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[[File:British_Lancers.jpg|thumbnail|300px250px|left|18th King George’s Own Lancers near Mametz, on the Somme, 15 July 1916]]The Battle of the Somme or the Somme Offensive was a series of battles that occurred during the Summer and Autumn of 1916. It involved British and French forces launching a massive assault offensive on the German lines to break the stalemate on the Western Front's stalemate. The Battle was primarily a battle between the Germans and the British. The offensive was not effective and achieved very little, and both sides suffered heavy casualtiesfor the allies. The British only advanced a few miles , and the German lines held. The offensive did not break the stalemateand resulted in massive casualties for both sides.
Historians have argued whether the Somme was a failure or a partial success. It is clear that the The British and French did not secure their main objectives during the battle. Why did the Somme offensive fail to achieve its planners’ primary goals? Mostly, the Allies failed at the Somme because of poor leadership, planning, and a stubborn German defense.
====Background==Why did the Allies decide to attack the Germans at Somme? ==Since 1914, the war on both the eastern Eastern and the western front Western Fronts had become a war of attrition. Both sides had established a series of defensive lines, involving thousands of miles of trenches and they regularly attacked and counter-attacked each other for little or no strategic or tactical advantage.<ref> Gilbert, M. <i>[ The Somme: Heroism and Horror in the First World War]. </i> (Henry Holt and Company, 2006), p. 56</ref> The western military and the governments were eager to end the war or at least to be seen as delivering a victory. There were concerns that the public would not tolerate a war indefinitely.
The resources of France and Britain 's resources had become stretched, and they needed a victory to demonstrate that they were winning the war to their public. There was a genuine desire to end the stalemate which was costing thousands of lives per week.<ref> Gilbert, p. 112</ref> Then there was the strategic situation on both the eastern and the western front. The Russians had been planning their assault on the Austro-Hungarians in the east, an attack from the west would mean that the Germans could not come to the aid of their allies in Vienna. Then there were the almost simultaneous massive battles taking place in Verdun.<ref> Gilbert, p. 113</ref> The Germans and the French were engaged in a bloody battle for the fortress of Verdun. The French army had found itself hard pressed and many feared that they would break and this could result in the Germans driving a wedge between the British in the north and the French armies in the south. The Somme was seen as necessary to alleviate the pressure on the French and to assist the Russian offensive.
====Strategy====[[File: Somme 2.jpg|thumbnail|300px|left|left|German Soldier at the Somme]]General Sir Douglas Haig assumed command of Then there were the British army almost simultaneous massive battles taking place in early 1916Verdun. He wanted to launch the offensive nearer the English Channel to be closer to the British supply lines<ref> Gilbert, p. However, 113</ref> The Germans and the French pressured the British to have the offensive engaged in the Somme regiona bloody battle forVerdun'se fortress. When The French army had found itself hard-pressed, and many feared that they would break and this could result in the Verdun offensive started Germans driving a wedge between the Somme area saw the withdrawal of many German units. The Germans had little reserves British in the area, north and it seemed that the French armies in the south. Somme was seen as necessary to alleviate the French's pressure and assist the perfect location.<ref>Keegan, JRussian offensive.<i>[ The First World War] </i>.(London: Random House, 1998), p. 12</ref>
The Anglo-French attack ==What was to break the Allied Strategy for the Battle of the Somme? ==[[File: Somme 2.jpg|thumbnail|250px|left|left|German lines and achieve a breakthrough that would allow Soldier at the allies to drive a wedge between Somme]]General Sir Douglas Haig assumed command of the Germans armies British army in Franceearly 1916. The British after a five-day bombardment was He wanted to launch a massive infantry assault; once the Germans had fled from their trenches, offensive nearer the English Channel to be closer to the British cavalry would push forward and seize key objectives such as railroads and bridges in the Sommesupply lines.<ref>Keegan, p. 56</ref> However, the French pressured the British had failed to understand have the offensive in the nature of Somme region. When the German defenses on Verdun offensive started, the Somme. They had added a third line area saw the withdrawal of defense, had established a telephone system and had dug even more trenches. The many German defenses did have some deficiencies, but they proved to be formidableunits. The British underestimated Germans had little reserves in the German defensesarea, and this it seemed that the Somme was to prove costly during the coming battlesperfect location.<ref> Keegan, J.<i>[ The First World War] </i>.(London: Random House, 1998), p 116. 12</ref>
