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How did Cardinal Richelieu change France

532 bytes added, 01:33, 21 September 2021
[[File: Kardinaal de Richelieu.jpg|300px|thumb|left|Titian’s portrait of Richelieu]]
Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642) was one of France's most significant leaders because he both strengthened and consolidated the power of the most important statesmen in French if not European historymonarchy. He was chief minister to Louis XIII , and he changed the nature of the French government and society. Today , he is best known as a character in Alexander Dumas’classic novel, [ The Three Musketeers]. Richelieu was a master politician and diplomat, who because of used his influence over the monarch laid to lay the foundations of an ‘absolute monarchy’ in France.
Richelieu was also able to use the Thirty Years War to further the France's national interests of France and he, more . More than anyone else , he made France the greatest power in Europe by the second half of the seventeenth century. He was also a very important figure in the development of the French Empire. However, these achievements, while significant resulted in death and misery , were a catastrophe for millions of most French peoplecitizens.
====Background==Why was France divided before the arrival of Cardinal Richelieu? ==In the early seventeenth century , France was one of the Europe's leading powers in Europe , but it was very divided and vulnerable. It was surrounded by the Hapsburgs , who controlled the Low Countries and Spain. The kingdom was also very divided because of religion. Europe was torn by religious conflict , and in 1618 the Thirty Years War broke out , and much of the continent was dragged into the conflict between Catholic and Protestant.<ref> Bergin, Joseph. <i>The Rise of Richelieu </i> (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997), p. 34</ref> The international situation was destabilizing French society , which was divided between Catholic and Protestant (Huguenot). The Edict of Nantes had granted French Protestants religious toleration and this community effectively ran their own ‘parallel state’. There were continued tensions between Catholics and Protestants and this frequently exploded into riot and violence. The Catholic community itself was divided between hardliners and those who took a more pragmatic approach to religion. The country itself was still largely a feudal society.<ref> Bergin, p. 13</ref>
The local nobility Edict of Nantes had granted French Protestants religious toleration, and magnates dominated the localities and they were the de-facto rulers in this community effectively ran their own lands‘parallel state. The great noble families such as the Conde owned massive estates ’ There were continued tensions between Catholics and they even had their own private armies. These noble families owed more allegiance to themselves than to France. The nobility was factionalized Protestants, and they constantly quarreled this frequently exploded into riots and even fought each other to gain influence and even intrigued with the Hapsburgs against their king.<ref> Collins, James Bviolence. The State in Early Modern France (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1995), p. 15</ref> The actual power of the monarch was very limited. The king in France Catholic community itself was dependent upon the nobles to raise taxes divided between hardliners and an army. If the aristocrats did not want those who took a more pragmatic approach to cooperate with the king, he was in great difficultiesreligion. Many found this situation intolerable and demanded reforms, especially the middle class and urban elites. ====Cardinal Richelieu====Cardinal Richelieu was born in 1585, during one of France’s many Religious Wars. Richelieu The country itself was the son of the Lord of Richelieu and a member of the minor nobilitystill largely feudal society.<ref> Bergin, p. 413</ref> He was educated in Paris at the Collège de Navarre, a brilliant student he was well-versed in history and the classics. He had originally been intended for the military but his family decided that he should enter the priesthood. In April 1607, after receiving a papal dispensation as he was only 21, he was ordained as a priest and bishop at Lucon. Richelieu was very ambitious and studied the works of Machiavelli. The extent of the influence of the Italian political philosopher can be seen in Richelieu’s cynical aphorisms, especially in his Testament Politique (1641).
