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What was the impact of Ivan the Terrible on Russia

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[[File: Hw-ivan4.jpg|300px200px|thumb|left|Ivan IV from a contemporary print]]__NOTOC__Ivan the Terrible is one of the best-known Russian Tsars and is commonly regarded as one of the cruelest men in history. He has been portrayed countless times in books and movies. However, the legend that is Ivan the Terrible often obscured the historical leader, who was one of the most important figures in the Russia's history of Russia.  He may have been mentally unstable and a brutal autocrat , but he was a brilliant leader who modernized Russia and who also laid the foundations for the later Russian Empire. This article discusses the impact of Ivan the Terrible on Russia. It analyses his impact on the development of Russia as a state and as an Empire. The piece also discusses Ivan’s policy failures and tyranny , which were to have very tragic consequences for the Russian people.  
Russia The Mongols had been conquered by the Mongols Russia in the 13th century , and for many years they imposed a tribute system on the Russian princes. The Golden Horde , as the Mongols were known dominated, Russia from their bases in Crimea and in the South of Russia. These years changed Russia and its culture. By the 15th century, the Khanate of the Golden Horde had broken up after a Tamerlane's massive defeat by Tamerlane. However, the successor states of the Golden Horde dominated much of modern Russia. The weakening of the Mongols allowed the state of Moscow to emerge. Under a succession of Grand Princes, members of the Rurik Dynasty, the State of Muscovy, had been able to expand mostly at the expense of the Mongols' descendants of the Mongols, often known as the Tartars.<ref> Madariaga, Isabel de. <i>Ivan the Terrible. First Tsar of Russia</i>. (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2005), p. 56</ref>
By the mid-sixteenth century the state of , Muscovy, centered on Moscow , was in a precarious strategic position it was bordered by . Tartar Khanates bordered it to the south and east. To the west was the huge massive kingdom of Poland-Lithuania. However, the State of Muscovy was able to command a large vast territory that was rich in resources and a large army. Under successive able Grand Princes’ it had dominates the other Russian princedoms and city-states such as Novgorod. However, many of these princes only were technically part of the state of Muscovy , and the hereditary nobility often opposed the will of the Grand Princes and even intrigued with his many enemies. It was widely believed that the nobles or Boyars poisoned Ivan’s father and his mother , the queen regent. At the time of Ivan’s birth, Muscovy was a sprawling but fragmented entity that covered covering large areas of central Russia.
====The reign of Ivan the Terrible====
[[File: Siege of Kazan (Pyotr Korovin, 1890).jpeg|200px300px|thumb|left|Ivan the Terrible at the siege of Kazan]]The early life of Ivan was harsh. The His regency was passed among the feuding nobility and the young boy . Ivan and his brother often went hungry they and were so neglected. It was at During this time that , Ivan developed a hatred and distrust for the nobility. At the age of sixteen, he was crowned and he took the title Tsar of all the Russia’s. This claim at the time was ludicrous as Ivan and Moscow were very weak. Ivan despite his youth proved to be a capable administrator. He rebuilt Moscow after a fire. He introduced the first parliament, found a standing army, known as the Streltzi, reformed the Church and stamped out many clerical abuses.<ref> Madariaga, p. 23</ref> Ivan was also a modernizer and he introduced the printing press into Russia. However, he was concerned about the mobility of the peasantry and was the first to introduce a series of regulations that limited their freedoms and tied them to the lands. Ivan also introduced a measure of self-government into lands that had been recently colonized by peasants to encourage colonization of virgin territories. Ivan also sought to develop trade links with western Europe and in order to win allies in the west he once proposed to Elizabeth I.
The first years At the age of Ivan’s reign were marked by reforms and peace. Howeversixteen, this he was to change crowned, and many have even claimed that this was a result he took the title Tsar of some undiagnosed mental health issuesall Russia. More likely the drastic change in Ivan’s policies was due His claim to external and internal threats. In the 1560s, Tsar of all Russia was involved in several wars absurd because both Ivan's and a drought caused widespread famine. There Moscow's political power were rumors of revolt and conspiraciesnon-existent. Ivan decided that he needed to strengthen , despite his positionyouth, especially against the Boyarsproved to be a capable administrator. He found the Oprichnina a military and rebuilt Moscow after a police force that was soon given free reign against Ivan’s many real and imagined enemiesfire. There were several waves of persecution launched by He introduced the Oprichnina. This involved mass arrests and executions mainly of Boyars and their supporters. The Oprichnina greatly extend first parliament, founded a standing army known as the hold of Ivan over Streltzi, reformed the hereditary nobility but its members increasingly enriched themselves Church, and became a ‘state within a state’stamped out many clerical abuse cases.<ref> Madariaga, p. 23</ref>
Later, Ivan disbanded was also a modernizer and introduced the force in 1572printing press into Russia. The Tsar became increasingly paranoidHowever, especially after the death of his beloved wife and he suspected the city of Novgorod was going to betray him.<ref>Bobrick, Benson. Ivan concerned about the Terrible. (Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 1990), p. 156</ref> He attacked the city and had it sacked in an orgy of bloodshed peasantry's mobility and brutality that lasted weeks. Soon Ivan IV had earned the name ‘The Terrible’. The Tsar throughout much of his reign was engaged in wars with the various Khanates first to the south launch a series of regulations that limited their freedoms and tied them to the eastlands. In Ivan also introduced a series measure of wars, he conquered of forced self-government into areas that had been recently colonized by peasants to encourage the submission colonization of three Muslim Khanatesvirgin territories. He not only vastly increased the extent of Ivan also sought to develop trade links with western Europe and win allies in the territory of Muscovy west he also turned it into a multi-faith and a multi-ethnic stateonce proposed to Elizabeth I.
