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==[[Was Elizabeth I Justified in having her Cousin Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland Executed?]]==
'''Featured Article'''
[[File:Elizabeth_I_when_a_Princess.jpg|left|thumb|200px100px|Elizabeth I is 1546.]]
When studying the lives of Elizabeth I and her rival cousin Mary Stuart, modern interpretations paint a fairly definitive picture of their perceived personalities. Elizabeth’s character is revealed through titles such as ''Elizabeth I, Red Rose of the House of Tudor'' by Katherine Lasky, ''Elizabeth I: Queen of England’s'' Golden Age by Paul Hilliam, or Clark Hulse’s Elizabeth: Ruler and Legend.
{{Read more|Was Elizabeth I Justified in having her Cousin Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland Executed?}}
'''Featured Author Interview'''
[[File:NOLA kidnapping jacket photo (2).jpg|left|thumb|200px100px|NOLA kidnapping jacket.]]
In October, the Oxford University Press will be publishing The Great New Orleans Kidnapping Case: Race, Law, and Justice in the Reconstruction Era by Michael A. Ross, an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland.
{{Read more|Interview:Voodoo, Kidnapping and Race in New Orleans during Reconstruction: Interview with Michael A. Ross}}
==[[Gilded Age/Progressive Era History Top Ten Booklist]]==
'''Featured Booklist'''
[[File:American_Colossus.jpeg|left|thumb|200px100px|American Colossus by H.w. Brands]]
Creating a Top Ten List for the Gilded Age/Progressive Era is challenging. There are an extraordinary number of outstanding books on this period. These books are a selection of our favorites.
{{Read more|Gilded Age/Progressive Era History Top Ten Booklist}}

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