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Why Were the Maya Such Excellent Warriors

9 bytes added, 22:14, 19 August 2017
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[[File: Chichen_Itza.jpg|300px|thumbnail|left|Temple of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza, Mexico]]
The Pre-Colombian Maya culture of Central America is known today for being enigmatic and somewhat paradoxical. Unlike most of their neighbors, the Maya were a literate society that developed a religious, historical, and scientific corpus of texts, but unfortunately most of the writings have survived only as fragments, which have contributed much to their mystery. The Maya are also known for being a people who cherished and preserved many beautiful things such as the Temple of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza, the colorful murals discovered among the ruins of Bonampak, and the numerous statues, vases, and jewelry that are on display in many museums throughout the world. But the beauty of Maya culture is juxtaposed with extreme acts of violence that were an everyday part of life in their cities.

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