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How was the Library of Alexandria Destroyed

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The Library of Alexandria is one of the most famous and well-known buildings from the ancient world. Despite this fame, scholars know little about it and much debate surrounds the details of its existence and eventual destruction. Most disagree on its size, its location and most of all the way in which it was ultimately destroyed (Galbraith, 4). Although the Library of Alexandria was not the first library of its kind in the ancient world, if what its contemporaries say about it is true, it was most certainly the largest. Many libraries existed in antiquity but none contained as many books or enjoyed the same amount of financial support from the ruling monarchy. The Library of Alexandria was utilized by some of the most famous scholars of its time and it amassed a collection of books some say was half a million or more. No other institution had such a reputation. Ultimately the Library was destroyed but scholars do not know how or even in what century it met its demise. Despite the fact that the Library is one of the most famous relics of the ancient world, we know very little about its appearance, the work that was done there or how it eventually came to its end.
===__NOTOC__ [[File:Library_of_Alexandria_(sepia).jpg|thumbnail|left|Library of Alexanderia - 1889 lithograph]]The Library of Alexandria is one of the most famous and well-known buildings in the ancient world. Despite this fame, scholars know little about it and much debate surrounds the details of its existence and eventual destruction. Most disagree on its size, its location, and most of all, how it was ultimately destroyed.<ref>Galbraith, James. (2008). What Happened To The Ancient Learning and Library Of Alexandria?. <i>College & Research Libraries</i>, 69(6), 590 - 592. UC Irvine: UC Irvine Libraries===. Web. 6 Dec, 2015.</ref>
Although the Library of Alexandria was not the first library of its kind in the ancient world, if what its contemporaries say about it is true, it was most certainly the largest. Many libraries existed in antiquity, but none contained as many books or enjoyed the same amount of financial support from the ruling monarchy. The Library of Alexandria was utilized by some of the most famous scholars of its time, and it amassed a collection of books. Some say it was half a million or more. No other institution had such a reputation. Ultimately the library was destroyed, but scholars do not know how or even in what century it met its demise. Although the Library is one of the most famous relics of the ancient world, we know very little about its appearance, the work is done there, or how it eventually came to its end. ====Ancient Learning and Libraries====With the invention of writing, believed to have occurred in Mesopotamia around 3200 B.C., came the need to archive and store collections of texts. Most of the earliest clay tablets that were created contained information saved for practical purposes. As such, when When their relevance expired, the tablets were either erased and used again or re-used reused as building materials. Their creators had no did not need to save or archive them , and as such , those first examples of writing are lost.
The earliest known collection of archived content comes from the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk, located in the southeast of Iraq. Archaeologists discovered roughly 4500 texts as part of a collection of varying in topics from astronomy to mathematics. This is the earliest known evidence of what archaeologists call “archival behavior” (Potts, 19-20)behavior. Other libraries that existed in that time included The Royal Library of Antioch (est. 221 B.C.) and the already ancient Library of Ashurbanipal, located in modern -day Iraq. It is said that, upon seeing Ashurbanipal, Alexander the Great was inspired to establish his own Library , and he bestowed that responsibility upon his Macedonian general Ptolemy I. <ref>Philips, Heather A., “The Great Library of Alexandria?” <i>Library Philosophy and Practice</i>:1 August, 2010. Web. 10 January, 2016.</ref>
====Outline of the Museum and the Library====
[[File:The_Serapeum_of_Alexandria.jpg|thumbnail|left|300px|The Serapeum of Alexandria which included the Library]]
The Library and Museum were founded sometime between 300 and 290 BC. Scholars are unclear who founded it, but most agree it was either the first or the second King from the Ptolemaic dynasty. The Ptolemies were a dynasty of Pharaohs who ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years. The first Ptolemy was a general under Alexander the Great. They financially supported the library and its scholars and earned a reputation in the ancient world for being culturally enlightened rulers.<ref>Thiem, Jon. “The Great Library of Alexandria Burnt: Towards the History of a Symbol.” <i>Journal of the History of Ideas</i> 40.4 (1979):507. Web. 6 Dec, 2015, </ref>
===Outline of the Museum and the Library===The Library of Alexandria contained both a library and Museum were founded sometime between 300 and 290 BCa museum. Scholars are unclear on who founded it but most agree it The museum was either the first or the second King from the Ptolemaic dynasty. The Ptolemies were made of a dynasty community of Pharaohs scholars who ruled Egypt for nearly 300 yearswere involved in academic and religious pursuits. The first Ptolemy museum was a general under Alexander named for the Muses, the GreatGreek goddesses of artistry and scholarship. Its resident scholars studied mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and literature. They financially supported are famous for having edited most major Greek texts, including those of Homer and Hesiod. It is also believed that the library and its scholars and served as such earned a reputation in teachers for privileged members of the ancient world for being culturally enlightened rulerscommunity.<ref>ThiemErskine, JonAndrew. “The Great “Culture and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Museum and Library of Alexandria Burnt.” <i>Greece & Rome</I> 42.1 (1995): Towards 38. Web. 6 Dec 2015 38</ref> The library also had gardens, decorated walkways, and a dining hall where all of the History of a Symbol”museum's fellows ate together <ref>Hendrickson, Thomas. “The Invention Of The Greek Library. <i>Journal of the History of Ideas 40Transactions Of The American Philological Association</i> 144.4 2 (19792014):507371-413. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 6 Dec, . 2015, .</ref>
