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What caused the French and Indian War

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The French and Indian War (also known as The Seven's Years' War) was sparked by the rivalry in Europe, between the French and the British in particular. Often events in Europe influenced the course of events in British, French, and Spanish North American colonies. To increase their political and economic power, the British and the French competed to acquire a better share of the available land and control over the new trading opportunities in the North American colonies.
====What Triggered the French and Indian War?====
At the same time, the European colonial governments tried to find ways to coexist with North America's original inhabitants, often making alliances with some tribes while alienating others. Sometimes, as in the French and Indian War (which in Europe was referred to as the Seven Years’ War), European politics regarding balances of power resulted in conflict in the colonies. As Europe's wars became more heated, fighting broke out between the French and the British in the American colonies. Both sides called upon Native American allies to assist them, exacerbating tensions between the tribes and tensions between the tribes and colonists. Ultimately, the British Government found it necessary to pour additional troops and resources into protecting its possessions in the Americas and taxed their colonists to pay for these resources. These taxes eventually became a rallying cry for the American independence movement.
The French and Indian War, the North American phase of the larger Seven Years’ War, began after a series of incidents in the upper Ohio River valley. The French and British governments both claimed it as their territory. Military forces assembled by both imperial powers built forts in the region and attempted to capture each others’ forts. These skirmishes, which included an expedition led by George Washington, ultimately led to the escalation of a broader, full-scale war between Great Britain and France.
====Why did the British attack Fort Le Boeuf?====
[[File:Robert_Dinwiddie_from_NPG.jpg|thumbnail|left|250px|Virginia Lt. Governor Robert Dinwiddle]]
Since the colony of Virginia also claimed this region, Virginian lieutenant governor Robert Dinwiddie sent Major George Washington with a small expedition to remove the French forts in late 1753. Washington arrived at Fort Le Boeuf, about 15 miles inland from present-day Erie, Pennsylvania, and delivered his message. The fort, Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre, received Washington and his men courteously but denied the validity of English claims to the contested region.
Aided by such reports, the French soon learned of the British fort that William Trent and his small group of men were constructing, and French forces moved swiftly to compel its surrender on April 17, 1754. The French destroyed the unfinished fort, building in its place the much more formidable Fort Duquesne.
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====What was George Washington's role in the French and Indian War?====
Further south, George Washington, accompanied by Tanaghrisson, surprised an encampment of French soldiers in southwestern Pennsylvania on May 24, 1754. A brief fight ensued. Afterward, the wounded French leader, Ensign Joseph de Jumonville, attempted to explain through translators that the French expedition was on a peaceful mission to warn British forces about their incursions of French-claimed territory. Although accounts of the incident differ, it seems that Tanaghrisson, who bore an intense personal hatred of the French stemming from earlier war experiences, intervened in the negotiations and killed Jumonville. Expecting further French incursions, Washington then hastily constructed a fort and prepared to defend his forces, but a combined French and Indian force forced his surrender on July 3.
Other political leaders wanted a bigger war, and so they publicly announced Newcastle’s plans and changed the original plan so that Braddock would command more forces and order the fractious North American colonies to provide additional support against the French. Once the plans had been publicly announced, the French government moved quickly to dispatch reinforcements to North America and further pursued negotiations to diplomatically isolate the British government by winning over its traditional European allies. Once military forces were underway, the war was inevitable.
==Why did the British Deport French Colonists from Acadia during The Great Upheaval? ==By 1755, the uneasy truce between the British ruling authorities and the French colonists living in Acadia was [,in%20France%20or%20the%20Caribbean.&text=Back%20in%20Nova%20Scotia%2C%20the,by%20settlers%20from%20New%20England.| shattered]. The French colonists began moving to Acadia (modern-day Nova Scotia) in 1604, and it remained in French hands until the signing of The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. The treaty handed Acadia over to Great Britain. Despite the shift, the French colonists remained in Acadia. Despite handing over Acadia to the British, starting the 1830s, tensions between France and Britain begin to rise slowly. Both France and Britain begin building forts in the regions surrounding Acadia.  By 1755, British Governor Charles Lawrence decided that the French Acadians represented a significant risk to the British colony. After the French colonists refused to pledge an oath to Britain, Lawrence decided to deport the colonists from the territory. Lawrence seized all of the colonists' property, burned their crops, and forced the colonists at the point of bayonets to board ships bound for the southern British colonies. In the first wave of deportations, over 1,000 Acadians were deported. This forced exodus continued until 1763. Bu 1763, over 10,000 Acadians were forcibly deported by the British. Thousands of the Acadians died [,in%20France%20or%20the%20Caribbean.&text=Back%20in%20Nova%20Scotia%2C%20the,by%20settlers%20from%20New%20England.| during this deportation].  The Acadians were scattered across the British colonies, and some made their way to Louisiana. The term Cajun is a reference to their original homes. By 1764, the British reversed their policy and allowed the French colonists to return to Acadia. Unfortunately, their previous homes and lands had already been seized and handed over to British colonists by this time. The ones that returned were forced to start over. This mass deportation has been referred to as both the Acadian Expulsion and the Great Upheaval. ==Why did the French and Indian War escalate the Seven Years War?====
British expeditions that sought to challenge French forts in the western frontier spiraled out of control. Instead of intimidating the French, Washington's expedition ended in disaster. Not only was he was forced to surrender to the French and allied Indian troops, but his actions also encouraged the British to escalate these minor skirmishes with France into an outright war that would eventually migrate to Europe.

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