His most famous epigram is ‘one may use all means The local nobility and magnates dominated the localities, and they were the de-facto rulers in their lands. The great noble families such as the Conde owned massive estates, and they even had their private armies. These noble families owed more allegiance to themselves than to France. The nobility was factionalized, and they constantly quarreled and fought each other to gain influence and even intrigued by the Hapsburgs against one’s enemiestheir king.<ref> RichelieuCollins, Political Testament, 1662James B. <i>The State In Early Modern France</i> (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1995), p. 915</ref> By 1614 the young prelate had achieved a reputation as a capable administrator and regularly attended meetings The actual power of the Estates-General (French Parliament), where his oratory impressed manymonarch was minimal. Richelieu The king in France was a member of dependent upon the dévot party nobles to raise taxes and a very strong supporter of Roman Catholicism an army. If the aristocrats did not want to cooperate with the king, he was in great difficulties. Many found this situation intolerable and held pro-Spanish views.<ref> Collinsdemanded reforms, pespecially the middle class and urban elites. 13 </ref>
The young bishop came to the attention of the queen-regent, Marie de Medici, who asked == Who was Cardinal Richelieu to attend the Royal Court. ? ==Cardinal Richelieu became chaplain was born in 1585, during one of the young queen Anne in 1615France’s many Religious Wars. She Richelieu was the wife son of the Lord of Louis XII, who was too young to rule in his own name Richelieu and power really rested with his mother Marie de Medici. Richelieu was a political genius and soon he was appointed Secretary member of State for War. However, his patron Marie de Medici fell from grace with the king because of court-politics and it seemed that Richelieu’s career was overminor nobility.<ref>LeviBergin, Anthonyp. 4<i/ref>Cardinal Richelieu He was educated in Paris Collège de Navarre, a brilliant student he was well-versed in history and the Making of France</i>classics. He had originally intended to the military, but his family decided that he should enter the priesthood. New York: Carroll and GrafIn April 1607, 2000)after receiving a papal dispensation as he was only 21, phe was ordained as a priest and bishop at Lucon. 112</ref> However, Richelieu managed to reconcile the queen-mother and her son was very ambitious and he eventually was rewarded with studied the position works of Chief Minister and with the backing Machiavelli. The extent of Louis XII he began the transformation of French societyItalian political philosopher's influence can be seen in Richelieu’s cynical aphorisms, especially in his Testament Politique (1641).
The king also secured a Cardinal’s hat for His most famous epigram is ‘one may use all means against one’s enemies.’<ref>Richelieu, <i>Political Testament, 1662</i>, p. The French statesman was committed to furthering the power of the monarchy and France. In pursuit of this9</ref> By 1614, he attacked the Huguenots and began to erode their power base. He reformed the navy and the army. He also reformed the bureaucracy young prelate had achieved a reputation as a capable administrator and sought to curb the power regularly attended meetings of the noblesEstates-General (French Parliament), where his oratory impressed many. Much Richelieu was a member of his time in power was an effort to centralize power. He was dependent upon the king’s favor dévot party and confidence but Louis XIII, an indolent a powerful supporter of Roman Catholicism and enigmatic man, gave Richelieuheld pro-Spanish views.<ref>Collins, great leeway to pursue the policies that he thought were best for the kingdom. The Cardinal was often embroiled in disputes with noble factions but the support of the monarch allowed him to initiate key reforms and radical policiesp. 13 </ref>
The Cardinal sought young bishop came to the queen regent's attention, Marie de Medici, who asked Richelieu to establish an Absolute Monarchy attend the Royal Court. Richelieu became the chaplain of the young Queen Anne in France1615. She was the wife of Louis XII, where the king would bewho was too young to rule in his name, obeyed through the land and the feudal nobility no longer acted like independent lordspower rested with his mother, Marie de Medici. He suppressed several conspiracies Richelieu was a political genius, and rebellions and limited soon he was appointed Secretary of State for War. However, his patron Marie de Medici fell from grace with the powers king because of the nobilitycourt-politics, and it seemed that Richelieu’s career was over.<ref> CollinsLevi, Anthony. <i>Cardinal Richelieu and the Making of France</i>. New York: Carroll and Graf, 2000), p. 115112</ref> However, Richelieu managed to reconcile the queen-mother and her son. He eventually was very much a ‘realist’ in international affairs and he allied himself rewarded with Protestant nations, though a Catholic to strengthen the position of his beloved France in Europe. He intervened in the Thirty Years War Chief Minister, and changed with the direction backing of that conflict. Richelieu died hated by many in 1642 and his work was continued by his handpicked successor Cardinal MazarinLouis XII, who completed his old masters work and created an absolute monarchy in Francehe began the transformation of French society.