====Battles Tactics The Anglo-French attack was to break the German lines and achieve a breakthrough that would allow the allies to drive a wedge between the Germans armies in France. The British after a five-day bombardment was to launch a massive infantry assault; once the Germans had fled from their trenches, the British cavalry would push forward and seize key objectives such as railroads and bridges in the Somme.<ref>Keegan, p. 56</ref> However, the British had failed to understand the nature of the German defenses on the Somme. They had added a third line of defense, had established a telephone system, and had dug even more trenches. The German defenses did have some deficiencies, but they proved to be formidable. The British underestimated the German defenses, and this was to prove costly during the coming battles.<ref> Keegan, p 116</ref> ==What tactics did the Allies use during the Somme? ==
[[File: British Mark I male tank Somme 25 September 1916.jpg|left|thumbnail|300px|British tank at the Somme]]
The British committed hundreds of thousands of men to the fighting. The British troops on the Somme was a mixture of the surviving members of the old regular army, the Territorial Force , and Kitchener's Army, comprised of volunteers including the ‘Pals Battalions’Battalions, that had been recruited from the same towns and villages. <ref> Middlebrook, M. <i>[ The First Day on the Somme]. </i>(London, Penguin, 1971</ref> Many of their reserves were transferred to the area. They stationed thousands of artillery pieces in the region. These were expected to play a crucial role in the coming offensive. The British leadership believed that a concentrated artillery barrage could either force the German defenders to flee or destroy their defenses. Crucially, the British had not mastered the tactic of the creeping barrage. This tactic would have allowed the infantry to advance under cover of shelling. The British failure to do so meant that when the artillery barrage ended that the Germans who survived the artillery onslaught could mow down the advancing soldiers with machine guns.  New military technologies were also employed at the battle of the Somme. The British intended using airplanes and tanks in a major battle for the first time.<ref> Prior, R.; Wilson, <i>[ The Somme]</i>. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005), p. 113</ref> They gave the British more capabilities. The tanks could be sued to punch through the German lines, and the airplanes could gather intelligence on German troops' movements.
Many of their reserves were transferred However, the British High Command was to fail to the areause these new weapons effectively. They stationed thousands of artillery pieces in The planners at the region. These were Somme also expected the infantry to play a crucial role in the coming offensivemake spectacular gains. It The common soldier or ‘Tommy’ was believed that a concentrated artillery barrage could either force the German defenders expected to flee or else to destroy their defencestake trenches using only his gun, bayonet, and grenades. Crucially the The British had not mastered the tactic High Command was expecting too much of their soldiers, especially given the creeping barrage. This tactic would have allowed the infantry to advance under the cover of shellingheavy and sophisticated German defenses. The British failure 's inability to do so meant that when properly employ and coordinate their forces and their unrealistic expectations cost many soldiers their lives and limited the artillery barrage ended that advances made during the Germans who survived the artillery onslaught could mow down the advancing soldiers with machine gunsoffensive.<ref> Wilson, p. 116</ref>
New military technologies were also employed at ==What happened during the battle Battles of the Somme? ==[[File: Somme three. The jpg|thumbnail|250px|left|British intended using aeroplanes and tanks in a major battle for troops at the Somme]]The first timeday of the Somme offensive started after the five-day barrage had ended.<ref> PriorFor five days, Rthe British had blasted the German lines.; Wilson, <i>[https://wwwHundreds of thousands of shells landed on the German trenches.amazonThe British believed that they had obliterated the German<ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0300119631&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=69f365fa66cf273dac5cb1fc7b6e7a3b The Somme]</i>. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005)Keegan, p. 113134</ref>. They gave On the British more capabilities. The tanks could be sued to punch through the German lines and the aeroplanes could gather intelligence on the movements first of German troops. HoweverJuly, the British High Command was to fail to use these new weapons in an effective way. The planners at and the Somme also expected French ‘went over the infantry to make spectacular gains. The common soldier or ‘Tommy’ was expected to take top’, that is, they left their trenches using only his gun, bayonet and grenadesentered into no man's land. The British High Command was simply expecting too much of their soldierswere ordered to advance at a walking pace. However, especially given the heavy and sophisticated German defences. The inability of some officers on the British to properly employ and coordinate their forces and ground ordered their unrealistic expectations was men to cost many soldiers their lives and to limit the advances made during the offensive.<ref> Wilson, p. 116</ref>rush across no man's land.
