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How did Leonardo Da Vinci influence the Renaissance

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[[File: Leonardo 1.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Leonardo’s drawing of Vitruvian Man]]__NOTOC__
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was a critical figure in the late Renaissance. Not only is he regarded as one of the greatest artists who ever lived, but he made remarkable contributions to engineering, architecture, science, urban planning, cartography, philosophy, and anatomy during the Renaissance. While some of this work was done in secret, he also was a prominent artist, architect, and engineer. Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential Renaissance man.
==Introduction==The Italian Renaissance was one of the most remarkable periods in all of Western History. It was an era of great cultural achievements that laid the foundation of the modern world and it produced many remarkable individuals. One of the most remarkable of these was Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519). He is widely regarded as one of the greatest artists who ever lived. However, he was so much more than this he was also a polymath and is often referred to as a ‘Universal Genius’. Among the subjects that he contributed to were science, engineering, mechanics, urban planning, cartographer, philosophy, anatomy, and others. Leonardo is recognized as making a unique contribution to the Renaissance, that period of time which that saw the re-birth of learning and a move to a secular worldview. The Florentine artist and polymath made a decisive contribution to this epoch. He decisively influenced artistic trends in his own time and in the later Renaissance. His interest in science and experiment inspired many humanists to study the world and nature. He While he was also a great inventor, but his inventions had little impact, on his own era.[[File: Leonardo 1.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Leonardo’s drawing of Vitruvian Man]]==The life of Why was Leonardo Da Vinciimportant?==Leonardo was born in 1452, in the village of Vinci, outside the city of Florence. His father was a wealthy lawyer and his mother was a peasant woman. His parents were not married, and Leonardo was illegitimate, which carried with it a great deal of social stigma, at the time. He could not legally bear his father’s surname and so he was named after his native village, Vinci <ref> McCurdy, Edward. The mind of Leonardo da Vinci (London, Courier Corporation, 2013), p 4 </ref>. It appears that the young boy received little or no formal education. We do know that at the age of 15 he was apprenticed to Andrea del Verrocchio (1435–1488). He was one of the leading artists of his day and was a great influence on the young Leonardo, especially in his dynamic representations of the human figure. After the completion of his apprenticeship, the young man from Vinci became an assistant to Verrocchio and his skill soon became well-known. His style was considered to be very original, especially his use of light and shade (McCurdy, p. 34</ref>In either 1477/1488, Leonardo set up his own studio and soon was receiving major commissions. At this time, he was accused of being a homosexual and if he had been found guilty he could have been executed. Leonardo was able to have the charges dropped but his reputation suffered. In 1481 he painted the Adoration of the Magi, which made him famous in Florence and beyond. However, the work was unfinished because he was invited to Milan by its powerful Duke. Leonardo greatly impressed the Duke and he presented himself as a skilled engineer. Leonardo painted several outstanding works in Milan such as the Virgin of the Rock. It was also at this time that he produced one of the most famous works in all art history the Last Supper. During his time in Milan he also began to secretly study dead bodies and also worked as a military engineer. Da Vinci also created some bronze sculptures for the Duke of Milan, none of which sadly have survived. In 1499, when the French invaded Italy, Leonardo fled the city and stayed in Venice. Here he was active as a military engineer and drew up plans to create a series of naval defenses. In 1500 the artist, who was by now one of the most famous men in all of Italy returned to his native Florence. Here he continued to work on several artistic projects, but he appears to have left many uncompleted. Many of the projects from this period are only known from Leonardo’s drawings, which are considered to be masterpieces. In 1506, Leonardo worked for a time as a military engineer for the notorious Cesare Borgia, who was ruthlessly carving a state for himself out of Papal lands in central Italy. Around this period, he painted his most famous work, the Mona Lisa. The identity of the woman in the portrait has never been established but Leonardo worked on it for the rest of his life and took it with him on his travels. The Florentine returned to Milan in 1506 and he worked on an equestrian statue and continued his scientific studies. In particular he was fascinated with anatomy and this influenced his art, greatly. During these years he filled his notebooks with his observations, ideas, and drawings on a range of subjects. One common theme in his notebook is his fascination with movement, growth, and action. In 1516, he was invited to Rome, but his time here was not that productive. While he was still esteemed as an artist, his work was not as popular as it once was. Da Vinci who was a rather reclusive figure, continued to fill his notebooks and made many plans for future projects, most of which never came to fruition. He was regarded as a genius and was frequently consulted by many leading figures, on artistic issues and on engineering projects <ref>McCurdy, p 113</ref>. The French king Francis I invited Leonardo and his disciples to his court in Fontainebleau. Leonardo was given great honors by Francis and he became the official court painter among other distinctions. The French monarch provided him with a house and Leonardo continued to write in his notebooks and to make plans for projects, none of which he executed. He died in 1519 in the home that he was given to him by the French king.
