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What is the history of vacations in the United States

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[[File:On-the-beach-at-trouville-1871.jpg|thumb|left|Figure 1. Even in the early 19th century, beach holidays were popular for those who could afford to take time off.]]__NOTOC__
The family vacation or even just vacations by individuals and couples is a tradition in the United States that goes back to at least the early 19th century. Today, most of us consider it part of middle-class life, that is to go on vacation out of town and even abroad if one can afford it. The idea of a vacation and what it means has evolved as our tastes, and our finances, have changed.
====Early History of the Vacation====Vacations probably begin in antiquity, with records indicating in the Roman Empire period the presence of inns and travel lodges available in parts of the Roman Empire that allowed individuals, usually reasonably wealthy, to travel and enjoy the countryside or areas within the Roman Empire that were relatively peaceful. The Roman Empire was probably among the first states, although it is possible vacations go back even further in time such as the Achaemenid Period, where infrastructure, such as roads and hotels or lodges, were purposely built for people to enjoy time away from their normal daily life. What we might consider wealthier upper-middle-class and elites would have been likely the ones taking these holidays in different parts of the Roman Empire to enjoy a new atmosphere or simply relax. Perhaps the Roman Empire was also the first to extend the idea of vacations beyond only very wealthy individuals.
Vacations probably begin in antiquity, with records indicating in the Roman Empire period the presence of inns and travel lodges available in parts of the Roman Empire that allowed individuals, usually reasonably wealth, to travel and enjoy the countryside or areas within the Roman Empire that were relatively peaceful. The Roman Empire was probably among the first states, although it is possible vacations go back even further in time such as the Achaemenid Period, where infrastructure, such as roads and hotels or lodges, were purposely built for people to enjoy time away from their normal daily life. What we might consider wealthier upper-middle-class and elites would have been likely the ones taking these holidays in different parts of the Roman Empire to enjoy a new atmosphere or simply relax. Perhaps the Roman Empire was also the first to extend the idea of vacations beyond only very wealthy individuals. Vacations seem seemed to die out after the Roman period, at least in Europe, although they may have continued in more prosperous regions such as the Middle East and China in the early Medieval periods. HoweverIn these regions, wealthy individuals in these regions likely partook in vacations. Desert castles, such as in Jordan, have been found, suggesting they were holiday homes for the wealthy elites, for instance. In late Medieval and early Modern Europe, vacations were essentially retreats for the wealthy who had homes in the countryside or were able to travel, sometimes for months, to new destinations to spend time away from their normal dwellings. This included going on extended hunting or eventrips just to escape.
The concept In the Renaissance, the idea of vacations only for touring Europe and more exotic locations began to be developed among the wealthelites. This idea of touring ancient countries and regions, where they would spend sometimes months in the countryside away perhaps from their urban homesso-called Grand Tour for instance which was educational but also leisure, extended in Europe and Asia would go on to influence the early United States after its founding. Thomas Jefferson's home, the Poplar Forest, is an example of a vacation, retreat home for in the 18th and early elite Americans19th century. This exemplified the concept of European-style <ref>For more on early vacations for the wealthwealthy and powerful from antiquity until the Medieval period, see: Casson, who would retreat into more isolated countryside for sometimes long retreatsL. They might be engaged in writing, reading, hunting, going on walks, or possibly other sport and leisure activities1994. Exploration became a theme <i>Travel in the Renaissanceancient world</i>. Johns Hopkins Paperbacks ed. ed. Johns Hopkins University Press, and with the United States expanding across North America, wealthier individuals also went on long excursions exploring the vast continentBaltimore.</ref>
==Changing Attitudes The concept of vacations only for the wealthy, where they would spend sometimes months in the countryside away perhaps from their urban homes, was another early influence on the idea of vacations in the 19th Century==United States after its founding. Thomas Jefferson's home, the Poplar Forest, is an example of a vacation or retreat home for early elite Americans. This exemplified the concept of European-style vacations for the wealthy, who would retreat into more isolated countryside for sometimes long retreats to write, reflect, or relax. Such vacations began to be considered part of the elite lifestyle in the United States. People might have engaged in writing, reading, hunting, going on walks, or possibly other sport and leisure activities while on vacation.