===The Battles of Contrary to Haig and the Somme===[[File: Somme three.jpg|thumbnail|300px|left|British troops at the Somme]]The first day rest of the Somme offensive started after the five-day barrage had ended. For five days the British had blasted the German lines. Hundreds of thousands of shells landed on High Command’s expectations, the German trenches. The British believed that they had obliterated Germans survived the German defencesbarrage.<ref> KeeganMiddlebrooke, p. 134211</ref> On They had sustained many casualties, and many soldiers had been driven mad during the first five days of July shelling. The Germans, once the British and barrage ended, were able to operate the French ‘went over front line. Critically they were able to use the top’, that is they left machine gun nests and order up their trenches and entered into artillery to fire on no man's -mans-land. The Germans picked off the British were ordered to advance at a walking pacewill even though they had ‘inferior numbers and less firepower. However’ <ref> Wilson, some officers on the ground ordered their men to rush across no man's landp. 115</ref>
Contrary to Haig and the rest of the German High Command’s expectations, the Germans had largely survived the barrage.<ref> Middlebrooke, p. 211</ref> They had sustained many casualties and many soldiers had been driven mad during the five days of shelling. The Germans, once the barrage ended, were able to man the front line. Critically they were able to man the machine gun nests and order up their own artillery to fire on no-mans-land. The Germans picked off the British at will despite the fact that they had ‘inferior numbers and less firepower’ <ref> Wilson, p. 115</ref>. The British as a result failed to take many German trenches and instead suffered catastrophic casualties. The order to advance at a walking pace over no man's land probably cost many brave men their lives. The first day on the Somme was also the worst day in the history of the British army, it suffered almost 60,000 casualties, mainly on the frontline between the Albert–Bapaume road and Gommecourt.<ref> Wilson, p. 234</ref>
The French did achieve some significant results , and they ejected large elements of the German 2nd Army from their positions south of the Somme. The British in total only made very limited minimal gains at a huge considerable cost. It was clear after the first day that the British had not achieved tactical surprise and that the German defences defenses were stronger than expected. However, the British and the French High Command continued with the offensive. The Somme offensive was to become a series of set pitched battles mainly between the British and the French. Historians had identified some thirteen significant battles between the Anglo-French armies and the Germans during the Somme offensive. The British were on the offensive attack all through the summer and the early autumn.  The Germans mainly adopted a defensive posture. They mostly stayed in the trenches and waited for the British to attack.<ref> Keegan, p 178</ref> The tactics of the first day of the Sommeweres repeatedly repeated with only limited results. The Germans did not have the reserves to stage any counter-attacks during the offensive as they needed all their men for Verdun's siege. The British introduced tanks to help them break the deadlock, but they proved unable to coordinate their advance with the infantry. Furthermore, the tanks proved unreliable and often broke down. The fighting continued until early November when the onset of winter and especially the rain meant that the British could not simply continue.<ref> Keegan, p. 179</ref> ==What was the Outcome of the Somme? ==The Somme was one of the bloodiest and perhaps least effective battles of the war. The estimates for casualties are inexact and only educated guesses. The British and French suffered approximately 600,000 killed and wounded. The Germans suffered about 500,000 casualties. The Anglo-French armies managed to make real and significant gains, especially after the offensive's initial phases. At the end of the battle in November, the British and French forces had penetrated some 6 miles into German-occupied territory. The offensive had recaptured more territory than any other battle since the Battle of the Marne in 1914 but they still only went 6 miles.  However, they had failed to take many of their objectives, such as Peronne and Bapume. It could be argued that the Battle of the Somme did not end as the British resumed their attacks in the area in 1917. The Somme did not deliver a death blow to the Germans; they were forced back to their second and third defense lines. They had retreated in good order, and they had been able to maintain their lines, and there was no general Allied breakthrough. However, the only benefit to Allies was that they caused 500,000 German casualties. The Germans suffered significant losses, and it may have contributed to their eventual collapse in 1918.<ref>Prior, p. 211</ref> This contention is debatable because Germany could move a significant number of troops to the Western Front after Russia's collapse and replenished their front lines on the Western Front.
