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[[File:Nouvelle-France1750.png|thumbnail|left|275px250px|Map of North American in 1750]]__NOTOC__The French and Indian War was the North American conflict in a larger imperial war between Great Britain and France known as the Seven Years’ War. The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war’s expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution. In the terms of the treaty, France gave up all its territories in mainland North America, effectively ending any foreign military threat to the British colonies there.
[ The French and Indian War resulted from ongoing frontier tensions ] was the North American conflict in North America a larger imperial war between Great Britain and France known as both [ the Seven Years’ War]. The French and British imperial officials Indian War began in 1754 and colonists sought to extend each country’s sphere ended with the Treaty of influence Paris in frontier regions1763. In The war provided Great Britain with enormous territorial gains in North America. Still, disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war pitted France, French colonists, war’s expenses led to colonial discontent and their Native allies against Great Britain, ultimately to the Anglo-American colonists, and the Iroquois Confederacy, which controlled most of upstate New York and parts of northern PennsylvaniaRevolution. In 1753, prior to the outbreak terms of hostilities, Great Britain controlled the 13 colonies up to the Appalachian Mountainstreaty, but beyond lay New Francegave up all its territories in mainland North America, a very large, sparsely settled colony that stretched from Louisiana through effectively ending any foreign military threat to the Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes to CanadaBritish colonies there. (See Incidents Leading up to the French and Indian War and Albany Plan)
====The Nebulous Border between French and British Colonies====The border between Indian War resulted from ongoing frontier tensions in North America as both French and British possessions was not well defined, imperial officials and one disputed territory was the upper Ohio River valley. The French had constructed a number colonists sought to extend each country’s sphere of forts in this region in an attempt to strengthen their claim on the territoryinfluence. British colonial forcesIn North America, led by Lieutenant Colonel George Washingtonthe war pitted France, attempted to expel the French in 1754colonists, but were outnumbered and defeated by their Native allies against Great Britain, the French. When news of Washington’s failure reached British Prime Minister Thomas PelhamAnglo-HollesAmerican colonists, and the Iroquois Confederacy, Duke which controlled most upstate New York and parts of Newcastlenorthern Pennsylvania. In 1753, he called for a quick undeclared retaliatory strike. Howeverbefore the hostilities outbreak, his adversaries in Great Britain controlled the Cabinet outmaneuvered him by making 13 colonies up to the plans publicAppalachian Mountains. Still, thus alerting beyond lay New France, a huge, sparsely settled colony stretched from Louisiana through the Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes to Canada. (See Incidents Leading up to the French Government and escalating a distant frontier skirmish into a full-scale war.Indian War and Albany Plan)
== Why was the Border between French and British Colonies in dispute? ==The war did border between French and British possessions was not begin well for defined, and one disputed territory was the Britishupper Ohio River valley. The British Government sent [ General Edward Braddock] French had constructed several forts in this region to strengthen their claim on the colonies as commander in chief of territory. British North American colonial forces, led by Lieutenant Colonel George Washington, attempted to expel the French in 1754 but he alienated potential Indian allies were outnumbered and colonial leaders failed to cooperate with himdefeated by the French. On July 13When news of Washington’s failure reached British Prime Minister Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1755Duke of Newcastle, Braddock died after being mortally wounded in an ambush on he called for a failed expedition to capture Fort Duquesne in present-day Pittsburghquick undeclared retaliatory strike. The war However, his adversaries in North America settled into a stalemate for the next several yearsCabinet outmaneuvered him by making plans public, while in Europe thus alerting the French scored an important naval victory Government and captured the British possession of Minorca in the Mediterranean in 1756. However, after 1757 the escalating a distant frontier skirmish into a full-scale war began to turn in favor of Great Britain. British forces defeated French forces in India, and in 1759 British armies invaded and conquered Canada.
The war did not begin well for the British. The British Government sent ['s faces Defeat9325&creativeASIN=0199845328&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=Facing defeat 2ad7b476f8a23747bd3854f3a9e46716 General Edward Braddock] to the colonies as commander in chief of British North America American forces. Still, he alienated potential Indian allies, and colonial leaders failed to cooperate with him. On July 13, 1755, Braddock died after being mortally wounded in an ambush on a tenuous position failed expedition to capture Fort Duquesne in Europe, the French Government attempted to engage the British present-day Pittsburgh. The war in peace negotiations, but British Minister William Pitt (the elder), Secretary North America settled into a stalemate for Southern Affairs, sought not only the French cession of Canada but also commercial concessions that the French Government found unacceptablenext several years. After these negotiations failedIn Europe, Spanish King Charles III offered to come to the aid of his cousin, French King Louis XV, scored an important naval victory and their representatives signed an alliance known as captured Minorca's British possession in the Family Compact on August 15Mediterranean in 1756. However, 1761. The terms of after 1757 the agreement stated that Spain would declare war on began to turn in favor of Great Britain if the war did not end before May 1, 1762. Originally intended to pressure the British into a peace agreement, the Family Compact ultimately reinvigorated the forces defeated French will to continue the warforces in India, and caused the in 1759 British Government to declare war on Spain on January 4, 1762, after bitter infighting among King George III’s ministersarmies invaded and conquered Canada.