What perhaps changed the perception of the vacation was the railroad. In the 1830s, the United States began to build railroads, initially just outside adventuring into the unknown became another activity of cities such as New York and Bostonthe wealthy, that people began in a way similar to use the idea of the Grand Tour experience, where wealthier individuals also went on their days off from work to venture beyond confines of their townslong excursions exploring the vast continent. Perhaps among the earliest destinations were coastal beaches <ref>For more on the East Coast and soon in idea of retreats for the Southwealthy, see: Falk, J.D. Coney Island, just outside of New YorkKinnell, became among the first places that catered to vacationing individualsS.K. The railroad, powered by steam enginesBrown, helped to vacationers usually for very short stays, perhaps no more than a few daysJ.S., 1987. <i>Searching America: History and sometimes even shorterlife </i>. NeverthelessABC-Clio, this became the first form of mass vacationing in the United StatesSanta Barbara, Calif, pg. 737.</ref>
By ====Changing Attitudes in the mid-19th century, Americans began to see Florida, and then later California, as popular areas for longer vacations. Places such as Silver Springs in Florida offered rowing and became among Century====What perhaps changed the perception of the vacation was the first resort-style places to attract mass tourismrailroad. In addition to beach holidays, boating and rowing were popular leisure activities in rivers and lakes around the country. For the elites1830s, steamboats allowed them to more easily travel abroad. This began a period of travel to Europe and even more exotic locations, but this was very rare. The railroad had begun to increase its spread in the United States, but the Civil War brought leisure activities began to a standstill until after the war. By the late 19th centurybuild railroads, attitudes to leisure initially just outside of cities such as New York and vacations began to expand to more types of workersBoston, including the lower classes. In the 1890s, companies and local councils and governments that people began to pay or even subsidize leisure and vacation time for use on their employees. Vacation homes were built by these organizations to allow their employees to spend time away days off from work along with to venture beyond confines of their familiestowns. These heavily subsidized vacations made vacationing affordable. In Perhaps among the 1890s, a teacher taking a vacation with earliest destinations were coastal beaches on the family could pay no more than $75, which would include room, board, leisure activities, East Coast and lecturessoon in the South (Figure 1). This also covered up to six weeks Coney Island, just outside of summer vacation. EffectivelyNew York, this became among the first form places that catered to masses of employee vacation policyvacationing individuals and families. Most companies and workplaces did not have such policies but increasingly some companies and organizations realized the benefits of giving their employees time off The railroad, powered by steam engines, helped vacationers usually go for vacations because of the health benefitsonly very short stays, where workers were often perhaps no more productive and better restedthan a few days, and thus less stressed, after vacations. Some medical researchers already recognized the benefits of vacations and began to encourage their patients to take time offsometimes even shorter.