== How did Poor Planning cripple the Allied Offensive during the Somme? ==The Germans mainly adopted a defensive postureplanning for the Somme offensive was rushed. They largely stayed Haig had only been in his role since the trenches and waited for previous December. He wanted the British army to attack.<ref> Keeganfurther north, p 178</ref> The tactics of but political considerations meant that he had to heed the first day of the Somme was repeated again and again with only limited resultsFrench's opinions. The Germans did not have planning was accelerated because the reserves British needed to come to stage any counter-attacks during the offensive as they needed all their men for their siege aid of the French at Verdun. The Additionally, the British introduced tanks to help them break the deadlock but they proved unable wanted to coordinate their advance attack with the infantryRussia during their offensive. Furthermore, This meant that there was a failure to coordinate the tanks proved unreliable and often broke downBritish units effectively. The fighting continued until early November when Many have argued that the onset Somme offensive would have had a better chance of winter and especially the rain meant that the British could success if it had not simply continuebeen rushed.<ref> Keegan However, pit was not only rushed planning that was a problem. 179</ref>
===Outcome of the Somme===The battle British High Command was one guilty of the bloodiest of the war and indeed of any other warbeing over-optimistic. The estimates for casualties are inexact and only educated guesses. It is widely believed They had assumed that the British artillery barrage would be more effective than it was and French suffered some 600,000 killed and wounded. The Germans suffered about 500,000 casualties. The Anglo-French armies did manage to make real and significant gains, especially after the initial phases of the offensive. At the end of the battle in November, the British and French forces had penetrated some 6 miles into German occupied territory. The offensive had recaptured more grind that at any other battle since the Battle of the Marne in 1914. However, they had failed to take many of their objectives such as Peronne and Bapume. It could be argued into account the fact that the Battle Germans had been building extensive lines of defenses before the Somme did not end as offensive began. Then there was the British resumed their attacks in the area in 1917. The Somme did not deliver a death blow planners’ failure to coordinate the Germans, offensive's various aspects; they were forced back proved unable to their second and third lines of defence. They had retreated in good order and they had been able to maintain their lines and there was no general Allied breakthrough. This has led many to see coordinate the Somme as a failure. However, some have argued that artillery barrage with the Germans suffered significant losses and that this contributed to their eventually collapse in 1918infantry’s advance.<ref>Prior, p. 211135</ref>
====Poor Planning====The planning for Furthermore, the Somme offensive was rushed. Haig British generals had only been very conservative in their battle tactics. This can be seen in his role since the previous Decemberorders they gave to walk across no man's land and their continued belief in cavalry's effectiveness. He wanted If the British army to attack further north but political considerations meant that he High Command had to heed planned the opinions offensive better, it could have been a true success instead of the Frenchbeing at best only a partial success. The planning Then there was also rushed as the fact that the British needed to come High Command was reluctant to change the aid of tactics. They persisted using the French at Verdun same tactics from July to November, and also after the first day, their enemy knew what to attack during the Russian offensiveexpect and planned accordingly. This meant that there was a failure to coordinate the British units effectively. Many have argued that the Somme offensive would have had a better chance of success if it had Allies did not been rushedsecure all their stated objectives. However<ref> Wilson, it was not only rushed planning that was a problemp. 221</ref>
The British High Command was guilty == Why were German Defenses so effective during the Somme?==One of being over-optimistic. They had assumed that the British artillery barrage would be more effective than it was and they failed to take into account the fact that major reasons why the Germans had been building extensive lines of defences before able to limit the Allied offensive beganfrom July to November was their defenses. Then there was They had managed to develop a very sophisticated defensive line. This line allowed them to emerge after the British planners’ failure barrages and allowed them to coordinate defend their positions against superior numbers. The Germans proved to be very resilient under the various aspects of brutal Allied onslaught. Their units and the men on the offensive, they ground had proved unable to coordinate be able to adapt to the artillery barrage with terrible conditions of the infantry’s advancebattle, which Adolf