable is important because it allows us to understand something of the Greek mindset. In the The cunning king's figure, they saw many qualities that they admired, such as resourcefulness and bravery.
However, they also knew that his story was a lesson on how humans need to respect their gods and accept their fate. This story demonstrates how myths can help us to understand the human condition. It illustrates how futile and absurd all human endeavors can be. This is why the figure pushing a massive stone up a cliff for all eternity has continued to fascinate many. Sisyphus's legend is still relevant to the Late Modern World, even though it originated in Greece over 2,500 years ago.

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