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{{mediawiki<youtube>https:Kindleoasis}}//</youtube>__NOTOC__[[File: barb 1Stalin and Ribbentrop.jpg|thumbnail|250px|General Guderin in Russia in 1941left|Stalin and Ribbentrop after signing pact 1939.]]This article will discuss the response of Joseph Stalin reacted extremely slowly to the invasion of his country by German forces in 1940. The Soviet leader will be shown to have responded very Indeed, not only did he react slowly to the Nazi invasion and indeed that , but he also ignored warnings that the Germans planned to attack his country. Stalin's response to the Nazi German invasion has perplexed historians for many years. It seems that the Soviet Leader had placed his trust in Hitler , and this almost led to the defeat of the Soviet Union. The article will show that Stalin's response to Hitler's invasion was slow and disorganized especially in the first days of the war. Stalin's response was so slow and ineffective because he had made the fatal mistake of trusting Hitler. However, Stalin was to take charge of the situation and he made changes to his military and diplomatic policy that at first slowed the German advance and then stopped it before Moscow in December 1941.
Stalin's response to Hitler's invasion was slow and disorganized, especially in the first days of the war. Stalin's response was ineffective because he trusted Hitler. However, Stalin took charge of the situation and changed his military and diplomatic policy that at first slowed the German advance and then stopped it before it reached Moscow in December 1941.
==BackgroundWas war between the Soviet Union and Germany inevitable? ==[[How Joseph Stalin became the leader of the Soviet Union|Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin ]] ruled over the Soviet Union between 1920 and 1953 , acting as the supreme leader of the USSR. Holding the post of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he was effectively the dictator of the state. Stalin introduced his own highly centralized command economy, launching a period of industrialization and collectivization that resulted in the USSR's rapid transformation of the USSR from an agrarian society into an industrial global power. Between 1934 and 1939 , Stalin mercilessly carried out a series of massive political extra-judicial executions, known as the Great Purge, of major Communist Party and government rival figures as well as many Red Army high commanders without any proper trials - all convicted of alleged treason or considered a threat. These “enemies of the working class” were imprisoned, exiled, sent to forced labor camps or executed, without due process.In the meantime, Germany revitalized under Adolf Hitler’s leadership, worked to revise the post-World War I organizational structure of Europe, imposed by the United States, England, and France. Hitler and Stalin seemed to be natural enemies. Hitler loathed the Communists and Stalin publically denounced the Nazis. The two regimes were ideological enemies and it seemed to many observers that a war between the two was inevitable at some stage <ref>Boobbyer, Phillip The Stalin Era (Routledge, London, 2000),p. 178</ref>.
==The Molotov–Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact==[[File: barb 2.jpg|thumbnail|300px|Aftermath of battle 1941]]After In the Nazis rose to power in meantime, Germany in 1933revitalized under Adolf Hitler’s leadership, relations between Germany and worked to revise the Soviet Unionpost-World War I organizational structure of Europe, as imposed by the two sworn enemy regimesUnited States, began to deteriorate rapidlyEngland, and trade between the two countries decreased and almost frozeFrance. The Soviet Union had generally good relations with At the Weimar Republic.<ref> Boobyersame time, p 198</ref> Following several years of tension and rivalry, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union eventually began USST appeared to improve relations in 1939be natural enemies. German economy thrived by exporting manufactured goods [[How did Hitler become the Dictator and industrial equipment around Fuhrer of Germany?|Adolf Hitler]] loathed the world in exchange for importing raw materials. On the other handCommunists, and Stalin publicly denounced the USSR was still an agrarian stateNational Socialist Party. While it was rich in natural resourcesThe two regimes were ideological enemies, and it was struggling seemed to transition to an more industrial economy. The Soviets were forced to purchase and import more than half of many observers that a war between the necessary factory machinery from the United States. The pact two was appealing to both Stalin and Hitler because they were both inevitable at odds with the Westsome stage. Driven by their mutual resentment for the West<ref>Boobbyer, USSR and Nazi Germany interests briefly aligned and they moved towards GermanPhillip <i>[ cooperation and an alliance20&linkId=be2a9195cf0017e9147f778e95d45fbe The Stalin Era]</i> (Routledge, London, 2000),p. 178</ref>
== What was The Molotov–Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the USSR? ==
[[File: Molotov.jpg|thumbnail|250px|left|Ribbentrop and Molotov in Berlin, 1940]]
After the National Socialist Party rose to power in Germany in 1933, relations between Germany and the Soviet Union, as the two sworn enemy regimes, began to deteriorate rapidly, and trade between the two countries decreased and almost froze. The Soviet Union generally had good relations with the Weimar Republic.<ref>Boobyer, p 198</ref> Following several years of tension and rivalry, Germany and the Soviet Union eventually improved relations in 1939. The German economy thrived by exporting manufactured goods and industrial equipment worldwide in exchange for importing raw materials. On the other hand, the USSR was still an agrarian state. While it was rich in natural resources, it was struggling to transition to a more industrial economy. The Soviets were forced to purchase and import more than half of the necessary factory machinery from the United States. The pact was appealing to the two leaders because they were both at odds with the West. Driven by their mutual resentment for the West, the USSR's and Germany's interests briefly aligned, and they moved towards [[The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact- Stalin’s greatest mistake?|German-Soviet cooperation and an alliance]].