In effect, Reforms and peace marked the first years of Ivan IV had founded a new Russian Empire's reign. Despite being a devout Orthodox Christian Ivan pursued a policy of toleration towards his many Muslim subjects. For many years Ivan However, this was involved in a brutal war to the westchange, and many have even claimed that this was the Livonian Warresulted from some undiagnosed mental health issues.<ref> BobrickMore likely, p. 114</ref> It the drastic change in Ivan’s policies was an attempt by Russia to expand due to external and internal threats. In the Baltic Sea and this 1560s, Russia was involved it in a series of several wars with Sweden, Denmark, and Poland among othersdrought caused widespread famine. The war was inconclusiveThere were rumors of revolt and conspiracies. During Ivan's reigndecided that he needed to strengthen his position, Russia started especially against the Boyars. He found the exploration Oprichnina a military and a police force that was soon given free rein against Ivan’s many real and colonization imagined enemies. There were several waves of Siberiapersecution launched by the Oprichnina. In 1555This involved mass arrests and executions, shortly after the conquest mainly of Kazan, the Tartar Khan in western Siberia pledged allegiance to IvanBoyars and their supporters. He failed to pay tribute and The Oprichnina significantly extended Ivan engineered his downfall. This left a power vacuum in 's hold over the region hereditary nobility, but its members increasingly enriched themselves and the Tsar instead of establishing another tributary became a ‘state within a state in Siberia, decided that he would rule it directly.
Later, Ivan disbanded the force in 1572. The Tsar became increasingly paranoid, especially after his beloved wife's death, and he suspected the city of Novgorod was going to betray him.<ref>Bobrick, Benson. <i>Ivan the Terrible</i>. (Edinburgh: Canongate Books, 1990), p. 156</ref> He attacked the city and had it sacked in an orgy of bloodshed and brutality that lasted weeks. Soon Ivan IV had earned the name ‘The Terrible.’ Throughout much of his reign, the Tsar was engaged in wars with the various Khanates to the south and the east. In a series of wars, he conquered of forced the submission of three Muslim Khanates. Ivan not only vastly increased the extent of the territory of Muscovy, but he transformed it into a multi-faith and a multi-ethnic state.  In effect, Ivan IV had founded a new Russian Empire. Despite being a devout Orthodox Christian, Ivan pursued a policy of toleration towards his numerous Muslim subjects. For many years, Ivan was involved in a brutal war to the west, called the Livonian War.<ref> Bobrick, p. 114</ref> Ivan sought to expand Russia to the Baltic Sea and led to a series of wars with Sweden, Denmark, and Poland, among others. The wars were inconclusive.  During Ivan's reign, Russia started the exploration and colonization of Siberia. In 1555, shortly after Kazan's conquest, the Tartar Khan in western Siberia pledged allegiance to Ivan. He failed to pay tribute, and Ivan engineered his downfall. Instead of establishing another tributary state in Siberia, Ivan decided that he would rule it directly.  In 1558 Ivan gave the Stroganov merchant family the patent for colonizing an area east of the Urals. They built many forts and later hired Cossacks to protect their lands. The Tartars had by then established another Khanate in Siberia.<ref>Bobrick, p. 116</ref> The Cossack leader in 1580 began the conquest of Siberia , and he forced many local tribes to pay tribute to Moscow. Later , Ivan sent a large force of Streltsi or members of his army members to assist in the conquest. By 1590 Ivan was also calling himself Tsar of Siberia. Ivan died of a stroke while playing chess and he was succeeded by his middle son Feodorsucceeded him. Russia , at the time of his death , was at the strongest it had in several centuries.  <dh-ad/>
====Ivan and the Orthodox Church====
[[File: Nikolay Shustov 001.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Ivan the Terrible with the body of the son he murdered]]
Ivan was a deeply religious man. He reformed the Church and introduced a unified liturgy for the first time. He also did much to ensure that the Patriarch of Moscow was the leading prelate in Russian lands. This was partly inspired by religious belief but also by , and political necessity as the Orthodox Church could help to unify the far-flung and diverse lands of Russia.<ref> Troyat, Henri. <i>Ivan the Terrible</i>. New York: Buccaneer Books, 1988), p. 216</ref> The Tsar ensured that the Church was tightly controlled , and he appointed the Patriarchs. Like everything else in Russia, the Orthodox Church was tightly controlled , and while it was enriched , it was very much subordinated to the Tsar's wishes of the Tsar. The Tsar saw himself as God’s deputy on Earth and that he could interfere with the Church and shape it to his will. Despite this , Ivan was a great patron of the Church , and he build builds many magnificent Churches and Cathedrals. He also commissioned many religious Artworks and was the first Tsar to have the Orthodox bible printed. Ivan was to shape the nature and the role of the Orthodox Church for many centuries.
