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Today the god Mithra or Mithras is not recognized by many in the West. In fact, for people who have heard of this god, he is often seen as just another of the many gods that was once worshiped in Europe, the Near East, and South Asia. However, in the early centuries of Christianity, one can argue the worship of Mithras rivaled the Christian religion and if Christianity failed to plant itself, then it may have been possible for the worship of this god to have become more significant in later religious history for Asia and Europe. The importance of this god in perhaps bringing influences that also get adopted in later religions may also be evident.
==Mithra and Key Beliefs==
Mithra or Mithras was a god with an origin in Iran and India, where his imagery and display is often associated with the sun. The religion is mostly associated with its peak in worship that occurred around the 1st-4th century CE (or AD), where it was worshiped from Scotland to India. Key beliefs include the ritual slaughter of the bull by Mithra, which would likely lead to the presence of new life. Worship centered around underground temples known as Mithraea that attempted to represent caves. Sometimes the temples were in caves. These temples were representative of the world and the ceremonies held were to reflect a type of global worship. The worship ceremony often involved ritual feasting and was held in a type of secrecy that members taken an oath to follow and worship the god. Members would be gradually initiated into the sacred rights were a total of seven levels that worshipers had to attain being part of their spiritual journey. The religion seemed to mostly incorporate men. Because no written sources have survived the at directly speak to the theology, outside of small inscriptions or secondary references by writers, there is still relatively known about the religion. However, that is probably in part because it was a type of mystery cult. From Persian sources, he is seen as a god of justice, a good shepherd to his people, and infallible.
Mithraic belief likely borrowed from Zoroastrianism, which believed in a cosmic struggle of evil vs. good. Mithra could be involved in the final struggle against evil, but this is not clear. The god was seen as being born or December 25th, where he emerges out of a rock, although several other gods, particularly those associated as sun gods, held that date of birth. This date does likely influence later Christian adoptions as December 25th the birth of Christ. The god Mithra may have also been born of a virgin birth and the importance of communal meals, similar to early Christianity, are some aspects the religions share. The religious order also seems to have a type of hierarchy of power, with local priests and something akin to Bishops and chief leaders within the cult developed as part of the religious order. Worship and belief also seems to be related to water, where believers may have been baptized into the order. Nevertheless, aspects of Mithra worshiped within the Roman Empire also borrowed from other Greco-Roman gods, indicating that some adaptation of the original ideas of Mithra had occurred after it was adopted from the original Indo-Persian god.
==Extent of Mithra Worship==
Although Mithra was worshiped in regions as far as India and Scotland, the extent of how widely spread within populations and how much of a true rival the religion was to other emerging religions like Christianity is not agreed upon by scholars. There are hundreds of Mithra temples scattered throughout the Roman Empire; sometimes existing temples to various gods also had Mithraea underneath them. It seems to have been a religion that was brought to the Empire by Roman soldiers stationed in the eastern part of the empire, who then became influenced by the worship of this god in the Parthian and later Sassanian empires. The god was also very popular in Indian and Iran, while Mithra was likely combined with earlier sun gods in the Near East, including Shamash and Ba'al. However, it is likely that the Mithra in the Roman Empire was understood differently that that of Persia and Iran, although many similarities remained. Thus, scholars do debate how unified the belief was of Mithra and the adoption of the god could have been as such that local customs in different places adapted the religion to their own concepts, mainly incorporating the god with other gods or syncretizing religious idea. Although in any one place the number of worshipers may have been low, the vast extent of the worship of the god does make Mithra perhaps the most widespread god until the rise of Christianity and its subsequent proselytizing faith. The wide extent of the worship of this god may explain why some ideas were adopted by Christianity. However, more likely the animosity toward this cult reflects that it may have been seen as a threat to the early Christian faith in the first few centuries after Christ. This could explain why some ideas of Mithra could have been adopted by Christians, so that some keeping some aspects of the faith may have been more attractive to some worshipers in joining Christianity; however, the subsequent suppression of the Mithra cults likely reflects it was mostly seen as a threat.
==Decline of Mithra==
In some ways, the initial fact the religion came from Iran may have been part of its own undoing. Rome and the Parthian and later Sassanian Empires were great rivals. As the conflict between these empires increased, Roman authorities may have begun to frown upon this religion. In particular, after the rise of Christianity once it was accepted by Constantine in 312 CE, the Roman Empire began to have both religious but also secular reasons to persecute the cults of Mithra. Temples to Mithra were torn down and in some cases churches built on top of them. Practices of Mithra were claimed to be satanic and that forced the believers to go underground. A few held out in the Alps region, but the faith continued to survive in Iran until recently, although it declined as Islam spread in the 7th century CE. In India, the belief in Mithra has continued and cult of worhip has continues in some areas, although it has likely evolved significantly over the centuries. Many beliefs related to Mithra are incorporated with Zoroastrianism.
==Conclusion and Impact==
Scholars still debate the impact of Mithraism on Christianity. While many agree some parallel exist, such as the Christmas birthday of Christ, use of meals or communal meals as part of the worship, religious hierarchy, others see that other religions and practices also could have adopted these practices and there are also major differences in theology. Nevertheless, the spread of the religion of Mithra showed something had, in fact, happened and that is the world just before the rise of Christianity was beginning to worship a common god. In other words, with the rise of the major empires and states, we see by the 1st century CE very few empires spanning the globe. This helps to explain, in part, why the religion became so popular. In fact, one could go from Britain to India and then China, traversing only about 4 countries in the 1st century CE; so the facilitation of movement across vast distances now meant that religious ideas can also move fast. This made the world a smaller place and religious ideas, such as Mithraism, began to spread rapidly. In summary, the rapid spread of Mithra from the 1st century CE shows that religious ideas could now move very fast across regions. This likely paved the way for Christianity in that many people began to get use to the idea of shared religions or ideas. In other words, the rise of Mithra foreshadows the eventual rise of Christianity, whether it influences it substantially or not. This might have been one of the more important factors that showed the early Christians that it was possible to spread their faith as the world became smaller.
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Latest revision as of 00:44, 23 September 2021