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How did zoos develop

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[[File:9452190187 2b90ed3bfa b.jpg|thumbnail|left|Figure 1. Hunting scene, from ancient Assyria, showing a royal hunt in a royal park created to contain lions.]]
Increasingly, modern zoos today are not just seen as a place to see local and exotic animals, but they are treated as places of conservation. However, we can see that in relatively recent history that was not the case, as many older zoos have display areas and cages that clearly were intended to simply display animals to a curious public. The history of zoos has changed, from one of limited display to upper society, to one that was accessible to many. Furthermore, the importance of the animals and how they were seen has changed.
==Development of the Concept of a Zoo==
Both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia had a concept of zoos developed in their ancient societies by at least around 2500 BC. In Egypt, including in Saqqara, a zoo has been found, where exotic animals such as antelopes, baboons, hyenas, cheetahs, cranes, storks and falcons were likely kept. In southern Mesopotamia, royal figures seem to have kept wild animals. However, the reasons for keeping these animals may have varied. In Egypt, some of these animals may have been seen as sacred as well as a form of royal pet, while in Mesopotamia taming wild animals was seen as demonstrating the power of kings and the royal line. In fact, a king fighting a lion or tiger, at least shown as a symbolic depiction, indicated the power of royalty. Keeping such animals may have been done to even eventually have a type of royal combat with these animals. By 13th century BC, larger animals, such as elephants and giraffes, and even more exotic species were being kept. In Egypt, giraffes and pet lions were recorded to have been kept by Ramses II.
In ===Development of the period Concept of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, from the 9th to 7th centuries a Zoo===Both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia had a concept of zoos developed in their ancient societies by at least around 2500 BC. In Egypt, tigers were being kept including in enclosures Saqqara, a zoo has been found, where exotic animals such as antelopes, baboons, hyenas, cheetahs, cranes, storks and often falcons were depicted in wall reliefslikely kept. In southern Mesopotamia, royal figures seem to have kept wild animals. What However, the reasons for keeping these animals may have differed in varied. In Egypt, some of these enclosures is there seems to animals may have been an attempt to also reconstruct seen as sacred as well as a form of royal pet, while in Mesopotamia taming wild animals was seen as demonstrating the power of kings and the ecosystem in which tigersroyal line. SennacheribIn fact, a king fighting a lion or tiger, at least shown as a symbolic depiction, indicated the power of royalty. Keeping such animals may have been done to even eventually have a type of Assyria from 704 – 682 royal combat with these animals. By 13th century BC, created a marsh-like environment larger animals, such as elephants and giraffes, and garden in his royal city of Nineveh that not only contained even more exotic plants but also was intended species were being kept. In Egypt, giraffes and pet lions were recorded to recreate the marsh have been kept by Ramses II.<ref>For more on wild animals kept in ancient Egypt and wider environment of certain tiger species Mesopotamia, see: Bostock, S.S.C. (Figure 12014)<i>Zoos and animal rights: the ethics of keeping animals</i>. Glasgow Zoological Gardens. Glasgow.</ref>
In Chinathe period of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, during from the Zhou Dynasty between 2000-1000 9th to 7th centuries BC, parks lions were created that had walled being kept in enclosures and often were depicted in wall reliefs. What may have differed in some of these enclosures that is there seems to have been an attempt to also kept a menagerie reconstruct the ecosystem in which lions and tigers existed. Sennacherib, king of animals. In the Han DynastyAssyria from 704 – 682 BC, late created a marsh-like environment and garden in his royal city of Nineveh that not only contained exotic plants but also was intended to recreate the 1st millennium BC marsh and wider environment of certain animal species (around 200 BCFigure 1), records indicate private menageries were kept, where .<ref>For more on Assyrian royal gardens and animals included birds, bearssee: Dallay, tigersS., alligators(1993) Ancient Mesopotamian Gardens and the Identification of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon Resolved. <i>Garden History</i>, rhinoceroses21, deer, and elephantspp. This was similar to Neo-Assyrian gardens and animal enclosures that replicated the environment somewhat1 – 13.</ref>
In ancient GreeceChina, during the Zhou Dynasty between 2000-1000 BC, private menageries parks were created that had walled enclosures that also known. The most famous was the one owned by Aristotle. Here, he kept a variety menagerie of animals for study. In factthe Han Dynasty, it late in the 1st millennium BC (around 200 BC), records indicate private menageries were kept, where animals included birds, bears, tigers, alligators, rhinoceroses, deer, and elephants. This was this menagerie similar to Neo-Assyrian gardens and animal enclosures that led to replicated the first book dedicated environment, similar in many ways to studying animalsAssyria.<ref>For more on menageries in ancient China, see: Schafer, called E.H. (1968) Hunting Parks and Animal Enclosures in Ancient China.<i>The Journal of the Economic and Social History of Animalsthe Orient</i>, written in the 4th century BC11, pp. While Aristotle used his own collection of animals, he also observed animals in the wild such as in the island of Lesbos318 – 343.</ref>