In 1939, London and Paris invited Moscow to co-sign an Anglo-French guarantee to protect Poland and Romania from possible German aggression. The Soviets agreed only upon permission from Lithuania, Poland, and Romania to allow the free passage of Soviet troops in the event of war. However, Poland refused to grant its permission because they justifiably feared that the Soviets wanted to use these as a pretext to take over its territory. The West prolonged Soviet-Allied negotiations since the Great Powers feared the spread of the communist regime and considered the Soviet Union as an outlaw state for its established social and political structures through internal subversion, armed violence, and terrorism. USSR , in its turn , advocated the overthrow of all capitalist regimes.<ref>Stalin's Secret War Plans: Why Hitler Invaded the Soviet Union -</ref>
After the Soviet Union's negotiations feel fell apart with Britain and France, Stalin turned to Germany. As a result, on the 23rd of August 1939, the Soviet Union entered into a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany. The pact, known as [ Molotov-Ribbentrop_PactRibbentrop Pact-_Stalin%E2%80%99s_greatest_mistake%3F Stalin’s greatest mistake?| Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact], was named after the leadership of the USSR 's and Nazis Germany's foreign affairs political figures at the time. This Hitler allayed his fears of a two -front war in Europe. Moreover, Stalin and Hitler signed numerous secret protocols dividing the entire territory of Eastern Europe into Soviet and Nazi German spheres of influence. The Soviets would recover eastern Poland, formerly part of Imperial Russia. The Germans also supported the USSR's claims on Bessarabia (eastern part of Romania) and . They agreed to define Eastern Europe's Baltic (Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania) and Balkan states as belonging to the Soviet “sphere of interest.” Furthermore, after signing the pact, the countries rapidly expanded their economic relationship by entering into a commercial agreement whereby the Soviet Union sent critical raw materials and ingredients to Germany in to exchange for weapons, military technology, civilian and manufacturing machinery. Thereafter, Germany received significant amounts of petroleum, grain, rubber , and manganese, all necessary for its future war efforts.
==Germany' Violation of What did the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pactdo? ==[[File:Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1974-099-19,_Russland,_Angriff_auf_ein_Dorf.jpg|thumbnail|left|250px|German Troops in the Soviet Union in 1941]]The two dictators signed secret protocols dividing central Europe between Stalin and Hitler, it . It effectively let lets both the USSR and the NAZIS to Germany invade freely countries listed within their “spheres of influence”influence. However, the agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union 's agreement was not sustainable and ultimately set the stage for the Eastern Front of the World War II. Still, the initial improving relations with Germany meant that the Soviet Union could expand its territory in Eastern Europe unmolested into places such as the Baltic States. Stalin believed that his understanding with Hitler would last , and he became complacent.<ref> Montefiore, Simon Sebag. ''[ Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar]''. (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2003), p. 117</ref>
On 1 September 1939, within days of signing the pact and the secret protocols, Hitler invaded Poland, now confident that the Soviets would not oppose him. In response, Britain and France declared war on Germany. A couple of weeks later, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from the east to grab its share. In 1940, the USSR followed up by occupying Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania , and the Bessarabia's Romanian province of Bessarabia. Britain and France protested , but with their forces already at war against Germany, they could not afford to fight Stalin as well. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact intially initially worked quite well and showed how similar the two states ' goals really were. But this peace it did not last for long.
