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Was Claudius an effective Roman Emperor

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Claudius and the Senate
====Claudius and the Senate====
Claudius attempted to foster a good positive relationship with the Senate. He may have sought the support of that body in the early years of his reign. However, it seems that many in of the elite had become Roman elites became disillusioned with the Imperial system and even wanted a return to some form of Republican government.<ref>Osgood, p P. 101</ref>  There were many several plots and multiple attempts to foster incite rebellions during the Claudius' reign of Claudius. According to Suetonius, the Emperor had some 35 Senators executed for treason during his reigntenure.<ref> Suetonius, <i>Life of Claudius</i>, 29</ref> This possibly led to  These coups pushed Claudius to favor freedmen, rather than Senators when it came , to administer his government. The Emperor used his position as Censor to purge the rolls of the Senate in an effort ostensibly to reform that body, but he also no doubt sought to limit the Senate to place those members who were loyal to him in the assembly.  One of the most significant reforms of Claudius was his insistence on admitting non-Italians into the Senate. He had several Gaul’s admitted to the senatorial rolls. According to Tacitus , he firmly believed that a pluralist and multicultural Senate was essential for the future of Rome. He believed thought that Rome had to admit those outsiders who were loyal to stay vital and stronghealthy.  According to Tacitus, he Claudius believed that the reason why Sparta and Athens fell because was that they would not admit immigrants and outsiders to a share of power and allowing . Essentially, it allowed provincials to become senators would safeguard and gave them a stake in the Empireand gave them a powerful incentive to safeguard it.<ref>Tacitus, vi, 17</ref> Claudius prevailed and during and after his reign non-Italians became Senators. His policy, further integrated provincial elites into the Roman system but also over time, which as he predicted it greatly benefitted the Empireas Claudius had predicted.

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