Despite facing such == Why was France losing the Seven Years War? ==Facing defeat in North America and a formidable alliancetenuous Europe position, British naval strength and Spanish ineffectiveness led the French Government attempted to engage the British successin peace negotiations. Still, British forces seized Minister William Pitt (the elder), Secretary for Southern Affairs, sought the French cession of Canada and commercial concessions that the French Caribbean islandsGovernment found unacceptable. After these negotiations failed, Spanish CubaKing Charles III offered to come to his cousin, French King Louis XV, and their representatives signed an alliance known as the PhilippinesFamily Compact on August 15, 1761. Fighting in Europe ended after a failed Spanish invasion The terms of the agreement stated that Spain would declare war on Great Britain if the war did not end before May 1, 1762. Originally intended to pressure the British ally Portugal. By 1763into a peace agreement, the Family Compact ultimately reinvigorated the French and Spanish diplomats began will to continue the war. It caused the British Government to seek peacedeclare war on Spain on January 4, 1762, after bitter infighting among King George III’s ministers.
====Negotiating the Treaty of Paris====News had reached Europe of the Despite facing such a formidable alliance, British capture of Havana, naval strength and with it the Spanish colony of Cubaineffectiveness led to British success. British forces seized French Caribbean islands, Spanish King Charles III refused to agree to a treaty that would require Spain to cede Cuba, but and the British Parliament would never ratify Philippines. Fighting in Europe ended after a treaty that did not reflect failed Spanish invasion of British territorial gains made during the warally Portugal. By 1763, French and Spanish diplomats began to seek peace.
== How the adversaries Negotiate the Treaty of Paris? ==News had reached Europe of the British capture of Havana and with it the Spanish colony of Cuba. Spanish King Charles III refused to agree to a treaty that would require Spain to cede Cuba. Still, the British Parliament would never ratify a treaty that did not reflect British territorial gains during the war. Facing this dilemma, French negotiator Choiseul proposed a solution that redistributed American territory between France, Spain , and Great Britain. Under Choiseul’s plan, Britain would gain all French territory east of the Mississippi, while Spain would retain Cuba in exchange for handing Florida over to Great Britain. French territories west of the Mississippi would become Spanish, along with the port of New Orleans. In return for these cessionsareas, along with territory in India, Africa, and the Mediterranean island of Minorca, France would regain the Caribbean islands that British forces had captured during the war. The British Government also promised to allow French Canadians to freely practice Catholicism and provided for provide French fishing rights off Newfoundlandfreely.
Choiseul preferred to keep the small Caribbean islands of Martinique, Guadeloupe, and St. Lucia rather than hold on to the vast territory stretching from Louisiana to Canada. This decision was motivated by the fact that the islands’ sugar industry was enormously profitable. In contrast, Canada had been a drain on the French treasury. The loss of Canada, while lamentable to French officials, made sense from a mercantile perspective.
The diplomats completed their negotiations and signed the preliminary Treaty of Paris on November 3, 1762. Spanish and French negotiators also signed the Treaty of San Ildefonso at the same timesimultaneously, which confirmed the cession of French Louisiana to Spain. == How did the Treaty of Paris alter the balance of power in North America? ==Although British King George III and his ministers favored the treaty, it was unpopular with the British public. However, the treaty contained enough concessions to war hawks that the British Parliament ratified the Treaty of Paris by a majority of 319 to 64. The treaty went into effect on February 10, 1763. For Anglo-American colonists, the treaty was a theoretical success. By confirming Canada's conquest and extending British possessions to the Mississippi, the colonists no longer had to worry about the threat of a French invasion. For the American Indians in what had been frontier territory, the treaty proved disastrous. They could no longer pursue what had been a largely effective strategy of playing the French and British against each other to extract the most favorable terms of alliance and preserve their lands against encroachment by Anglo-American colonists. ====Conclusion====Despite what seemed like a success, the Treaty of Paris ultimately encouraged dissension between Anglo-American colonists and the British Government because their interests in North America no longer coincided. The British Government no longer wanted to maintain an expensive military presence. Its attempts to manage a post-treaty frontier policy that would balance colonists’ and Indians’ interests would prove ineffective and even counterproductive. Coupled with differences between the imperial government and colonists on how to levy taxes to pay for debts on wartime expenses, the Treaty of Paris ultimately set the colonists on the path towards seeking independence, even as it seemed to make the British Empire stronger than ever.  <div class="portal" style='float:rightcenter; width:35%'>
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====The Treaty fundamentally altered the balance of power in North America====
Although British King George III and his ministers were in favor of the treaty, it was unpopular with the British public. However, the treaty contained enough concessions to war hawks that the British Parliament ratified the Treaty of Paris by a majority of 319 to 64, and the treaty went into effect on February 10, 1763.
For Anglo-American colonists, the treaty was a theoretical success. By confirming the conquest of Canada and extending British possessions to the Mississippi, the colonists no longer had to worry about the threat of a French invasion. For the American Indians in what had been frontier territory, the treaty proved disastrous. They could no longer pursue what had been a largely effective strategy of playing the French and British against each other to extract the most favorable terms of alliance and preserve their lands against encroachment by Anglo-American colonists.
Despite what seemed like a success, the Treaty of Paris ultimately encouraged dissension between Anglo-American colonists and the British Government because their interests in North America no longer coincided. The British Government no longer wanted to maintain an expensive military presence, and its attempts to manage a post-treaty frontier policy that would balance colonists’ and Indians’ interests would prove ineffective and even counterproductive. Coupled with differences between the imperial government and colonists on how to levy taxes to pay for debts on wartime expenses, the Treaty of Paris ultimately set the colonists on the path towards seeking independence, even as it seemed to make the British Empire stronger than ever.
Republished from [| Office of the Historian], United States Department of State

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