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What were the Root Causes of the Spanish Civil War

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[[File:662px-Official_Francisco_Franco.jpg|thumbnail|left|General Francisco Franco in 1936]]
The In July of 1936, the Spanish Civil War began and rapidly turned into was one of the bloodiest wars in conflicts during the Twentieth Century in Europe. The war was not simply a Spanish affair, but drew in other several other nations, including Italy, Portugal, Germany and the Soviet Union. The war was a result of many factors, some of which will be discussed here. The main but the one primary cause of the Spanish Civil War, was the failure of Spanish democracy. This was because there failure was a result of the refusal by the Spanish political parties and groups to compromise and respect democratic norms.
====Background====Spain was a very divided, unstable and weak country in the 19th century. Once a great power, Spain lost almost the last of its colonies after its defeat in the Spanish-American war.<ref>Vincent, Mary (2007). ''[ Spain, 1833–2002]''. Oxford, UK; New York: Oxford University Press</ref> It was technically a monarchy, but power had frequently been in the hands of military dictators. The country was bitterly divided. The acute poverty of the Spanish people meant that many were drawn to Communism, Anarchism, and Socialism. <ref>Beevor, Antony (2006). ''[ The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936–1939]''. London, UK: Weidenfield and Nicolson</ref> These ideologies call for popular governments and the re-distribution of resources, such as land and wealth.
Spain was a very dividedSpanish anarchists, socialists, unstable and weak country in the 19th century. Once a great power, Spain lost almost communists were secular and wanted to remove the last influence of its colonies after it defeat in the Catholic Church from Spanish-American warsociety.<ref>Vincent, Mary (2007)The elite and the middle class were especially conservative. ''Spain, 1833–2002''They dominated the economy and feared that the Communists would confiscate their property. Oxford, UK; New York: Oxford University Press</ref> It was technically a monarchy, but power had frequently been This is typified in the hands fact that much of military dictators. The country the best land in Spain was bitterly dividedowned by a relatively small proportion of the population. The acute poverty of Furthermore, the wealthy and the Spanish people meant that many were drawn to Communismmiddle class, Anarchism especially in rural society was Catholics and Socialismresisted any idea that there should be a separation of Church in State in Spain. <ref>BeevorLannon, Antony Frances (20061987). ''[ Privilege, Persecution, and Prophecy: The Battle for Catholic Church in Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936–1939, 1875–1975]''. LondonOxford, UK: Weidenfield and NicolsonClarendon Press</ref> These ideologies call for popular governments The elite and the re-distribution rich landowners, the ‘agrarian oligarchy’ were terrified of resourcescommunism, such as land and wealthespecially after the Russian Revolution in 1917.
Spanish anarchistsBy 1930, socialists Spain was bitterly divided into social and communists were secular ideological lines. Spain was and wanted to remove is a diverse society.<ref>Beevor, ''[ The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936–1939]''</ref> There are many areas of the influence country with strong regional or national identities. Many of the Catholic Church regions in Spain, such as the Catalans, demanded more autonomy or even outright independence from Spanish societyMadrid, such as the Basques. The elite and tensions between the middle class were especially conservative. They dominated the economy regions and feared that the Communists would confiscate their property. This is typified in the fact central government meant that much of the best land in Spain country was owned by inherently unstable, as a relatively small proportion compromise was impossible, between the parties.{{Mediawiki:TabletAd1}}====The Failure of Spanish Government====Spain had been neutral during the populationFirst World War. FurthermoreHowever, this had not made the country peaceful or prosperous. In the wealthy and wake of the ending of the middle classWWI, especially in rural society there was Catholics and resisted any idea that there should be a separation of Church in State in Spainmajor economic slump.<ref>LannonBeevor, Frances (1987). ''Privilege, Persecution, and Prophecy[https: // The Catholic Church in Battle for Spain, 1875–1975: The Spanish Civil War 1936–1939]''. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press</ref> The elite working class and the rich landownersrural poor suffered greatly at this time and they began to organize themselves and Communists and Anarchists often led them. At this time the Trade Unions in Spain became very strong, and there were widespread strikes. In the ‘agrarian oligarchy’ were terrified of communismcountryside, especially after the Russian Revolution in 1917impoverished peasants began to seize land.