[[File: Leonardo 3.png|200px|thumb|left|Drawing of Leonardo in old age]]
==Influence on art==During Leonardo was born in 1452, in the early Renaissancevillage of Vinci, painting had advanced greatly, because outside the city of great artists such as Botticelli and VerrocchioFlorence. HoweverHis father was a wealthy lawyer, Leonardo was to raise painting to new heights and his work is not also intrinsically important but very influentialmother was a peasant woman. His work was revolutionary because it was so realistic parents were not married, and expressive. Leonardo used his anatomical studies to better understand was illegitimate, which carried a great deal of social stigma at the human body and especially its actionstime. This allowed him to create images of people that are highly realistic and very dynamic He could not legally bear his father’s surname, so he was named after his native village, Vinci. The emotions expressed by Leonardo are much more naturalistic than previous artists <ref>HallMcCurdy, Marcia BEdward. Color and meaning: practice and theory in Renaissance painting The mind of Leonardo da Vinci (Cambridge: Cambridge University PressLondon, Courier Corporation, 19922013), p 1174 </ref>. Leonardo inspired many painters to adopt  While he received little or no formal education as a more naturalistic approach. His ideas on painting were presented in his Treatise on Paintingchild, at 15, which he was widely readapprenticed to Andrea del Verrocchio (1435–1488). Leonardo He was a master one of painting techniques, including that the leading artists of chiaroscurohis day and greatly influenced the young Leonardo, which is the treatment especially in his dynamic representations of the light and shadehuman figure. Many incorrectly assume that Leonardo invented this techniqueAfter completing his apprenticeship, but he certainly perfected itbecame an assistant to Verrocchio, and his extraordinary skills became well-known. His technique artistic style was followed by many subsequent paintersconsidered to be extraordinarily original because of his unique use of light and shade. <ref>(McCurdy, p. Based on his scientific studies34)</ref> In either 1477/1488, Leonardo set up his studio and soon was a master receiving significant commissions.  He was accused of linear perspective being gay at this time, and if he exceeded all those who went before himhad been found guilty, he could have been executed. He developed new ways of representing perspective and this gave Leonardo had the charges dropped, but his painting more depth and made them appear more realisticreputation suffered. Perhaps In 1481 his greatest contribution to reputation rebounded after he painted the painting was the development Adoration of the sfumato technique, a new way to blend glazesMagi. This work made the figures him famous in a painting living Florence and breathing subjectsbeyond. The techniques and styles developed However, the work was unfinished because he was invited to Milan by its powerful Duke. Leonardo were revolutionary impressed the Duke, and theyhe presented himself as a skilled engineer. Leonardo painted several outstanding works in Milan, such as the Virgin of the Rock. At this time, he produced one of the most famous works in particularall art history, influenced the other great FlorentineLast Supper. During his time in Milan, Michelangelo. The frescoes of Michelangelo became more dynamic he also began to study dead bodies and expressive, worked as a result military engineer secretly. Da Vinci also created some bronze sculptures for the Duke of the work Milan, none of which sadly have survived.  ==Why did Leonardo. This was despite Da Vinci flee Italy?==In 1499, when the fact that French invaded Italy, Leonardo fled the two great artists did not like each other city and were bitter rivalsstayed in Venice. The genius from Vinci later inspired other painters Here he was active as a military engineer and drew up plans to create a series of the High Renaissance such as Raphael (1483-1520)naval defenses. In 1500, Da Vinci’s treatment Vinci, who was by now one of the Virgin Mary was very influential most famous men in the paintings all of RaphaelItaly, returned to his native Florence. Here he continued to work on several artistic projects, but he appears to have left many uncompleted. Among Many of the others whose work was shaped by the great Florentine was Filippino Lippi (1457–1504) and del Sarto (1486–1531)projects from this period are only known from Leonardo’s drawings, which are considered masterpieces. In 1506, Leonardo worked as a military engineer for the notorious Cesare Borgia, who was also ruthlessly carving a very important influence on sculpturestate for himself out of Papal lands in central Italy. His original sculptures are now lost. However Around this period, he painted his most famous work, at the time they proved enormously influential Mona Lisa. Leonardo worked on the development painting for the rest of Renaissance sculpturehis