==The Twentieth Century==Nevertheless, this became the first form of mass vacationing in the United States, although most Americans still did not go on vacations at this time and virtually no jobs offered paid time off.<ref>For more on the early American vacation in its history, see: Aron, C.S., 2001. <i>Working at play: a history of vacations in the United States</i>. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.</ref>
While beach holidays and nature spots were already popular in By the mid to late -19th century as vacation areas, soon city breaks also became popular in the 1910s and 1920s. Travel Americans began to This included cities such as New York see Florida, and Philadelphiathen later California, which were seen as exciting places and city holidays began to be popularareas for longer vacations. Hotels were built Places such as Silver Springs in increasing numberFlorida offered vacation facilities, such as the Waldorf Astoriaboth natural and constructed, and by became among the 1920s grand hotels were being built in major cities. These catered first resort-style places to wealthier but also middle-class Americansattract mass tourism. The Great Depression and World War II did slow travel, although Americans continued In addition to go on short beach holidays or vacations near their place of living. Exclusive holidays in the mountains, such as in Colorado, boating and rowing were popular for leisure activities in rivers and lakes around the wealthycountry. HoweverFor the elites, hotels and getting steamboats allowed them to these more isolated destinations made easily travel expensive and time-consumingabroad. Travels by zeppelin-style airships This began a period of travel to Europe and large ocean liners made vacations by wealthier Americans even more feasible to more distant, primarily European and Asians destination, but sometimes these could be risky, as the <i>Titanic</i> and <i>Hindenburg</i>. In factexotic locations, with travels once again influenced by the high costs concept of travel and dangerous perception of travel often limited more distant vacations. For the average AmericanEuropean Grand Tour, the automobile, particularly more affordable cars now becoming increasingly common for middle-class people, allowed weekend trips but this was rare and vacations to be more possible, particularly around major cities. Resort towns, such as Wisconsin Dells and Atlantic City, developed around major cities such as Chicago, New York, Boston, mostly and otherselite endeavor.
With The railroad had spread in the end of World War IIUnited States, but the development of the airline industry, and greater worker time off given by employers, the post-Civil War years were brought leisure activities to a boom for vacationing families and companies that catered to thisstandstill until after the war. Ski holidays began By the late 19th century, attitudes to become popular leisure and it was this time that towns such as Aspen Colorado vacations began to reinvent themselves for tourists. The 1950s and 1960s saw mass tourism beginning to develop by using air travel expand to more exotic destinationstypes of workers, including the lower classes. The Mediterranean, MexicoIn the 1890s, companies and local councils and Central America became popular with tourists as packaged holidays governments began to be developed by traveling companies bringing more affordable vacations to middle-class Americans, particularly destinations that pay or even subsidize leisure and vacation time for their employees. Vacation homes were once the privy of wealthier individuals. Destinations such as Las Vegas and Acapulco became popularised built by Hollywood and vacationing companies began these organizations to respond allow their employees to this demandspend time away from work along with their families. In fact, the trend of air travel and increasing influence of film and television These heavily subsidized vacations made new and ever increasingly exotic locations develop as new holiday destinationsvacationing affordable. The interstate highway system, fist built during In the Eisenhower years1890s, became utilised for mass vacations within a teacher taking a vacation with the United States. For most Americansfamily could pay no more than $75, the tradition of roadtrip holidays began during these years as highways made national parkswhich would include room, coastal citiesboard, beach areasleisure activities, and resort towns more accessiblelectures. This also covered up to six weeks of summer vacation.
==Recent Events==Effectively, this became the first form of employee vacation policy as leisure activities increasingly became part of the American lifestyle. Most companies and workplaces did not have such vacation policies but increasingly some companies and organizations realized the benefits of giving their employees time off for vacations because of the health benefits, where workers were often more productive and better rested, and thus less stressed, after vacations. Industrial strikes and increased wealth also incentivized companies to begin to give their workers time off for vacations. Some medical researchers already recognized the benefits of vacations and began to encourage their patients to take time off.<ref>For more on how early beach holidays and travel destinations developed in the mid-19th and later 19th century, see: Gassan, R.H., 2008. <i>The birth of American tourism</i>. New York, the Hudson Valley, and American culture, 1790-1830. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst. </ref>