====Government Reform====The king also secured a Cardinal’s hat for Richelieu made sweeping changes . The French statesman was committed to furthering the way that power of the monarchy and France was governed . In pursuit of this, he expanded attacked the standing army Huguenots and began to erode their power base. He reformed the navyand the army. He also made sure that they were regularly funded by reorganized the bureaucracy and sought to curb the Royal Treasury for power of the first nobles. Much of his timein power was an effort to centralize power. Richelieu He was eager to remove the influence of dependent upon the nobility from the bureaucracy king’s favor and he opened the civil service to commonersconfidence. HoweverStill, many of these bought their positions Louis XIII, an indolent and this lead enigmatic man, gave Richelieu great leeway to nepotism and corruption in pursue the policies that he thought were best for the later years of Richelieu’skingdom.<ref> Collins, p. 115</ref> The Cardinal did make the bureaucracy more efficient and made sure that the royal budget was balanced. His most important reforms were often embroiled in local government. Traditionally disputes with noble factions, but the local notables had been free monarch's support allowed him to do what they like, they were expected to administer their districtinitiate fundamental reforms and radical policies.
This was a relic of feudalism and Richelieu believed that it was not suitable for a modern state. He persuaded Louis XIII The Cardinal sought to appoint establish an ‘intendant’ or official to every district Absolute Monarchy in France, where the king would be, obeyed through the land, and they would administer the areafeudal nobility no longer acted like independent lords. This did much to reduce He suppressed several conspiracies and rebellions and limited the influence powers of the local notables but they still had immense powersnobility. The appointment of government officials did much to curb the authority and freedom of provincial nobles<ref> Collins, p. 115</ref> Richelieu administrative reforms did was very much to change France from a feudal to a modern state‘realist’ in international affairs. HoweverHe allied himself with Protestant nations, this was arguably not finished until the French Revolution. Richelieu also had many castles and fortresses demolished and this reduced the ability of the nobility to defy their monarchthough a Catholic, however they were still able to recruit large private armies from among their tenants and retainersstrengthen his position beloved France in Europe. The new administration also meant more taxes for He intervened in the peasantry Thirty Years War and there were changed the direction of that conflict. Richelieu died hated by many peasant uprisings during the Cardinal’s ministryin 1642.<ref>BerginHis work was continued by his hand-picked successor Cardinal Mazarin, pwho completed his old master's work and created an absolute monarchy in France. 116</ref>
==How did Richelieu reform the French Government? ==HuguenotsRichelieu made sweeping changes to how France was governed. He expanded the standing army and the navy. He also made sure that the Royal Treasury regularly funded them for the first time. Richelieu was eager to remove the nobility's influence from the bureaucracy, and he opened the civil service to commoners. However, many of these bought their positions, leading to nepotism and corruption in the later years of Richelieu’s.<ref> Collins, p. 115</ref> The Cardinal did make the bureaucracy more efficient and made sure that the royal budget was balanced. His most important reforms were in local government. Traditionally the local notables had been free to do what they like; they were expected to administer their district.  <dh-ad/> This was a relic of feudalism, and Richelieu believed it was not suitable for a modern state. He persuaded Louis XIII to appoint an ‘intendant’ or official to every district, and they would administer the area. This did much to reduce the influence of the local notables, but they still had immense powers. The appointment of government officials did much to curb the authority and freedom of provincial nobles. Richelieu's administrative reforms did much to change France from a feudal to a modern state. However, this was arguably not finished until the French Revolution. Richelieu also had many castles and fortresses demolished, which reduced the nobility's ability to defy their monarch. However, they were still able to recruit large private armies from among their tenants and retainers. The new administration also meant more taxes for the peasantry, and there were many peasant uprisings during the Cardinal’s ministry.<ref>Bergin, p. 116</ref> ==Why did Cardinal Richelieu attack the French Huguenots? ==
[[File: Siege of La Rochelle 1881 Henri Motte 1846 1922.jpg|200px|thumb|left| Richelieu at the siege of La Rochelle]]