life and took it with him on his travels. The Florentine was also interested Da Vinci returned to Milan in architecture 1506, and helped to design the cupola for the Cathedral in Milanhe worked on an equestrian statue. He wrote an unpublished treatise on architecture and produced many architectural drawings <ref>KempContemporaneously, Martinhe continued his scientific studies. Leonardo da Vinci: the marvelous works of nature In particular, he was fascinated with anatomy, and man (Oxfordthis dramatically influenced his art greatly. During this time, he filled his notebooks with his observations, Oxfordideas, University Pressand drawings on various subjects. One common theme in his notebook is his fascination with movement, 2007)growth, p 113</ref>. These inspired many architects including the great Bramanteand action. [[File: Leonardo 2.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Leonardo’s ‘The Last Supper’]]==Why did Leonardo and scienceDa Vinci move to Rome?==The great Florentine In 1516, he was fascinated by scienceinvited to Rome, engineeringbut his time here was not that productive. While he was still esteemed as an artist, and mechanics. He wrote about these subjects copiously in his notebookspopularity had somewhat declined. His theory of knowledge This was based on the study of naturenot surprising because Da Vinci became an increasingly reclusive figure. Leonardo was also intrigued by the human body and Still, he is believed continued to have dissected up to 30 human bodies fill his notebooks and made many anatomical drawingsplans for future projects, but most of these projects never came to fruition. Moreover Still, he was regarded as a great observer genius and he made frequently consulted with many empirical observations that were insightful, in areas as diverse as hydraulic leading figures on both artistic issues and engineering and town planningprojects. This emphasis on empiricism was radical at the time because the authority of the Church and the Ancient Classical authors was unchallenged and the received wisdom <ref>RandallMcCurdy, John Herman. "p 113</ref> The place of French king, Francis I, invited Leonardo Da Vinci and his disciples to court in the emergence of modern scienceFontainebleau." Journal of Leonardo became the History of Ideas (1953): 191-202 </ref>official court painter. The Florentine’s ideas at this time are more akin French monarch also provided him with a house. In France, Leonardo continued to modern ideas on science write in his notebooks and learningmake plans for projects, none of which he executed. However, his influence He died in 1519 at the home that was limited given to him by the power French king. == How did Da Vinci influence Art? ==[[File: Leonardo 2.jpg|350px|thumb|left|Leonardo’s ‘The Last Supper’]]During the early Renaissance, painting had advanced greatly because of the Churchgreat artists such as Botticelli and Verrocchio. For exampleHowever, Leonardo could not publish was to raise painting to new heights, and his findings on work is intrinsically important but very influential. His work was revolutionary because it was so realistic and expressive.  Leonardo used his anatomical studies because to understand the dissection of bodies was considered sinful by the Catholic hierarchy human body and he could have even prosecuted by the civil authoritiesespecially its actions better. This is why he was forced Da Vinci's studies allowed him to keep many create images of his discoveries people that were highly realistic and ideas secretvery dynamic. The Florentine wrote his ideas in his notebooks using mirror writing so that they could not be easily deciphered. As a result, emotions expressed by Leonardo are much of his scientific achievements and observations were not disclosed until a century or more after his deathnaturalistic than previous artists. If the Florentine had published his work on science, such as his study of the heart, the ‘have advanced the march of science by a whole century’’ <ref> RetiHall, LadislaoMarcia B. "Leonardo da Vinci Color and meaning: practice and the graphic artstheory in Renaissance painting (Cambridge: the early invention of relief-etching." The Burlington Magazine 113Cambridge University Press, no. 817 (19711992): 189, p 117</ref>Leonardo inspired many painters to adopt a more naturalistic approach. However, during He wrote about his painting techniques in his lifetime widely read <i>Treatise on Painting</i>.  Leonardo did encourage some to privilege observation and experiment over the teachings was a master of the Church and the Classicspainting techniques, including chiaroscuro, which was to be very influential in the later phase of the Renaissanceis light and shade treatment. Many incorrectly assume that Leonardo could be said to have helped to change the intellectual environment of the Renaissance to one that was much more modern in outlookinvented this technique, but he certainly perfected it. Many subsequent painters followed his method.