[[File:9452190187 2b90ed3bfa bIn ancient Greece, private menageries were also known.jpg|thumbnail|Figure 1The most famous was the one owned by Aristotle. Hunting sceneHere, showing he kept a royal hunt variety of animals for study. In fact, it was this menagerie that led to the first book dedicated to studying animals, called <i>The History of Animals</i>, written in the 4th century BC. While Aristotle used his own collection of animals, he also observed animals in the wild such as in the island of Lesbos.<ref>For more on animal collections in a royal park created to contain lionsancient Greece and Aristotle's groundbreaking work, see: Hancocks, D. (2001) <i>A different nature: the paradoxical world of zoos and their uncertain future.</i> Berkeley, Univ. of California Press.]]</ref>
===Rise of Zoos===[[File:Lion sculptures, Tower of London.jpg|thumbnail|left|Figure 2. Lion sculptures commemorating lions kept near the Lion Tower at the Tower of London.]]The Roman Period reflects a mixture of wonderment, where many exotic animals were collected as the Roman Empire expanded. This included elephants, leopards, lions, ostriches, and parrots, in addition to bears and other native animals to Italy. However, the Romans are also well known for the their cruelty towards animals in the colosseum, where many animals were killed in combat or even just pleasure. Nevertheless, the Romans were very fascinated by wild animals, where they seem to have promoted the use of animals in public display, such as parading elephants, showing animal tricks, and even dressing animals (e.g., monkeys were dressed as soldiers and even rode in chariots pulled by goats). They even began to study animals that they held in captivity, similar to Aristotle. Rome's experience with Carthage led them to respect the power of the elephant, even if it had relatively little military value. However, it was a symbolic animal to the Romans as a powerful animal that could be used to frighten their enemies, similar to how they were frightened by the animal when they first encountered it against Carthage. <ref>For more on how the Romans treated wild and exotic animals, see: Vernon N. Kisling (ed.) (2001) <i>Zoo and aquarium history: ancient animal collections to zoological gardens</i>. Boca Raton, Fla, CRC Press, pg. 19.</ref>
What the Roman period shows is that animals were now beginning to be seen not just as wonderment for the wealth wealthy or powerful, but now animals were beginning to be shown in more public settings and displayed for their wonder and power. While clearly animals were often treated with cruelty, the period of Rome also began a process where people increasingly came into closer contact with wild animals and those that were very exotic.
In the Medieval period in Europe, menageries were once again popular among monarchs. Gifts of wild animals, such as the Abbasid Caliph sending an elephant to Charlemagne, occurred between monarchs. In effect, zoos became, once again, more private and the privy of royalty or very high sectors of society. In the reign of Elizabeth I, however, descendants of leopards that were once owned by Henry III (a gift from Fredrick II) were put in one of the first public animal displays. Elizabeth had moved the animals to what became known as the Lion Tower in the western entrance of the Tower of London.<dh-ad/>
==Modern Development==The oldest known zoo today is In the Tiergarten Schönbrunn Medieval period in ViennaEurope, which was menageries were once a royal lion parkagain popular among monarchs. HoweverGifts of wild animals, such as the Abbasid Caliph sending an elephant to Charlemagne, it was made a public park and zoo by emperor Francis Ioccurred frequently. This public park and zoo In effect, zoos (or really animal collections) became popular , once again, more private and soon other locations in Europe gained interest in having their own public zoosthe privy of royalty or very high sectors of society. Madrid and Paris soon followed in In the late 18th centuryreign of Elizabeth I, however, while descendants of leopards that were once owned by Henry III (a zoo gift from Fredrick II) were put in Russia was founded one of the first public animal displays (Figure 2). Elizabeth had moved the animals to what became known as the Lion Tower in 1806 to scientifically study animals. By the early 19th century, western entrance of the concept Tower of public displayLondon.<ref>For more on Medieval in England and animal gifts and the lion enclosure in London, to satisfy public interestsee: Sophie Page (ed.) (2010) <i>The unorthodox imagination in late medieval Britain</i>. UCL/Neale series on British history. Manchester ; New York : New York, and scientific study had emerged as being central concepts Manchester University Press ; Distributed in zoosthe U.S. exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, pg. 198. </ref>
===Modern Development===The London Zoo oldest known zoo today is the Tiergarten Schönbrunn in Regent's ParkVienna, founded in 1828which was once a royal lion park. However, began to become the symbol of what it was made a modern public park and zoo by emperor Francis I. This public park and zoo should look likebecame popular and soon other locations in Europe gained interest in having their own public zoos. It was Madrid and Paris soon followed in the first late 18th century, while a zoo dedicated in Russia was founded in 1806 to scientifically study animals. By the public and scienceearly 19th century, which made it different than the earlier zoos that often separated these ideas concept of public display , to satisfy public interest, and scientific researchstudy had emerged as being central concepts in zoos. The design <ref>For more on the history of the zoo also revolved around large crowds viewing Tiergarten, see: Hosey, G.R., Melfi, V. & Pankhurst, S. (2009) <i>Zoo animals: behaviour, management, thus wide walking areas and larger cages were created so that more people can see the animalswelfare. In effect</i> Oxford ; New York, it was the first zoo to be purposely designed for the wider publicOxford University Press, pg. The first public glass house and apiary for birds were also opened at the zoo20.</ref>