Once the Soviets seized a generous portion of Eastern Europe, they also tried to invade Finland. Despite being tremendously outnumbered and outgunned, the Finns improvised a defense and made the best of the terrain and the ferocious winter weather. At the same timeSimultaneously, the German army conquered France without suffering appreciable losses , and the British withdrew from the continent. The Germans were astonished at how badly the Soviets performed in fighting with against the Finns. This struggle encouraged Germany to attack the USSR. Germany determined that they could defeat Stalin in a rapid campaign ([[What was Blitzkrieg and Who Created it|Blitzkrieg]]) before turning their sights to Brits in the west. <ref>The pact between Hitler and Stalin that paved the way for World War II was signed 75 years ago -</ref>
==Operation Barbarossa== In addition to weakness the Soviet's showed in Finland, Hitler had also been alarmed by the Soviet Union's seizure of part of Romania. He was concerned that Stalin would target the oil fields in Romania. These oil fields are vital to the German war effort. Hitler moved divisions into Poland and in December 1940 issued a directive for the invasion of the Soviet Union, codenamed Operation Barbarossa. Stalin was warned by several sources of the imminent threat of a Nazi invasion. The Germans actions had been monitored by Soviet Intelligence. Stalin refused to believe it<dh- instead, he continued to assume that Hitler would abide by the Molotov-Ribbentrop>
In == Why did Germany violate the early morning pact with USSR with Operation Barbarossa? == [[File:Barb_2.jpg|thumbnail|255px|left|German soldier in front of 22 June BT-7 Panzer tank in Ukraine in 1941]]In addition to weakness, Hitler officially violated the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and invaded Soviet's showed in Finland, Germany had also been alarmed by the Soviet Union's seizure of part of Romania.<ref> Montefiore, p. 245</ref> Historians claim Germany was concerned that Stalin was stunned by would target the invasion and refused oil fields in Romania. These oil fields were vital to accept the news was true. The Soviet leader had also ignored all warnings from the US, British governments and even his own intelligence officersGerman war effort. Economic and diplomatic relations between the USSR and Germany rapidly deteriorated moved several armored divisions into Poland and were abruptly terminated. The Soviets were not prepared for a war against Germany. The Red Army troops were scattered and dispersed among several fronts. Furthermore, Stalin’s purges of army officers in December 1940, issued a directive for the 1930s had crippled invasion of the Soviet military machineUnion, codenamed Operation Barbarossa. During Several sources warned Stalin of the early days imminent threat of the war the Red Army lacked trustworthy and skillful generals and suffered several disastrous lossesa German invasion. The Red Army ultimately allowed Nazi troops to almost reach Soviet intelligence had monitored the Kremlin gatesGerman's actions. <ref>Joseph Stalin and World War II refused to believe it-</ref> The German assault on the Soviet Union was wildly successful. During instead, he early weeks of Operation Barbarossa, continued to assume that Germany averaged gains of 50 miles a day. This rapid advance was abetted would abide by the lack of direction from Stalin. For some time, the Red Army languished without any direction from Stalin.<ref> Montefiore, p. 245</ref>Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
==Theories on Stalin's Inactivity==There are several theories on why Stalin should have reacted so slowly to In the early morning of 22 June 1941, Germany officially violated the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and invaded the invasionSoviet Union.<ref> Montefiore, p. Some have speculated 245</ref> Historians claim that Stalin was so shocked stunned by the invasion and refused to accept the betrayal by Hitler that he went into a state of shock. Some believe that such news was his despair that Stalin retreated away from the world unable to face the magnitude of his mistake and the consequences of his error in trusting Hitlertrue. He The Soviet leader had assumed that Hitler would abide by the terms of also ignored all warnings from the non-aggression pact of 1939. Some historians have even suggested that Stalin suffered some kind of nervous breakdown. AnotherUS, less popular theory is that Stalin deliberately withdrew from the sceneBritish governments, to avoid being ousted from power. When he saw that no one was about to challenge and even his authority he decided to take control of the situationown intelligence officers. <ref>Bellamy, Chris, Absolute War: Soviet Russia in Economic and diplomatic relations between the Second World WarUSSR and Germany rapidly deteriorated and were abruptly terminated. New York: Alfred AThe Soviets were not prepared for a war against Germany. Knopf & Random House The Red Army troops were scattered and dispersed among several fronts.2007), p. 53</ref>