==Leonardo as an inventor==Based on his scientific studies, Leonardo was also an inventor a master of linear perspective, and he exceeded all those who went before him. He developed new ways of representing perspective, and this gave his painting more depth and made them appear more realistic.  Perhaps his notebooks are filled with many plans or drafts for inventionsmost significant contribution to the painting was developing the sfumato technique, a new way to blend glazes. Da Vinci drafted plans for This technique made the figures in a flying machinepainting living and breathing subjects. Leonardo's techniques and styles were revolutionary, diving suitand they, parachutein particular, anemometerinfluenced the other great Florentine, armored carMichelangelo. The frescoes of Michelangelo became more dynamic and expressive as a result of the work of Leonardo. Michelangelo's work changed even though the two great artists did not like each other and were bitter rivals.  Da Vinci also inspired other High Renaissance painters, selfsuch as Raphael (1483-propelled car, 1520). Da Vinci’s treatment of the Virgin Mary was very influential in the paintings of Raphael. Among the others whose work was shaped by the great Florentine was Filippino Lippi (1457–1504) and even a robotic knightdel Sarto (1486–1531). Leonardo was one also a significant influence on sculpture. His original sculptures are now lost.  However, at the time, they proved enormously influential on the development of Renaissance sculpture. The Florentine was also interested in architecture and helped to design the cupola for the most prolific inventors Cathedral in historyMilan. None of his inventions were ever developed into practical He wrote an unpublished treatise on architecture and working machinesproduced many architectural drawings. They remained only designs on paper, even though there were ground-breaking ideas <ref> Gibbs-SmithKemp, Charles Harvard, and Gareth ReesMartin. The inventions of Leonardo da Vinci. Phaidon : the marvelous works of nature and man (Oxford, Oxford, University Press, 19782007), p 17113</ref>These inspired many architects, including the great Bramante. This  == How did Leonardo da Vinci influence Renaissance science and engineering? ==Da Vinci was fascinated by science, engineering, and mechanics. He wrote about these subjects copiously in his notebooks. His theory of knowledge was because based on the study of nature. Leonardo was not very good at finishing projects also intrigued by the human body, and he often lacked the resources is believed to have dissected up to put his ideas into practice30 human bodies and made many anatomical drawings.  Moreover, he was a great observer, such and he made many empirical observations that were insightful in areas as diverse as for his plans for a robotic knighthydraulic engineering and town planning. This emphasis on empiricism was radical at the time because the authority of the Church and the Ancient Classical authors was unchallenged, and the received wisdom.<ref>Randall, John Herman. "The place of Leonardo Da Vinci in the emergence of modern science. His designs for various inventions were too far ahead " Journal of the History of their Ideas (1953): 191-202 </ref> Leonardo's ideas at this time were more akin to modern ideas on science and would learning.  However, his influence was limited by the power of the Church. For example, Leonardo could not publish his findings on his anatomical studies because the dissection of bodies was considered sinful by the Catholic hierarchy. He could have been understood even prosecuted by his contemporariesthe civil authorities. Moreover, the technology This is why he was not available forced to develop keep many of his discoveries and ideas secret. The Florentine wrote his innovative ideas, this was why It was only in later centuries that his designs were appreciatednotebooks using mirror writing not to be easily deciphered. While Leonardo can be credited with having great ideas As a result, much of his inventions made little scientific achievements and observations were not disclosed until a century or no impact more after his death. If Da Vinci had published his work on science, such as his study of the Renaissanceheart, he would ‘have advanced the march of science by a whole century. ’’ <ref>GibbsReti, Ladislao. "Leonardo da Vinci and the graphic arts: the early invention of relief-Smith et aletching." The Burlington Magazine 113, pno. 145817 (1971): 189</ref> During his lifetime Leonardo did encourage some to privilege observation and experiment over the teachings of the Church and the Classics, which was critical in the later phase of the Renaissance. Leonardo helped to change the intellectual environment of the Renaissance to one that was much more modern in outlook.  == Was Leonardo da Vinci an inventor? ==