By 1930To many in the elite, Spain it seemed as if the country was bitterly divided on social the brink of the Communist revolution. Miguel Primo de Rivera, with the support of the monarchy and ideological linesarmy, launched a coup and came to power in 1923, and he became dictator of Spain. Spain He was a monarchist and is a diverse societyconservative and did nothing to reform the country and especially to alleviate the plight of the poor.<ref>Beevor, ''Battle for Spain''</ref> There are many areas of the country with strong regional or national identities. Many of the regions in SpainDe Rivera soon became very unpopular, such as the Catalans, demanded more autonomy or even outright independence from Madrid, such as the Basques. The and tensions between the regions and the central government meant that in the country was inherently unstableincreased, as compromise and he was impossiblyforced to resign. In 1931, between the partiesThe Spanish monarch resigned. It seemed that Spain had an opportunity to begin a new era and to become a real democracy after elections were held.
====Second Republic====A new constitution was introduced in 1931 ad it was a liberal document that guaranteed human rights and basic freedoms. The Constitution also separated the Church and State. The Failure state held elections again in 1932. In the first elections under the Constitution in 1933, an alliance of right-wing and center-right parties came to power. Despite the establishment of democracy, there was no stability.<ref>Paul Preston (2012). <i>[ The Spanish GovernmentHolocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain]</i>. London, UK: HarperCollins</ref> This was partly a result of the economic consequences caused by the Great Depression. The left, including the Communists and the Trade Unions, continued to press for their agendas.<ref>Beevor, ''[http://%5B–1939%5D Battle for Spain]''</ref> They sought the nationalization of industry and the redistribution of land to the poor. General Strikes and local left-wing revolts constantly undermined the first democratically elected government.
Spain had been neutral during the First World War. However, this had not made the country peaceful or prosperous. In the wake of the ending of the WWI, there was a major economic slump.<ref>Beevor, ''Battle for Spain''</ref> The working class and the rural poor suffered greatly at this time and they began to organize themselves and they were often led by Communists and Anarchists. At this time the Trade Unions in Spain became very strong and there were widespread strikes. In the countryside impoverished peasants began to seize land. To many in the elite it seemed as if the country was on the brink of Communist revolution. Miguel Primo de Rivera, with the support of the monarchy and army launched a coup and came to power in 1923, and he became dictator of Spain. He was a monarchists and conservative and did nothing to reform the country and especially to alleviate the plight of the poor.<ref>Beevor, ''Battle for Spain''</ref> De Rivera soon became very unpopular and tensions in the country increased and he was forced to resign. In 1931, The Spanish monarch resigned. It seemed that Spain had an opportunity to begin a new era and to become a true democracy, after elections were held. ==Second Republic== A new constitution was introduced in 1931 ad it was a liberal document that guaranteed human rights and basic freedoms. The Constitution also separated the Church and State. Elections were again held in 1932. In the first elections under the Constitution in 1933, an alliance of right wing and center right parties came to power. Despite the establishment of democracy there was no stability.<ref>Paul Preston (2012). The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain. London, UK: HarperCollins</ref> This was partly a result of the economic consequences caused by the Great Depression. The left, including the Communists and the Trade Unions continued to press for their agendas.<ref>Beevorparticular, ''Battle for Spain''</ref> They sought the nationalization of industry and the redistribution of land to the poor. The first democratically elected government was constantly undermined by General Strikes and local left wing revolts. In particular there was a revolt by miners in Asturias, which was suppressed by the army. The left could not simply abide by the outcome of the election , and instead of achieving their goals by constitutional means, they opted for violent methods. <ref>Vincent, Mary (2007). ''Spain, 1833–2002''. Oxford, UK; New York: Oxford University Press</ref>[[File: Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-11543,_Madrid,_Ausrufung_der_Zweiten_Spanischen_Republik.jpg|thumbnail|left|The proclamation of the Second Republic in Madrid]]A The weakened government eventually collapsed , and new elections were called for 1936. The General Election saw a victory for a left-wing alliance of parties, including Communists, Anarchists , and Socialists. This government was Regional parties also supported by regional partiesthis government. They immediately launched an ambitious program of reforms, especially land reform to meet the ‘expectations of the urban and rural poor’poor, that antagonize alienated many in the Spanish elite.<ref>Preston, 7.</ref> Many Spaniards believed that a communist revolution was imminent.