SoonThe London Zoo in Regent's Park, founded in Dublin in 18311828, people began to realize become the medical benefits symbol of studying animalswhat a modern zoo should look like. ThusIt was the first zoo dedicated to the public and science, which made it different than the earlier zoos were also transformed into medical that often separated these ideas of public display and scientific research areas, although in most cases this often was on animals that were already dead rather than harvesting animals. The next major development for zoos was essentially a reinvention design of what the Assyrians had developed. That iszoo also revolved around large crowds viewing animals, a zoo with open thus wide walking areas and areas larger cages were created so that resembled more people can see the animals' natural habitats. This In effect, it was the first done in Hamburg in 1907 by Carl Hagenbeck, who zoo to be purposely designed this conceptfor the wider public. In the 1930s, The first public glass house and apiary for birds were also opened at the concept of a safari park zoo had emerged. This led to <ref>For more on the development of Whipsnade London Zoo, which allowed visitors to come close to see: Ito, T. (2014)<i> London Zoo and the animals as they went through a safariVictorians, 1828-like natural setting1859</i>. Royal Historical Society Studies in History New Series</ref>
While zoos increasingly tried Soon, in Dublin in 1831, people began to recreate natural habitats for realize the pleasure medical benefits of the publicstudying animals. Thus, zoos were also transformed into medical research areas, relatively little focus although in most cases this often was put on animal welfare. This changed by the 1970s, when conservation movements gained increasing momentumanimals that were already dead rather than harvesting animals. There was greater public pressure The next major development for zoos to reform to focus more on conservation effortswas essentially a reinvention of what the Assyrians had developed. Many zoos after That is, a zoo with open areas and areas that time began to repackage themselves as conservation focused rather than as simply displaying exotic resembled the animals' natural habitats. This was the case first done in Brookfield Zoo Hamburg in Chicago1907 by Carl Hagenbeck, who designed this concept. While In the zoo was initially opened in 1930s, the 1930s as concept of a more typical city safari park zoohad emerged. This led to the development of Whipsnade Zoo, it began which allowed visitors to come close to refocus its efforts towards conservationthe animals as they went through a safari-like natural setting. It build <ref>For more on the first dolphin house advancement of zoos in the 1960s and by the 1970s 19th and 1980searly 20th centuries, work was also done in countries where animals came from by zoo staff to help conserve natural habitatssee: Vernon N. Increasingly, zoos were being refocused to educate the public about habitat lossKisling (ed. This put increasing pressure for zoos to change their displays to more natural settings that attempted ) (2001) <i>Zoo and aquarium history: ancient animal collections to recreate natural habitats for animalszoological gardens</i>. Scientific study and university research increasingly became integrated with zoos during this periodBoca Raton, Fla, CRC Press.</ref>
While zoos increasingly tried to recreate natural habitats for the pleasure of the public, relatively little focus was put on animal welfare, particularly in the animals' home countries and regions. This changed by the 1970s, when conservation movements gained increasing momentum. There was greater public pressure for zoos to reform to focus more on conservation efforts. Many zoos after that time began to repackage themselves as conservation focused rather than as simply displaying exotic animals. This was the case in Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. While the zoo was initially opened in the 1930s as a more typical city zoo, it began to refocus its efforts towards conservation. It build the first dolphin house in the 1960s and by the 1970s and 1980s, work was also done in countries where animals came from by zoo staff to help conserve natural habitats. Increasingly, zoos were being refocused to educate the public about habitat loss. This put increasing pressure for zoos to change their displays to more natural settings that attempted to recreate natural habitats for animals. Scientific study and university research increasingly became integrated with zoos during this period.<ref>For more on the modern history of zoos and conservation, see: Bryan G Norton, Michael Hutchings, Elizabeth F Stevens, Terry L Maple, et al. (eds.) (2010) <i>Ethics on the ark: zoos, animal welfare, and wildlife conservation. Smithsonian Books; New edition editio. Washington.</i></ref> ===Summary===
With few exceptions, for centuries animals were kept for the privy of royalty or powerful individuals in society. However, this began to change more substantially by the 18th century and the rate of public interest increased in having zoos in the 19th century. This increased contact, and changes in attitude, led to a refocus of many zoos today toward conservation efforts. Zoos are still often criticized for poor treatment of animals or even keeping exotic animals in environments very different from those where they naturally live. However, many zoos today have begun to integrate research and conservation efforts that also help the welfare of animals in the regions where they come from, particularly in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, where habitat loss has increased substantially.
{{Mediawiki:Cell}}===References===<references/>{{Contributors}}[[Category:History of Animals]][[Category:Wikis]]

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