[[File: Leonardo 4.jpg|200px|thumb|left| Anatomical drawings by Leonardo from his Notebook]]
==Conclusion==Leonardo is one of the towering figures in the development of the Renaissance and indeed Western culture. He was a remarkable man and a genuine polymath who had extraordinary insights and achievements. The Florentine was able to develop new techniques in painting that revolutionized the art form and it inspired many of the greatest painters of the Renaissancealso an inventor, such as Raphael. Leonardo had a great influence on sculpture and architecture in Italy during his lifetime and afternotebooks are filled with many plans or drafts for inventions. Leonardo was also Da Vinci drafted plans for a scientist and interested in a wide range of subjects. His scientific discoveriesflying machine, diving suit, parachute, anemometer, such as those in anatomy were kept secretarmored car, largely out of fear of the Church. Howeverself-propelled car, his approach to study and his interest in nature, inspired many to adopt even a more modern outlookrobotic knight. Leonardo was a designer and inventor one of geniusthe most prolific inventors in history. However, most None of his ideas inventions were ever developed into practical and working machines. They remained only designs on paper, even though there were ground-breaking ideas .<ref> Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard, and often impracticalGareth Rees. Therefore, his The inventions made little impact on the Renaissanceof Leonardo da Vinci.Phaidon Press, 1978, p 17</ref>
These ideas were not finished because Leonardo was not very good at finishing projects. He also lacked the resources to put his ideas into practice, such as his plans for a robotic knight. His designs for various inventions were too far ahead of their time and would not have been understood by his contemporaries. Moreover, the technology was not available to develop his innovative ideas. It was only in later centuries that his designs were appreciated. While Leonardo can be credited with having great ideas, his inventions made little or no impact on the Renaissance. <ref>Gibbs-Smith et al, p. 145</ref> == What was Leonardi da Vinci's impact on the World? ==Leonardo is one of the towering figures in the development of Renaissance and Western culture. He was a remarkable man and a genuine polymath who had extraordinary insights and achievements. The Florentine was able to develop new techniques in painting that revolutionized the art form, and it inspired many of the greatest painters of the Renaissance, such as Raphael. Leonardo had a great influence on sculpture and architecture in Italy during his lifetime and after. Leonardo was also a scientist and interested in a wide range of subjects. His scientific discoveries, such as those in anatomy, were kept secret, largely out of fear of the Church.  However, his approach to study and his interest in nature-inspired many people to adopt an outlook that veered from the day's teachings. Leonardo was a designer and inventor of genius. However, most of his ideas remained only ideas and often impractical. Therefore, his inventions made little impact on the Renaissance. ====Further Reading====Kemp, Martin. Leonardo da Vinci: the marvellous marvelous works of nature and man. Oxford University Press, 2007.
Da Vinci, Leonardo. The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. Vol. 1-3. Courier Corporation, 2012.
Da Vinci, Leonardo. A treatise on painting. Read Books Ltd, 2013.
====References====<references/> [[Category:European History]] [[Category:Italian History]] [[Category:Wikis]] [[Category:Renaissance History]] [[Category:Art History]]

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