“They eyed with mounting alarm the red flags and banners and portraits of Lenin, Stalin and Largo Caballero on huge placards, and listened to the chanting of the demonstrators, demanding the formation of a proletarian government and a people’s army’’.<ref> Beevor, 124.</ref>
In response right-wing extremists such as the Falange militia began a violent campaign against the left-wing government. The right could not accept that the Left was the legitimate governments and believed that they were entitled to use violence means to secure their position and interests.
==Countdown to Civil War==
It was clear by 1936 that Spain was on the edge of a major confrontation between the left and the In response, right and between -wing extremists such as the regions. There Falange militia began a series of political assassinations. The right openly called for the military to stage a coup to oust violent campaign against the left -wing government, which some saw as only the puppets of the Soviet Union. Much of The right could not accept that the Spanish Army Left was stationed in the country’s last colonies in Morocco.<ref>Beevor, ''Battle for Spain''</ref> The left-wing government legitimate governments and believed that the military as they were too far away from Spain. The government was losing control of the situation and there was fighting between the Falange militia and the police on the streets of several cities, resulting in many deaths. Then the Spanish Army Generals, led by General Franco, launched a coup, they managed entitled to use violence means to fly secure their forces, with the assistance of the Nazi German government to Spain. The arrival of regular Spanish units from Morocco on the Spanish mainland was the trigger for an all-out war that was to ‘leave half-a-million people deadposition and interests.’<ref>Preston</ref>
==Conclusion==Countdown to Civil War====<dh-ad/>It was clear by 1936 that Spain was on the edge of a major confrontation between the left and the right and between the regions. There began a series of political assassinations. The right openly called for the military to stage a coup to oust the left-wing government, which some saw as only the puppets of the Soviet Union. Much of the Spanish Army was stationed in the country’s last colonies in Morocco.<ref>Beevor, ''Battle for Spain''</ref>
The Spanish Civil War left-wing government believed that the military was caused by many factors, including major socio-economic problems, such as poverty and inequality. However, too far away from Spain because the main cause government was all sides’ failure to compromise losing control of the situation and to respect there was fighting between the rights Falange militia and opinions the police on the streets of othersseveral cities, resulting in many deaths. This meant that Then the Second RepublicSpanish Army Generals, could never provide led by General Franco, launched a coup, they managed to fly their forces, with the assistance of the German government that could bring stability and prosperity to Spain. The arrival of regular Spanish units from Morocco on the country. Political violence became endemic in Spanish mainland was the country as trigger for an all-out war that was to ‘leave half-a consequence and it escalated until it became a full scale civil war-million people dead. ’<ref>Preston</ref>
=References===Conclusion====The Spanish Civil War was caused by many factors, including major socio-economic problems, such as poverty and inequality. However, the on of the main causes was all sides’ failure to compromise and to respect the rights and opinions of others. This failure meant that the Second Republic could never provide a government that could bring stability and prosperity to the country. Political violence became endemic in the country as a consequence, and it escalated until it became a full-scale civil war. <references/>{{MediaWiki:AmNative}}
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====References====<references/> Update January 15, 2019 {{Mediawiki:Spanish Civil WarContributors}}

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