The Library of Alexandria contained both a library and a It is not known how many members the museumhad. The museum was made of a community of scholars who were involved in academic as well as religious pursuitsTheir names have been lost to history. The museum was named for the Muses<ref>Erskine, the Greek goddesses of artistry and scholarship39. </ref> Its resident scholars However, it is known that many famous intellectuals studied mathematicsand worked there, including Euclid, medicineCallimachus, astronomy and literature. They are famous for having edited most major Greek texts including those of Homer and HesiodEratosthenes. It is also believed that the library scholars served as teachers for privileged members of the community <ref>Erskine, Andrew. “Culture and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Museum and Library of Alexandria”. <ref>Greece & Rome38</ref> 42The scholars were led by a librarian who was appointed by the King.1 (1995): 38. Web. 6 Dec The librarian was the head scholar, 2015 38</ref> The library also had gardenshead scholar, decorated walkways and a dining hall where all of tutor to the fellows of the museum ate together royal family. <ref>HendricksonErskine, Thomas. “The Invention Of The Greek Library.” Transactions Of The American Philological Association 144.2 (2014): 371-413. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 6 Dec. 2015.39</ref>
It is not known how The librarians and the Ptolemies alike went to great lengths to obtain as many members the museum hadbooks as possible. Their names have been lost Scholars were sent to history. <ref>Erskineother major cities such as Athens and Rhodes, 39to buy books.</ref> HoweverAll ships that docked in the harbor were searched, it is known that many famous intellectuals studied and worked there including Euclid, Callimachus the books were taken and Eratosthenescopied. <ref>Erskine, 38</ref> The scholars copies (not the originals) were led by a librarian who was appointed by returned to the Kingowners. The librarian was Books known to have been acquired this way include the chief curatortragedies of Sophocles, Aeschylus, the head scholar and also a tutor to the royal familyEuripides. <ref>Erskine, 3938</ref> It is believed that the Library may have contained as many as half a million scrolls. If these estimates are accurate, the Library of Alexandria was significantly larger than any other library of its time.
====The librarians and Library Destroyed====It is unknown when or how the Ptolemies alike went to great lengths to obtain library was destroyed as many books as possiblethere are no primary sources that discuss its destruction. Scholars can’t even be sure about a century when it may have occurred. Scholars were sent to other major cities such Some scholars believe it was destroyed as early as Athens and Rhodes to buy books48 A. All ships that docked D. while others place the date six hundred years later in the harbor were searched and the books were taken and copied641. The copies (It is not known where the originals) were returned to library was located within the ownerscity nor how large it was, how many buildings it contained, or how many scholars lived there. Books known to have been acquired this way include There are no eyewitness accounts or even primary sources which mention the tragedies destruction of Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripidesthe library.<ref>Erskine, 38</ref> It is most widely believed that the Library may have contained as many as half of Alexandria was destroyed in a million scrollsfire that was started when Caesar burned the Egyptian fleet during the Alexandrian Warn in 48 B. C.<ref>Thiem</ref> If these estimates are accurateInstead, Many Islamic scholars believe that Umar's order burned the library, a powerful 7th century Caliph from Mecca, after the Library Muslim conquest of Alexandria 641 A.D. Others believe that Emperor Theodosius burned it in 390 A.D. Finally, many believe it was significantly larger than any other libraries destroyed during the recapture of its timeAlexandria by Aurelian during the revolt of Queen Zenobia of Palmyra in 269 A.D.
===The Despite the best efforts of classical scholars, most details about the Library Destroyed===It is not known when or how the library was destroyed as there are no primary sources that discuss its destruction. Scholars can’t even be sure on of Alexandria remain a century when it may have occurredmystery. Some scholars believe it was destroyed as early as 48 A.D. while others place the date six hundred years later in 641. It What is not known where is that the library Library was located within an unparalleled center of learning in the city nor how large it wasancient world, how many buildings it contained or how many scholars lived there. There are no eye witness accounts or even primary sources which mention enjoyed the destruction patronage of the libraryruling monarchy for centuries.<ref>Erskine, 38</ref> It is most widely believed that Scholars traveled from all over the Library world to study at Alexandria and copy their books, and it has entered our modern psyche as a symbol of Alexandria was destroyed in a fire that was started when Caesar burned the Egyptian fleet during the Alexandrian Warn in 48 B.Cgreat loss of knowledge and culture.<ref>Thiem</ref> InsteadAs time goes on, many Islamic scholars believe that and the library was burned by general public alike hope to eventually shed light on the order mystery of Umar, a powerful 7th century Caliph from Meccaits holdings and its eventual destruction. Until then, after the Muslim conquest details of Alexandria in 641 A.D. Others believe that it was burned by the Emperor Theodosius events in 390 A.D. Finally, many believe it was destroyed during the recapture Library of Alexandria by Aurelian during the revolt of Queen Zenobia of Palmyra in 269 A.D's life are left to our imagination.
Despite the best efforts of classical scholars, most details about the Library of Alexandria remain a mystery<youtube>https://www. What is known is that the Library was an unparalleled center of learning in the ancient world which enjoyed the patronage of the ruling monarchy for centuries. Scholars traveled from all over the world to study at Alexandria and copy their books, and it has entered our modern psyche as a symbol of a great loss of knowledge and culture. As time goes on, scholars and the general public alike hope to eventually shed light on the mystery of its holdings and its eventual destruction. Until then, the details of the events in the life of the Library of Alexandria are left to our</youtube>
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