====Concept of Tsar====
Ivan was the first true Russian Tsar , and this was possibly his greatest achievement. Ivan believed in the divine right of Kings. This Russian inherited this idea was inherited by Russian from the Byzantine tradition. However, Ivan was the first in many centuries to really seek to ensure that he did actually reign as God’s deputy and was unquestioningly obeyed.<ref>Hunt, Priscilla. "Ivan IV's Personal Mythology of Kingship,", <i>Slavic Review</i>, Vol. 52, No. 4. (Winter, 1993), pp. 769–809. </ref> This does much to explain his apparent unlimited cruelty. He saw himself as an instrument of divine punishment who , which was punishing sinners. In fact, he He believed that by punishing them terribly in this life , he may might have been saving their souls. Ivan’s concept of the role of the Tsar was very influential. A Tsar was expected to be an autocrat and was entitled to order cruel punishments. Furthermore, furthermore there will was be a law. He made autocracy central to the Russian state. The authoritarian ideas of Tsar Ivan IV promoted a political culture in Russia that accepted and even welcomed autocracy , and this has arguably continued up to the present. Moreover, his use of terror tactics to stay in power were was emulated by many subsequent rulers , including Peter the Great and Stalin. There are undoubted similarities between the Ivan's persecution of Ivan and the ‘purges under Stalin in the 1930s.’<ref>Perrie, Maureen. <i>The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia</i> (New York: Palgrave, 2001), p. 115</ref>
Ivan changed the nature of the Russian army and was the first Tsar to establish a standing army. This was to revolutionize the strategic situation and directly lead to a series of conquest. Ivan was the first to introduce western military technology into Russia and this , which was one of his greatest innovations. Tsar Ivan IV was one of the greatest conquerors of his era. His professional army was able to conquer several Khanates.  These Muslim kingdoms had terrorised terrorized Russia for many centuries , and they had frequently raid raided the territory of Muscovy. These were often highly organized slave raids , and many thousands of Russians often usually ended up in the slave markets of Astrakhan. The conquests of Ivan ended this and allowed the Russian lands to develop in relative peace. Furthermore, the annexation of the Khanates turned Russian into a huge Empire.
For the first time since the Mongol invasion , one Russian Slavic Ruler was the dominant political figure in the region , and this has not changed to this date. Despite his reputation for brutality , Ivan was actually quite tolerant , and the many Muslims in his Empire soon came to accept his rule and became integrated into his state.<ref> Troyatt, p. 234</ref> Then there was his colonisation colonization and conquest of Siberia and this , which allowed Russia to expand to the east and to exploit the many resources that changed the nature of Russia forever. It turned the new Russian Empire into a transcontinental power and both a European and an Asian power. The resources of Siberia were to help to turn Russia into a truly great power. Ivan’s military campaigns were not always successful , and he made no significant gains in the west. However, an important trade and cultural contacts were established that were important necessary for the Russian Empire's future development of the Russian Empire.
====The great failures of Ivan====
The Tsar’s ambitious plans and policies had exhausted Russia. The population had suffered greatly , and the army could not recruit sufficient soldiers , and the treasury was almost empty. Russia was a mighty power , but it was also almost bankrupt and weak. After the death of Ivan, he was succeeded by his ineffectual son Feodor. Ivan had killed his heir in a fit of rage , and this was to prove disastrous. Tsar Feodor was incompetent and was to die childless , and this ended the Rurik Dynasty. The instability produced by an uncertain royal succession and a crippled economy resulted in internal instability , which was soon exploited by Russia’s neighbors. This became known as the ‘Time of Troubles’ when the Russian Empire almost collapsed. <ref> Troyatt, p. 314</ref> The state was only saved by the emergence of the Romanov Dynastyonly saved the state. Many historians have argued that the Time of Troubles was a result of Ivan’s policies.
====The impact of Ivan on Russia====
The achievements of Ivan are truly great. He developed a modern Russian state and laid the foundations for a great Empire. However, this had all come at a terrible cost. He had ended the threat to Russia from the Muslim Khanates and had developed a modern state apparatus. Ivan had reformed the Orthodox Church and was also a patron of the arts. He began the colonisation colonization of Siberia, a region that helped to turn Russia in later centuries into a global power. However, countless suffered because of his savagery , and his wars and schemes bankrupted the state and weakened Russia. He also established and elaborated the concept of an autocracy that was used by successive Tsars and even Communists to justify their power and which lead , leading to many centuries of the repressive government in Russia. Ivan transformed Russia , and his achievements , both negative and positive , continue to shape Russia to this day, even in Putin's era. <div class="portal" style="width:85%;">====Related Articles====*[[How did Vladimir Lenin Rise To Power?]]*[[Why was Germany defeated at the era First Battle of the Marne (1914)]]*[[Origins of Putin.World War One - Top Ten Booklist]]*[[Why did Germany not achieve victory at Verdun in 1916?]]</div>
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