Hitler called ‘not war, but Hell.’” <ref> PriorVictor, George, p<i>[ 135com/gp/product/1574882287/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1574882287&linkCode=as2&tag=dailyh0c-20&linkId=8e7a3aab0d3b57441ff3150d411f96cc Hitler: Pathology of Evil]</refi> Furthermore. (Washington, the British generals had been very conservative in their battle tacticsDC, this can be seen in the orders they gave to walk across no manBrassey's land and their continued belief in the effectiveness of cavalry. If the British High Command had planned the offensive better, it could have been a true success instead of being at best only a partial success. Then there was the fact that the British High Command was reluctant to change their tactics they persisted using the same tactics from July to November and after the first day their enemy knew what to expect and planned accordinglyInc. This meant that the Allies did not secure all their stated objectives.<ref> Wilson, 2008) p. 22128</ref>
===German Defences===One of the major reasons why Furthermore, although they had far fewer guns, the Germans had been able to limit the Allied offensive from July to November was their defences. They had managed to develop a them organized very sophisticated defensive line. This effectively in so-called ‘barrage sectors, which allowed them to emerge after inflict devastating casualties at the barrages but also allowed them to defend their positions against superior numbersSomme. The Germans proved to be very resilient under This was not expected, which meant that the Allies did not achieve the brutal Allied onslaughtbreakthrough they hoped. Their units and Then the German soldiers during the men on battle had been better prepared for example they did not find themselves loaded down with equipment like the ground British who had proved to be able to adapt to the terrible conditions of the carry almost eight pounds into battle, which Adolf Hitler called ‘not war, but Hell’ .<ref> Victor, GeorgeMiddlebrooks, p. 116<i>[ Hitler: Pathology of Evil]</i>Furthermore, German units proved to be more flexible and could respond better to the dynamic battlefield situation. (WashingtonFor example, DC, Brasseythe Germans proved to adapt to the tanks's Incthreats and found ways to disable and neutralize them. 2008) p. 28</ref>
Furthermore, ==Conclusion==The Battle of the Somme was not the Germans although they had far fewer guns had them organised failure it is often portrayed. It did play an important role in a very effective way the eventual German defeat in so-called ‘barrage sectors’ 1918 and this allowed them did allow the allies to inflict devastating casualties at recapture some strategic territory. However, given the losses, the Somme. This was battle did not expected achieve much, and that meant that the Allies Germans did not achieve the breakthrough that they expectedsuffer any major strategic defeats. Then They proved capable of continuing the German soldiers during fight on the battle had been better prepared western front for example they did not find themselves loaded down with equipment like another two years.  The Allies' failure to achieve their main objectives despite the British who had massive losses was due to carry almost eight pounds into battle.<ref> Middlebrooksseveral factors, pand they include poor and rushed planning. 116</ref> FurthermoreThese meant that there were deficiencies in the planning process, German units proved to be more flexible and could respond better to this hampered the dynamic battlefield situationallies' advance. For example, Then the Germans proved adept in defending their positions, and they had established massive defensive lines. The British Generals in particularly placed too much faith in their new weapons, especially their tanks and artillery's ability to dislodge and destroy defenders in networks of trenches. These all ensured that the Somme largely failed to be able to adapt to the threat posed by decisive victory that its planners had hoped for in the tanks and they found ways to disable and neutralise themSpring of 1916.
The Battle of the Somme was not the failure it is often portrayed. It did play an important role in the eventual German defeat in 1918 and did allow the allies to recapture some strategic territory. However, given the losses the battle did not achieve much and the Germans did not suffer any major strategic defeats. In fact, they proved capable of continuing the fight on the western front for another two years. The failure of the Allies to achieve their main objectives despite the massive losses was due to several factors and they include poor and rushed planning. These meant that there were deficiencies in the planning process and this hampered the allies advance. Then the Germans proved adept in defending their positions and they had established massive defensive lines. The British Generals in particularly placed too much faith on their new weapons especially their tanks and on the ability of artillery to dislodge and destroy defenders in networks of trenches. These all ensured that the Somme largely failed to be the decisive victory that its planners had hoped for in the Spring of 1916.
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