==Stalin leads the fightback==HoweverFurthermore, within weeks Stalin manage to recover from Stalin’s purges of army officers in the shock and called for reinforcements. Although German troops 1930s had made huge advances into the heartlands of crippled the Soviet Union and military machine. During the rest early days of the government had been evacuated from Moscowwar, Stalin remained in the Kremlin Red Army lacked trustworthy and skillful generals and begun to take control of the country’s ailing military infrastructuresuffered several disastrous losses. As The Red Army ultimately allowed German troops approached almost to reach the Soviet capital of Moscow, Stalin directed a devastating defensive policy, destroying any supplies or infrastructure that might benefit the enemyKremlin gates. Fresh competent USSR military commanders loyal to <ref>Joseph Stalin were allowed to take control of important strategic positions and military divisionsWorld War II - http://www. <ref>Bellamy, phistory. 117com/topics/joseph-stalin</ref> This scorched earth tactic The German assault on the Soviet Union was to deny wildly successful. During the Germans key suppliesearly weeks of Operation Barbarossa, Germany averaged gains of 50 miles a day. This rapid advance was particularly abetted by the case as the German supply lines had become extended and the men at the front did not receive the supplies that they neededlack of direction from Stalin. The policy of destroying the infrastructure and anything else that could be utilized by the Germans caused immense suffering on the Soviet civilian populationFor some time, however, it slowed down the German advance. Red Army languished without any direction from Stalin's policy contributed to the failure of the German army to take Moscow in the early winter of 1941.<ref>BellamyMontefiore, p.112245</ref>
==Why did Stalin reorganizes react so slowly to the ArmyGerman Invasion? ==After some weeks of inactivity, There are several theories on why Stalin should have reacted so slowly to the Supreme Soviet leader personally took control of the situationinvasion. Some have speculated that Stalin dominated was so shocked by the army invasion and the betrayal by Hitler that he had placed men in key positions not based upon their ability but based on their personal allegiance to himwent into a state of shock. The supreme Soviet leader Some believe that such was very afraid his despair that if he gave too much independence to Stalin retreated away from the armyworld, that the Generals would remove him from power. After unable to face the invasion magnitude of the Soviet his mistake and the poor leadership shown by many Generals, he adopted a new policy he promoted men consequences of ability to positions of authority his error in the armed forces, such as Zhukovtrusting Hitler. This greatly improved He had assumed that Hitler would abide by the leadership terms of the Red Army and allowed it to be more effective against the Nazi armiesnon-aggression pact of 1939. Some historians have even suggested that Stalin also reorganized the Soviet Army's High Commandsuffered some nervous breakdown. He established Another less popular theory is that Stalin deliberately withdrew from the Stavka, this provided the Red Army with the leadership it needed in the life or death struggle with the Germansscene to avoid being ousted from power. Stalin supervised Stavka closely, but When he also gave saw that no one was about to challenge his Generals more authority, he decided to control the situation. <ref>Stalin's Role in WWII - httpBellamy, Chris, <i>[ Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War]</i>. New York: Alfred A. Knopf & Random House.2007), p. 53</ref>.
====Stalin also sought leads the fightback====However, within weeks Stalin manages to raise recover from the shock and called for reinforcements. Although German troops had made huge advances into the fighting morale heartlands of the troops. He well knew that many ordinary Soviet citizens were still Russian nationalists at heart Union and venerated the Orthodox Church. In order rest of the government had been evacuated from Moscow, Stalin remained in the Kremlin and begun to improve the morale take control of the army and their loyaltycountry’s ailing military infrastructure. As German troops approached Moscow's Soviet capital, he promoted Russian nationalism, even though as Stalin directed a Communist he was ideologically opposed to nationalism. Furthermoredevastating defensive policy, he stopped persecuting destroying any supplies or infrastructure that might benefit the Orthodox Churchenemy. These measures made Fresh competent USSR military commanders loyal to Stalin popular with the army were allowed to control important strategic positions and raised the morale of the troopsmilitary divisions. This stiffened their resistance to the invasion of the Russian 'Motherland'<ref> Zhukov, Georgiĭ Konstantinovich & Harrison E., Salisbury, Marshal Zhukov's Greatest Battles (New York: Harper & Row, 1969)Bellamy, p. 116117</ref>.
