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Why was Los Alamos created by the Manhattan Project

22 bytes added, 00:03, 11 June 2019
Virtually overnight Los Alamos became an ivory tower frontier boomtown, as scientists and their families, along with particle accelerators and other experimental equipment, including two Van de Graaff generators, a Cockroft-Walton machine, and a cyclotron, arrived caravan fashion at the Santa Fe railroad station and then made their way up to the mesa along the single primitive road. The staff included many contemporary and future stars of the scientific community, including Luis Alvarez, Hans Bethe, Norris Bradbury, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, Eric Jette, George Kistiakowsky, Seth Neddermeyer, John von Neumann, Emilio Segrè, Cyril Smith, Edward Teller, Victor Weisskopf, Robert Wilson, and many more. In the spring of 1943, a sizeable contingent of British scientists arrived at Los Alamos as well. It was an unimaginable collection of talent and machinery for a remote outpost in the mountains of New Mexico.
* Republished from [| The Manhattan Project: An Interactive Project]
* Article: [| Establishing Los Alamos, 1942-1943]
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