The Huguenots, were perhaps the strongest faction in the country , and they had a significant army and were supported by Charles I of England. Richelieu attempted to revoke many of the privileges that were granted to the Huguenots under the Edict of Nantes. This action led to a rebellion , and Richelieu besieged one of their main strongholds La Rochelle. This siege was The Cardinal personally directed by the Cardinal this siege, and he imitated Alexander the Great's siege tactics of Alexander the Great to capture the strategic port.  The Huguenots continued their rebellion , but the Cardinal was implacable , and the Royalist army defatted the French Protestants in battle.<ref> Levi, p. 113</ref> This forced the Huguenot leader to seek terms with the king. Richelieu adopted a conciliatory policy towards them was influenced by because of personal philosophy ‘First, all means to conciliate; failing that, all means to crush.’<ref> Richelieu, <i>Political Statement</i>. (1663), p. 13</ref> If the Huguenots had not obeyed the Cardinal’s will , he would have waged a total war against them. Richelieu, eventually appointed the Huguenot leader to a senior position in the army and integrated some Huguenot soldiers into the Royal army. The Cardinal at the same time, under the Peace of Alais, the Protestants still had religious freedom , but they were shorn of their military and political rights. == What was Cardinal Richelieu's role in the Thirty Years War? == [[File: Battle of Lens.jpeg|200px|thumb|left| 19th-century painting of the Battle of Lens (1648)]]Richelieu was unique among politicians of the time as he put his king's needs before that of his religion. He devised a strategy that promoted and safeguarded the geopolitical interests of France. Despite being an early adherent of the Devot party, he was determined to limit his fellow Catholics' power, the Hapsburgs.<ref> Levi, p. 123</ref>  This dynasty ruled in Spain and Austria, and they dominated much of Europe. For over a hundred years, they had threatened France or interfered in her internal affairs. When he became Minister, he adopted a determined anti-Hapsburg policy. Through subsidies, he supported various Protestant armies in Germany that were fighting the Catholic armies of the Hapsburgs. In 1629 when the Hapsburgs seemed on the point of victory, he encouraged the Swedes to invade Germany. This was not enough for Richelieu, and he had French armies fight against the Spanish Hapsburgs in Northern Italy and even in Spain itself (Catalonia).  The Cardinal used all the resources of France to contain and defeat the Hapsburgs. He was concerned that the Hapsburgs sought to encircle and conquer France. He raised taxes to pay for the military campaigns. The increased taxes disproportionately targeted ordinary families and even caused localized famines. However, Richelieu's policies were continued with, and they eventually led to the French victory over the Spanish Hapsburgs at Lens in 1648. This is widely regarded as the end of the Hapsburgs' supremacy in Europe and was a victory that saw France's emergence as the most significant power in Europe. Richelieu did not live to implement all his plans, but he undoubtedly helped make France the preeminent power in seventeenth-century Europe. == How did Richelieu expand the power of the French Empire? ==Not only did Richelieu help to make France the greatest power in Europe, but he was also instrumental in the establishment of a French overseas Empire. His Navy reforms meant that the French could secure new colonies, especially in the eighteenth century. When he came to power, the French colony in New France (Canada) was in decline. He revived the fortunes of the colony by the formation of the ‘Company of New France.’
====Thirty Years War====[[File: Battle of Lens.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|19th century painting of the Battle of Lens (1648)]]Richelieu was unique among statemen of the time as he put This shift helped boost trade between the needs of his king before that of his religion. He devised a strategy that promoted colony and safeguarded the geopolitical interests of France. Despite being an early adherent of the Devot party, he was determined which encouraged many French emigrants to limit the power of his fellow Catholics the Hapsburgs.<ref> Levi, p. 123</ref> This dynasty ruled settle in Spain and in Austria and they dominated much of Europe. For over a hundred years they had threatened France or interfered in her internal affairs when he became Minister he adopted a determined anti-Hapsburg policy. He supported, through subsidies various Protestant armies in Germany that were fighting the Catholic armies of the Hapsburgsterritory. In 1629 when Richelieu encouraged the Hapsburgs seemed on settlers to live in harmony with the point of victory he encouraged Native Americans, which did much to strengthen the Swedes to invade GermanyFrench colony. This The Cardinal was not enough for Richelieu and he had French armies fight against one of the Spanish Hapsburgs pivotal figures in Northern Italy the history of Quebec and even in Spain itself (Catalonia)Francophone Canada.