==Alliance with This scorched earth tactic denied the West== As the German invasion of Russia progressed. Stalin contacted Western diplomats requesting two agreements. He aimed at reaching a mutual assistance/aid pact and a recognition that after the war the Soviet Union would gain the territories in countries that it would take war actions against Hitler on the Eastern front. Winston Churchill was very willing to have an alliance with StalinGermans key supplies. Even though He This was an ardent anti-communist and he personally disliked Stalin. He agreed to support particularly the Soviets in their battle with case as the Germans. Churchill pithy states when criticized for allying Britain with the Soviets 'I would German supply lines had become extended, and the devils' ally if Hitler invaded Hell'. Stalin's diplomatic moves in men at the aftermath of Operation Barbarossa was shrewd. It allowed him to front did not receive the support supplies they needed. The destruction of first the British infrastructure and later anything else that could be utilized by the Americans<ref> Beevor, p. 34</ref>. the British began Germans caused immense suffering to supply the Soviets with arms and other suppliesSoviet civilian population. However, via Iran and it dramatically slowed the AntarticGerman advance. Stalin's diplomatic response policy contributed to the invasion of his country was German army's failure to become take Moscow in the ally early winter of his ideological rivals, the western democracies1941.<ref>Stalin's Role in WWII - http://yesterday.uktv.coBellamy,</ref>.
==ConclusionHow did Stalin reorganize the Soviet Army? ==Stalin made a potentially fatal mistake in trusting Hitler After the invasion of the Soviet and when the German's invaded poor leadership shown by many Generals, he seemed adopted a new policy that promoted men of ability to have been positions of authority in a state of shockthe armed forces, such as Zhukov. This meant that his response to greatly improved the invasion was slow Red Army's leadership and this allowed the Germans it to make great inroads into his country until be more effective against the Communists seemed on the verge of defeatGerman armies. Stalin soon took charge and adopted new tactics. Crucially he also reorganized the army, raised its morale and entered into a new alliance with Soviet Army's High Command. He established the westStavka. These decisions proved crucial and delayed, and eventually stopped This provided the Red Army with the German advance and leadership it needed in the long runits life or death struggle with Germany. Stalin supervised Stavka closely, but he also gave his Generals more authority.<ref>"Stalin was able to defeat the Nazi army's Role in WWII" -</ref>
Stalin also sought to raise the fighting morale of the troops. He well knew that many ordinary Soviet citizens were still Russian nationalists at heart and venerated the Orthodox Church. To improve the army's morale and loyalty, he promoted Russian nationalism, even though, as a Communist, he was ideologically opposed to nationalism. Furthermore, he stopped persecuting the Orthodox Church. These measures made Stalin popular with the army and raised the morale of the troops. This stiffened their resistance to the invasion of the Russian 'Motherland.'<ref> Zhukov, Georgiĭ Konstantinovich & Harrison E., Salisbury, <i>[ Marshal Zhukov's Greatest Battles]</i> (New York: Harper & Row, 1969), p. 116</ref> == Why did Churchill align with Stalin? == As the German invasion of Russia progressed. Stalin contacted Western diplomats requesting two agreements. He aimed at reaching a mutual assistance/aid pact and recognition that after the war, the Soviet Union would gain the territories in countries that it would take war actions against Hitler on the Eastern front. [[How did Winston Churchill become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in World War Two?|Winston Churchill]] was very willing to ally with Stalin. Even though He was an ardent anti-communist and personally disliked Stalin. He agreed to support the Soviets in their battle with the Germans.  When criticized for aligning with Stalin, Churchill stated he "would become the devils" ally." Stalin's diplomatic moves in the aftermath of Operation Barbarossa was shrewd. It allowed him to receive the support of first the British and later the Americans.<ref> Belamy, p. 34</ref> The British began to supply the Soviets with arms and supplies via Iran and the Antarctic. Stalin's diplomatic response to his country's invasion was to become the ally of his ideological rivals, the western democracies.<ref>Stalin's Role in WWII -<references/ref== Conclusion ==Stalin made a potentially fatal mistake in trusting Hitler, and when the German's invaded, he seemed to have been in a state of shock. This meant that his response to the invasion was slow, which allowed the Germans to make great inroads into his country until the Communists seemed on the verge of defeat. Stalin soon took charge and adopted new tactics. Crucially he reorganized the army, raised its morale, and entered into a new alliance with the west. These decisions proved crucial and delayed, and eventually stopped the German advance, and in the long run, Stalin was able to defeat the German army.
[[Category:Russian History]] [[Category:Military History]][[Category:World War Two History]][[Category:European History]] [[Category:20th Century History]]
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 ====References====<references/> [[Category:Wikis]][[Category:Russian History]] [[Category:Military History]][[Category:World War Two History]][[Category:European History]] [[Category:20th Century History]]{{Mediawiki:WWIIContributors}}

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