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What is the history of creation mythologies

138 bytes added, 15:37, 21 February 2020
Influence of Creation Myths
==Influence of Creation Myths==
In most cultures, it is evident that creation myths are also developed to justify the world order. The hierarchy of humans, the reasons why they might die, the importance of given gods but not others, and the characteristic of the spirits and gods are justified by creation myths. This is also true for major religions, where creation stories are used to explain what the world was intended to be and how it is. Creation myths are, therefore, central in many belief systems that explain the cosmos and are the most typical stories of cosmology in ancient cultures. Prior to creation, the universe or the world is considered unclear and order is often not well established. Creation myths are, therefore, seen as important for social truths, including metaphorical and symbolic meaning. While many creation myths are often not believed in even by modern the culturesin which they come from, they are still seen as important for social identity given their explanatory utility in justifying world order and the place of given cultures. For disappearing or more rare cultures, including Native American societies, creation myths are important for identity and placing society in a wider world view. A key part in many myths is the eventual rise of a specific people, usually the people who create the creation epic.<ref>For more on how creation myths influenced modern society, see: Franz, M.-L. von, Franz, M.-L. von, 1995. <i>Creation myths</i>. Shambhala, Boston. </ref>

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