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The Presidential Candidates and Issues
William Harding and Calvin Coolidge, in 1920, led the Republican ticket and James Cox and Franklin Roosevelt led the Democrats. For the Republicans, Harding was a surprise choice. It was a negotiated nomination that was done during the 1920 Chicago Republican Convention. Rather than having a primary election, nominations were secured by delegates who often negotiated for their votes. Harding was seen as a compromise candidate. For the Democrats, James Cox was chosen as other candidates seemed contentious, while Roosevelt was nominated as the Vice-Presidential pick, as he was a rising star within the party at the time and his relation to his somewhat distant cousin Theodore Roosevelt also helped secure his nomination.<ref>For more on the 1920 election, see: Pietrusza, D., 2007. <i>1920: the year of the six presidents</i>, 1st Carroll & Graf ed. ed. Carroll & Graf Publishers, New York. </ref>
The main issues included the economy, which had severely contracted after the War-time boom. The country was also recovering from the effects of the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic. The Republicans campaigned on the theme of 'returning to normalcy' as they argued Woodrow Wilson's attempts to get the United States to join the League of Nations, which they saw as chaotic and could potentially drag the US into European affairs, and other issues, including race riots and , a declining economy supporting their theme, and reforms causing major problems for the country. The Progressive Era had seen many reforms to limit the effect of industrialization, but business and other interests were eager to push back. In a famous speech by Harding, he stated: 'America's present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration...not surgery but serenity.' In 1920, there was a bombing on Wall Street as political tensions grew between left-leaning and right-leaning Americans. Unemployment was high as the economy faced a decline in production after the War and weakness influenced by the 1918 Pandemic, to some extent. Race riots had affected many cities in the United States, with mostly large white mobs attacking or instigating blacks in urban regions. The Red Scare had also begun as Russia had become the first declared Communist country and the Palmer Raids, which were violent policing raids against anarchist and left-leaning groups, stoked tensions in cities. It was also a year of disastrous weather, with violent tornadoes striking the South and Midwest killing nearly 400 people on Palm Sunday. Healthcare also became an increasingly important issue. The American Association for Labor Legislation support compulsory health insurance to protect workers, similar to reforms in Europe. However, a coalition of physicians, businesses, insurance companies, and conservative legislators worked to denounce any healthcare reform, calling such reforms "Bolshevism" or "socialized medicine." <ref>For more on key issues of the 1920 election, see: Nichols, C.M., Unger, N.C. (Eds.), 2017. <i>A companion to the gilded age and progressive era, Wiley Blackwell companions to American history</i>. John Wiley & Sons Inc, Hoboken, pg. 368. </ref>
The idea of normalcy did resonate with a large part of the electorate. The Democrats were torn in many ways as a party, which weakened their opposition. Wilson had made promises to key constituencies such as Irish-Americans in supporting Ireland's independence from Britain, which he reneged during the Versailles Treaty negotiations. In fact, it was likely German-Americans and Irish-Americans opposition to the League of Nations that heavily contributed to the United States staying out of this international bodyand also limited their support for the Democrats. Many press observers noted that the country was divided and the issues were less important than the cultural differences that emerged in the electorate. Accusations of fake news or false rumors were thrown as accusations between the parties. Interestingly, with advertising money now emerging as a major factor in the race, Harding came up with a new slogan he and his donors circulated widely during the election year, which was "America First (Figure 1)." On the Democratic side, the party attempted to use wide-scale racial prejudice to inspire their base. The had called Harding as someone with "Negro blood."<ref>For more on the major parties in the period, see: Conlin, J.R., 2014. <i>The American past: a survey of American history</i>. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, pg. 640. </ref>
[[File:america_first.jpeg|400px|left|Figure 1. An America First Campaign slogan. ]]

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