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Hadrian is regarded as one of the good Emperors. He helped to avert a crisis in the east and managed to secure the eastern frontier. Hadrian also ended instability and rebellion in the Empire. His emphasis on peace through strength gave Rome many years of stability, after the endless wars of Trajan. The Emperor also helped to support the urbanization of the provinces and encouraged local elites to assume a greater role in the running of their localities. He also adroitly managed to integrate many local notables more fully into the Roman system. Hadrian greatly strengthened the Roman Empire and it is a testament to his achievements that his successor Antonius Pius was to have a very peaceful reign, indeed Rome was not to fight a major war for over a generation after the death of Hadrian. Hadrian’s treatment of the Jews was not typical of his tolerant and peaceful reign. His impact on the history of the Jews and their religion was immense.
==Recommended Reading==
Birley, Anthony R. Hadrian. The restless emperor (London, Routledge, 1997)
Lambert, Royston Beloved and God: the story of Hadrian and Antinous (London: Phoenix Giants, 1997)
Everitt, Anthony Hadrian and the triumph of Rome ( New York, Random House, 2009).
Danziger, Danny; Purcell, Nicholas Hadrian's empire : when Rome ruled the world (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2006)

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