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Public Domain Tent revivals were a hallmark of the Second Great Awakening. 1849 lithograph, Harry T. Peters "America on Stone" Lithography Collection. Colored print of a man preaching to a large group of men and women at Hartford, Connecticut, seated s...
Public Domain
Tent revivals were a hallmark of the Second Great Awakening. 1849 lithograph, Harry T. Peters "America on Stone" Lithography Collection. Colored print of a man preaching to a large group of men and women at Hartford, Connecticut, seated separately by gender on benches. In the background and on the side are tents with women seated in their openings. Eight men are seated on the platform behind the preacher. The tents are labeled with initials with the exception of one that says "4St". Two verses from the Bible appear below the image on each side of the title. (Smithsonian) Image: 8 x 12 in.; 20.32 x 30.48 cm ID number: DL*60.2964 Negative number: 2003-24830
Kelloggs & Comstock -;

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