The Cardinal used all the resources == Conclusion ==Richelieu was one of France to contain and defeat the Hapsburgsgreatest figures in Early Modern Europe. He believed that if they were not that they would encircle and even conquer changed Francefrom a feudal society into a modern state. The taxes raised to pay for the military campaigns led to real hardships for many ordinary people and even caused localized famines. However, Richelieu policies were continued with and they eventual led to the French victory over the Spanish Hapsburgs at Lens He was instrumental in 1648. This is widely regarded as the end establishment of the Hapsburgs supremacy Absolute Monarchy in Europe and was a victory that saw France because he managed to curb the emergence power of France as the greatest power in EuropeFrench nobility. Richelieu did not live His foreign policy effectively ended the Hapsburg threat to implement all his plans but he undoubtedly helped to make France and made her one of, or perhaps the most powerful kingdom on the preeminent power in seventeenth century Europecontinent.
====Richelieu and the French Empire====Not only did Richelieu help died before his policies came to make France fruition, but his protégé Mazarin ensured that the greatest power in Europe he was also instrumental in the establishment of a French overseas EmpireCardinal plans were carried out. His reforms of the navy This meant that the French could secure new colonies especially in the eighteenth centurysociety was utterly changed. When Richelieu also had a very modern outlook, and he came to power the French colony in New France (Canada) was in decline. He revived created the fortunes apparatus of a modern nation-state and laid the colony by the formation of foundations for the ‘Company of New France’. This helped to boost trade between the colony and France and this encouraged many future French emigrants to settle Empire in the colonyNorth America. Richelieu encouraged the settlers His last words to live in harmony with the Native Americans and this did much to strengthen king, before he died, sum up his achievements.<ref> Collins, p. 114</ref> Richelieu said< "I have the French colony. The Cardinal was one consolation of the pivotal figures leaving your kingdom in the history highest degree of Quebec glory and Francophone Canadareputation. "
====Conclusion====Richelieu was one However, all of the greatest figures in Early Modern Europe. He changed France from a feudal society into this came at a modern statecost. He was instrumental After his death, the French nobility revolted in two wars known as the establishment of the Absolute Monarchy in Fronde, which devastated France because he managed to curb the power of the French nobility. His foreign policy effectively ended the Hapsburg threat military campaigns and administrative reforms led to France widespread poverty, rebellion, and made her one of, or perhaps the most powerful kingdom on famine in the continentcountryside. Richelieudid make France great, died before his policies came to fruition but his protégé Mazarin ensured that the plans of the Cardinal were carried out. This meant that French society was utterly changed. Richelieu also had a very modern outlook and he created the apparatus of a modern nation state and laid the foundations for the future French Empire in North America. His last words to the kingdoing so, before he died, sum up his achievementscaused many millions to suffer.<ref> Collins, pNo wonder he was such a divisive figure who was either hated or loved. 114</ref>
I have the consolation of leaving your kingdom in the highest degree of glory and of reputation However, all of this came at a cost. After his death, the <div class="portal" style='float:left; width:35%'>====Related Articles===={{#dpl:category=French nobility revolted in two wars known as the Frondes, that devastated France. His military campaigns and administrative reforms led to widespread poverty, rebellion, and famine in the countryside. Richelieu did make France great but in doing so he caused many millions to suffer. No wonder he was such a divisive figure, who was either hated or loved.History|ordermethod=firstedit|order=descending|count=8}}</div>
Reviewed September 20, 2021.
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