====The Twentieth Century====[[File:Bathers-Enjoying-the-Atlantic-City-Beach-1905-e1449006000625.jpg|thumb|left|Figure 2. Atlantic City became popular by the early 20th century as it catered to urbanities looking for easy breaks from the city.]]<dh-ad/>While beach holidays and nature spots were already popular in the mid to late 19th century as vacation areas, soon city breaks also became popular in the 1910s and 1920s. Travel included cities such as New York and Philadelphia, which were seen as exciting places and as city holidays began to be popular. Hotels were built in increasing number, such as the Waldorf Astoria, and by the 1920s grand hotels were being built in major cities. These catered to wealthier but also middle-class Americans. Along the coast, towns such as Atlantic City became popular for short breaks and began to create large hotels for holidays (Figure 2).  The Great Depression and World War II did slow travel, although Americans continued to go on short holidays or vacations near their place of living. Exclusive holidays in the mountains, such as in Colorado, were popular for the wealthy. However, hotels and getting to these more isolated destinations made travel expensive and time-consuming. Travels by zeppelin-style airships and large ocean liners made vacations by wealthier Americans more feasible to more distant, primarily European and Asians destination, but sometimes these could be risky, as the <i>Titanic</i> and <i>Hindenburg</i> demonstrated in their respective disasters. In fact, the high costs of travel and dangerous perception of travel often limited more distant vacations.  For the average American, the automobile, particularly more affordable cars now becoming increasingly common for middle-class people, allowed weekend trips and vacations to be more possible, particularly around major cities. Resort towns, such as Wisconsin Dells and Atlantic City, developed around major cities such as Chicago, New York, Boston, and others.<ref>For more on early twentieth-century tourism and travel by Americans, see: Souther, J.M., Bloom, N.D. (Eds.), 2012. <i>American tourism: constructing a national tradition</i>. 1. edition. ed. Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago, Chicago. </ref> With the end of World War II, the development of the airline industry, and greater worker time off given by employers, the post-war years were a boom for vacationing families and companies that catered to this. Ski holidays began to become popular and it was this time that towns such as Aspen Colorado began to reinvent themselves for tourists. The 1950s and 1960s saw mass tourism beginning to develop by using air travel to more exotic destinations. This was the period when theme parks began to develop and become part of the American tradition of summer holidays, with Disney Land (1955) and then later Disney World (1965) developing. Employers also now offered about two weeks for vacations to their workers, as this practice became more standard but not always universally applied.  The Mediterranean, Mexico, and Central America became popular with now middle-class tourists, as packaged holidays began to be developed by travel companies bringing more affordable vacations to middle-class Americans, particularly destinations that were once the privy of wealthier individuals. Destinations such as Las Vegas and Acapulco became popularised by Hollywood and vacationing companies began to respond to this demand.  In fact, the trend of air travel and increasing influence of film and television made new and ever increasingly exotic locations develop as new holiday destinations. The interstate highway system, first built during the Eisenhower years, became utilized for mass vacations within the United States. For most Americans, the tradition of road trip holidays began during these years as highways made national parks, coastal cities, beach areas, and resort towns more accessible.<ref>For more on the post-World War II tourism and vacation trends, see: Rugh, S.S., 2010. <i>Are we there yet?: Golden Age of American Family Vacations</i>. University Pr Of Kansas, Lawrence. </ref> ====Recent Events====In the last few years, one can argue social media has become the new form of mass tourism promotion. Increasingly, younger people are looking at travel sites, sharing information on social media, and other online platforms to help push new tastes for travel. The rise of Airbnb and online platforms also offer alternative stay locations that have also helped this trend. Often these destinations are exotic, but for most Americans, vacations have not changed that much since the 1950s-1960s.  New theme parks, water parks, and resorts have developed in popular destinations such as Orlando or Los Angeles. However, for most Americans, two weeks is still the most they will devote to vacations for the entire year, where as in Europe four weeks or more has become standard time for vacations and often mandated by law.<ref>For more on modern American tourism, see: Munar, A.M., Gyimóthy, S., Cai, L.A., 2014. <i>Tourism social media: transformations in identity, community and culture</i>. Emerald, Bingley, U.K.</ref>{{MediaWiki:AmNative}} ====References====<references/> [[Category:Wikis]][[Category:United States History]] [[Category:Cultural History]]

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